My job
15 years, 9 months & 7 days ago

4th Jun 2009 16:12
I work in a daycare. I LOVE kids. I have one of my own. Heres the thing..and please feel free to comment lol.
I have up to 10 kids, sometimes more ALONE! State says no more than 10 per one person in 3 yr olds. Well..One kid has some issues. With out giving out to much info, he has problems controlling himself. He will throw tantrums WAYYY beyond normal for his age. He will hit, bite, kick, and throw him self down over me taking a crayon from him or a book. Yes, 3 yr olds threw them, but these are WAY over the limit. Its extreme. SO I let most of what he does slide. Ive found out, via grandma, how to handle the fits. On to kid #2. He will hit for no reason. He will walk to someone hit/kick them then walk away. I than put him in Time-Out. He gets up after 3-5 min and he goes right back at it. Kid #3. He isnt as bad, basicly typical 3 yr old things. He kicks for toys, hits for someone being in his way, and uses words from home. Well, last week I found out mom slaps him. He slapped a kid in the face while the other kids mom was standing there. I tried to get my boss but...she didnt show. I asked later why he did that and if he saw it somewhere. He said mom hit him. I said where on your bottom? HE said no, so I had him show me. He showed me his face. I was shocked. So I gather he is getting alot of this from home.
My boss wont do a single thing. Ive told her im being hit, other kids are being bullied for nothing, and a few other things related to a girl who is in my room after I leave. My boss refuses to do a thing! She just sits them down. She wont call anyone. Im soo sick of it!! We have been on probation for who knows how long due to the owners not fixing things in the building and not having enough workers. I love these kids to no end but..something has to give! I was going to go on vacation but that is called off. By George Im taking off 2 days in July just for ME!! I need a break before I leave!
This post is to blow off steam. I mean no hard feelings.
As of this monday, June 21, I was moved to a new center! Its soo much better. I have 2s but I also move around since Ive worked for the before and Ive been in every room. Its a NICE change!!
2009 Goals #2
16 years, 2 months & 14 days ago

28th Dec 2008 14:04
[] Make Hannaha an angel
[] Make Dakota_renee an Earth Fairy
[X] Make Laura A Ballon
2009 Goals #1
16 years, 2 months & 14 days ago

28th Dec 2008 10:21
Please feel free to post any shops where I can find any of the items Im needing to complete like Cans, DVDs, books and CDs.
[]Recycle 100 cans
[]Recycle 150 cans
[]Recycle 200 cans
[]Finish Dukka goals
[]Finish Mini Island Goals
[]Complete books for hanaha
[]Complete temples (Key)
[]Complete DVDs for hannaha
[]Complete CDs for hannaha
[X]Gain 2,000,000
[X]Gain 3,000,000
[X]Gain 35,000 RP
[]Get 130 Avvies
[]Get 140 Avvies