What gives you courage?
10 years, 3 months & 3 days ago

10th Dec 2014 08:15
Chutzpa, nerve, audacity.
Call it what you will, but many of us can't go past our fear. For example, I'm afraid of centipedes. Absolutely terrified of 'em. I'm not too keen on deep water, either.
But you know what? Writing -- or blogging! -- about them actually gives me the courage to face them down, maybe not all at once, but little bit by little bit.
So, now it's YOUR turn.
What scares you or gives you courage?
A question of happiness?
10 years, 10 months & 13 days ago

29th Apr 2014 19:22
You have clicked this blog because you were curious.
You clicked it because something made you go, "Huh, wonder what that's all about. I'm gonna check it out."
When you see this blog, I want you to take just a couple seconds and post back what makes you happy.
Can be a thought, memory, or item.
The point of this blog is to see if anybody responds because, quite frankly, I'm curious.
Update on [i]yellow_eco[/i]
13 years & 29 days ago

14th Feb 2012 10:31
Aw, sweet, looks like the emoticons have had a revamp!

Just a quick note to myself that the Doyle needs TWO more stats
in order to progress to a job that's level two!
Eventual Goals....
16 years & 22 days ago

20th Feb 2009 14:31
Psh. Figures. I JUST got Pulzinni that wonderful job as a Blueprinter, and WHAM! They go and make the site all new and shiny so that I suddenly loose MP

GRAGH! hehehe....I kid...mostly....
Aaaanyway, I've figure out I'd like to paint yellow_eco Radioactive or Fuzzy....I'm currently saving up to do so, but might wait until I've completed the Christmas Treasure Map....sigh, so much 2 du! lol.....
A new pet description FINALLY appears.....
16 years & 2 months ago

12th Jan 2009 07:13
After a decent amount of thought, here's the description I've given to the newest member of my league, Neon_Brown...
A withdrawn and somewhat quiet fellow, Neon can often be found outside just admiring the scenery, or traipsing about the outskirts of town "marapeople watching" as he calls it. Others have found his soulful gaze to be a little daunting upon contact, and it's not uncommon to see even a full-grown Tantua shy away from Neon's gaze! Like any Newth, however, Neon will always be drawn to anything cold, and once or twice, I've found him holed up in my freezer...