16 years, 4 months & 19 days ago

28th Oct 2008 15:15
Who's the last guy you spoke to?
My dad......
Has anyone ever called you a bad influence?
What was the last thing you cried about?
i don't remember
Do you like the song "I Kissed A Girl" by Katy Perry?
Uh yeah
Who's the last person you wrestled with?
Do you listen to your friends' advice when they give it to you?
Could you eat nothing but grilled cheese for a week straight?
yes, but only with strawberry jelly
Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and your sure they won't tell anyone?
i think so
Are you a good driver?
Hell Yeah, no i'm just kidding i'm not old enough
What are you wearing?
tank top tee shirt black pants
Do you get sea sick?
When is the next time you will see your crush?
This Thursday
Does anyone call you baby?
Is there anyone you really want to see right now?
my crush
If all your friends went on a road trip would you go to?
Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
i don't know
What were you doing 2 hours ago?
watching TV
Who were you with at 12:00 last night?
me, myself and i
How did you spend the beginning of your summer?
Do you tend to give in or stand strong?
it depends
Are you mad at the last person who called you?
Listening to?
HSM3 sound track Song:High School Musical
If you could move out of the house right now would you?
Last time you took a picture of something other than yourself?
How did you feel when you woke up today?
Nothing at all
What time did you go to sleep last night?
When was your last encounter with the police?
Uh never
Did you sing at all today?
Do you believe in love?
Um..... yeah who doesn't?
Are you too forgiving?
no... definitely not
Ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex?
Are you kidding me....that would be really weird
Have you ever been to North Carolina?
no but my sister has
Do you ever wanna know who you're going to marry?
not really i want it to be a suprise
Would you rather live in Alaska or Texas?
Did you mean it when you said "I love you" last?
I Guess
Do you crack your knuckles?
Are your nails painted?
no i can't keep it on i peel it off after 30min
Can you determine the difference between a ball and a strike?
Do you use T9 word, or AB???
what kind of a question is that?
Are you good at giving directions?
Ever licked someone's cheek?
What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
granny smith appels
Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you?
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
Are you happy?
Do you currently have a hickey?
Do you like scary movies ?
hell ya
What are you looking forward to in the next 4 days?
YouthGroup and my crush