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  1. Child Abuse
    2nd Sep 2008 17:05
    16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
  2. Another sad story
    2nd Sep 2008 16:42
    16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
  3. What grade do you have in life?
    31st Aug 2008 16:33
    16 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  4. blonde moments
    29th Aug 2008 18:22
    16 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  5. sad love story
    5th Oct 2007 14:59
    17 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
Child Abuse
16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
2nd Sep 2008 17:05

Her name was Alisha
She was only five
This is what happened
When she was alive

Her dad was a drunk
Her mom was an addict
Her parents kept her
Locked in an attic

Her only friend
was a little toy bear
It was old and worn out
And had patches of hair

She always talked to it
When no one's around
She lays there and hugs it
Not a peep of sound

Until her parents
unlock the door
Some more and more pain
She'll have to endore

A bruise on her leg
A scar on her face
Why would she be
In such a horrible place?

But she grabs her bear
And softly crys
She loves her parents
But they want her to die

She sits in the corner
Quiet but thinking,
" God, why? Why is
My life always sinking? "

Such a bad life
For a sad little kid
She'd get beaten and beaten
For anything she did

Then one night
Her mom came home high
The poor child was hit and slapped
As hours went by

Then her mom suddenly
Grabbed for a blade
It was sharp and pointy
One that she made

She thrust the blade
Right in her chest,
"You deserve to die
You #*!#%^$ F#c*@#!

The mom walked out
Leaving the girl slowly dying
She grabbed her bear
And again started crying

Police showed up
At the small little house
They quickly barged in
Everything was as quiet as a mouse

One officer slowly
Opened a door
To find the sad little girl
Lying on the floor

It must have been bad
To go through so much harm
But at least she died
With her best friend in her arms

Everyday an innocent child dies because of child abuse. If you really care about this then please repost it in your blog!

Another sad story
16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
2nd Sep 2008 16:42

Take time to read this!

Her hair was up in a pony tail,

her favorite dress tied with a bow.

Today was Daddy's Day at school,

and she couldn't wait to go.

But her mommy tried to tell her,

that she probably should stay home.

Why the kids might not understand,

if she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid;

she knew just what to say.

What to tell her classmates

of why he wasn't there today.

But still her mother worried,

for her to face this day alone.

And that was why once again,

she tried to keep her daughter home.

But the little girl went to school

eager to tell them all.

About a dad she never sees;

a dad who never calls.

There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet.

Children squirming impatiently,

anxious in their seats

One by one the teacher called a student from the class. To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed.

At last the teacher called her name,

every child turned to stare.

Each of them was searching,

for a man who wasn't there.

"Where's her daddy at?"

she heard a boy call out.

"She probably doesn't have one,"

another student dared to shout.

And from somewhere near the back,

she heard a daddy say,

"Looks like another deadbeat dad,

too busy to waste his day."

The words did not offend her,

as she smiled up at her Mom.

And looked back at her teacher,

who told her to go on.

And with hands behind her back,

slowly she began to speak.

And out from the mouth of a child,

came words incredibly unique.

"My Daddy couldn't be here,

because he lives so far away.

But I know he wishes he could be,

since this is such a special day.

And though you cannot meet him,

I wanted you to know.

All about my daddy,

and how much he loves me so.

He loved to tell me stories

he taught me to ride my bike.

He surprised me with pink roses,

and taught me to fly a kite.

We used to share fudge sundaes,

and ice cream in a cone.

And though you cannot see him.

I'm not standing here alone.

"Cause my daddy's always with me,

even though we are apart

I know because he told me,

he'll forever be in my heart"

With that, her little hand reached up,

and lay across her chest.

Feeling her own heartbeat,

beneath her favorite dress.

And from somewhere here in the crowd of dads,

her mother stood in tears.

Proudly watching her daughter,

who was wise beyond her years.

For she stood up for the love

of a man not in her life.

Doing what was best for her,

doing what was right.

