LOM - Luck!
15 years, 1 month & 22 days ago

19th Jan 2010 06:15
Okay so basically there are 15 questions. You can only answer one question per day. POST THE CORRECT ANSWER ON THIS BLOG. If your right, you get the item behind the question (all the prizes are in trades, but you don't know which prize is for what item) Whether you get an expensive item, or a cheap one, it's your Luck!
This month's theme is:
[See the prizes in my trades]
Donate 500 mp to the club till to play.
Play once a day only, please.
The questions are:
1. Name two main powers who fought against one other in WW1.
2. Which revolution lead to the rise of communism in Russia?
3. What is our club leader's nickname?
4. What were the first set of items given as prizes, the first time Luck had ever come out?
5. Brisingr is a part of which cycle of books?
6. What is the apparent meeting point of the sea and the sky called?
7. Most commonly used alphabet in the English language?
8. What is the most popular theoram based on the lengths of the sides of a right angled triangle called?
9. I am an item on marapets. When I am young I am tall, when I grow old I become short. I give light to the world. I am rarity 18. What am I?
10. I am an item on marapets. I tell the date to people, and I am showing a certain friday. What am I?
11. I am an item on marapets. I am shaped in the company that produced Mac Book, and I am the appliance that a Mac Book is. What am I?
12. I am an item on marapets. I am a minipet, a mix of a unicorn and a dragon. I am colored. The name of my color does not begin with B, G, P, O, R or W. What am I?
13. I am an item on marapets. I can tell you about the clown's in the past. What am I?
14. I am an item on marapets. I am the horns of a reindeer. What am I?
15. I am an item on marapets. Have you seen the movie Ice Princess? Well I am the sport which it's based on. What am I?
p.s. - guys this time I've added a new "What am I" section of questions, tell me how you like them, I might start it as a completely new activity on LOM. Thanks.