Getting used to things part II
16 years, 5 months & 19 days ago

23rd Sep 2008 07:02
Well, it appears I've at least made SOME decisions concerning my houses...the smaller of the two will serve as the 'bath house' which will eventually be outfitted as such...
My pet descriptions, which I AM working on by the way,
are nearly my head

All you need to know at this point in time is that the Zetlian is basically....oh wait, I shan't divulge that information...I still AM working under

cover after all...
*twitch, twitch*
16 years, 5 months & 25 days ago

16th Sep 2008 13:33
Holy Good Gravy, have I been a nervous wreck today...

I've jumped at my own shadow twice, nearly tripped rushing to the door only to find out no one was banging on it, and here's the best part....TRIED TO TAKE A NAP

WHOO, I'm tellin' ya, It's been an interesting afternoon. Of course, I suppose I could chalk up this frenetic behavior to the massively bright full moon we had last night...mebbe it had something to do with that...

Getting use to things...
17 years, 10 months & 5 days ago

7th May 2007 20:24
Well, I seem to have fallen into a delightful little pattern because of how things are run on this site. How was I to know this could be so addictive! Already, I have a few goals in tow as they say, and have an easy time plucking my way about site contents. This is not to say I have EVERYTHING under control; but I'm workin' on it.

Perhaps sometimes later this week when my activity schedule isn't so wiggity wonked, I can upload some pet descriptions. That's all fer now.