And when she dropped her hand back down,

staring straight into the crowd.

She finished with a voice so soft,

but its message clear and loud.

"I love my daddy very much,

he's my shining star.

And if he could, he'd be here,

but heaven's just too far

You see he was a firefighter

and died just this past year

When airplanes hit the towers

and taught Americans to fear.

But sometimes when I close my eyes,

it's like he never went away."

And then she closed her eyes,

and she saw him there that day.

And to her mothers amazement,

she witnessed with surprise

A room full of daddies and children,

all starting to close their eyes.

Who knows what they saw before them,

who knows what they felt inside.

Perhaps for merely a second,

they saw him at her side.

"I know you're with me Daddy,"

to the silence she called out.

And what happened next made believers,

of those once filled with doubt.

Not one in that room could explain it,

for each of their eyes had been closed.

But there on the desk beside her,

was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.

And a child was blessed,

if only for a moment,

by the love of her shining star.

And given the gift of believing,

that heaven is never too far.

They say it takes a minute to find a

special person, an hour to appreciate them,

a day to love them, but then an entire

life to forget them.

REPOST THIS TO SHOW APPRECIATION for the people you'll never forget . It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them.

If you don't REPOST THIS, it means you're

in a hurry and that you've forgotten your friends.

Take the live and love.

What grade do you have in life?
16 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
31st Aug 2008 16:33

[] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[] You have your own room.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman.
[x] Your parents are still married.
[x] You love your family (All of them)
[] There is a pool/spa/lake/pond in your backyard.
T 0 T A L: 3

[x] You dress the way you want to.
[] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[x] You have never been beaten up
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to
[x] Your room is big enough for you
[x]People don't use you for something you have
[x] You have been to the movies.
T 0 T A L: 6

[ ] You have over 500 friends on myspace
[] You have pictures of yourself on myspace
[] Your parents let you have a myspace
[] You get allowance/loan.
[]You Collect something normal.
[x] You look forward to going to college/university
[x]You don't wish you were someone else.
[x] You play/have played a sport.
[x] You want to do something after school/college/university
T 0 T A L: 4

[x] Your family owns a car/truck/van.
[x] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[x]You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life
[x] You have friends.
[] You've never had a detention
T O T A L: 4

[x] You know what is going on in the world.
[] You are happy with your life
[x] You usually aren't sick.
[] You know more than one language.
[x] You have a screen name.
[] You own/owned a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs
[] You don't have any enemies
T O T A L: 4

Total over all: 21

times it by 3 = 53

101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F

I currently have a "F" In life.
Post it on your blog!

blonde moments
16 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
29th Aug 2008 18:22

[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking.
[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking.
[ ] You have ran into a glass/screen door.
[ ]You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[ ] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then people gave you weird looks.

[x] You have ran into a tree.
[ ] It IS possible to lick your elbow
[ ] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x]You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm.
[x] You just tried to sing them.
[x] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit.
[ ]You have seen the the Matrix and still don't get it.
[x] You didn't notice that in the last question "the" was spelled twice
[x] You just looked at it.
[ ]Your hair is blonde/dirty blonde.
[ ]People have called you slow.
total so far= 9

[ ] You have accidentally caught something on fire
[ ] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose/eyes/cheek.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.
[x] You've fallen asleep in class
[x] If someone says "fart" you laugh.
[x] You just laughed.
total so far= 13

[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking
[x] You tell a story and forget what you were talking about
[ ] People are often shaking their heads and walking away from you
[ ]You are often told to use your "inside voice".
[x]You use your fingers to do simple math.
total so far= 16

[ ]You have eaten a bug.
[x]You are taking this test when you should be doing something important
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand or pocket (this has happend MANY times!
total so far= 19

[ ] You sometimes post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't even when you know it won't happen to you.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[ ] Your friends know not to use big words around you
[x] You sometimes tilt your head when you're confused
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before
[x] When you're laying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the ceiling
total so far=23

copy and paste this and fill in your blonde moments!

sad love story
17 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
5th Oct 2007 14:59

boy- i missed u at school 2day, y weren't u there?
girl- yeah, i had to go to the doctor.
boy- oh realy? y?
girl- oh nothin, annual shots, thats all.
boy- oh
girl- so wht did we do in math 2day?
boy- u didnt miss ne thing that great.......just lots of notes
girl- ok good
boy- yeah
girl- hey i have a question......
boy- ok, ask away much do u love me?
boy- u kno i love u more than anything
girl- yeah.....
boy- y did u ask?
boy- is something wrong?
girl- no nothing at all
boy- good.
girl- much do u care about me?
boy- i would give u the world in a heartbeat if i could.
girl- u would?
boy- yeah.........of course i would >sounding worried< is there something wrong??
girl- no, everythings fine......
boy- are u sure?
girl- yeah.
boy- ok.......i hope so.
girl- ..............would u die for me?
boy- i would take a bullet for u anyday, hun
girl- realy?
boy- anyday. now seriously, is there something wrong???
girl- no im fine, ur fine, we're fine, everyones fine.
boy- ............ok
girl......................well i have to go ill c u 2morrow at school.
boy- alright, bye. I LOVE YOU.
girl- yeah, i love u 2, bye.
girl- hello?
boy- hey
girl- oh, hi.
boy- y weren't u at school 2day?
girl- uh.......i had another doctor appointment.
boy- are u sick?
girl- i have 2 go, my mom's callin on my other line.
boy- ill wait.
girl- it may take a while, ill call u later.
boy-........alright, i love u hun.
very long pause<
girl- (with tear in her eye) look, i think we should break up.
boy- what???
girl- its the best thing for us right now.
boy- y????
girl- i love u.
boy- hey dude
friend- hey
boy- whats up
friend- nothin, hey have u talked 2 ur ex lately?
boy- no
friend- so u didnt hear?
boy- hear what?
friend- um idk if i should be the one to tell u......
boy- dude, tell me
friend- this number....433-555-3468
boy- ok............
voice- hello, suppam county hospital, this is nurse beckam.
boy- uh.......i must have the wrong number, im looking for my friend.
voice- what is her name, sir?
(boy gives info)
voice- yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here.
boy- rele? y? what happened??? how is she???
voice- her room number is ..646, in building A, suite 3.
boy- WHT HAPPENED??!!!!
voice- plz come by sir and you can see her, goodbye.
boy- WAIT! NO!
*dial tone*
boy- omg are u ok??
girl- ..................
boy- sweetie!! talk to me!!
girl- i..........
boy- u what?? U WHAT???
girl- i have cancer and im on life support
boy- .....................>breaks into tears<......................
girl- they're taking me off 2night
boy- y??
girl- i wanted 2 tell u but i couldnt
boy- y didnt u tell me????
girl- i didnt want 2 hurt u.
boy- u could never hurt me
girl- i just wanted 2 c if u felt bout me as the same i felt bout u.
boy- ?
girl- i love u more than anything, i would give u the world in a heartbeat. i would die for you and take a bullet for you.
boy- ...........
girl- dont be sad, i love u n ill always be here w/u
boy- then y'd u break up w/me?
nurse- young man, visiting hours are over.
but wht the boy didn't kno is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up w/him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.
the boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other...
THE NOTE SAID:i told her i would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me...
Copy and paste this if you cryed at this story..If u dont u dont have a heart.. cry.gif

  1. Child Abuse
    2nd Sep 2008 17:05
    16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
  2. Another sad story
    2nd Sep 2008 16:42
    16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
  3. What grade do you have in life?
    31st Aug 2008 16:33
    16 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  4. blonde moments
    29th Aug 2008 18:22
    16 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  5. sad love story
    5th Oct 2007 14:59
    17 years, 5 months & 7 days ago