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About Xeri: Name is AJ, Published author, 51 years of age (Adult ... I think :D) Parent.

NOTE: My Marasite is operational but always being worked on.
Please respect that I am not always online *even if it says I am*
I SWAP photos, plates, and other items others may have duplicates of.
PLEASE check my trades to see all I have for grabs.
All items are straight MP/RP/BP or Au's unless otherwise stated as I don't need items.
LOW ball offers/offers where I already have the item or more than one offer on the same item(s) are sometimes rejected.


Yes this is me. ;)
  1. 1.5 Billion
    21st Jan 2025 15:13
    1 month, 22 days & 22 hrs ago
  2. 1 billion!!
    31st Aug 2024 18:31
    6 months, 12 days & 19 hrs ago
  3. HUGE double or nothing win!!!
    20th Dec 2023 18:08
    1 year, 2 months & 25 days ago
  4. June 1st monthly check list winner Xs 2!!!
    1st Jun 2023 18:50
    1 year, 9 months & 13 days ago
  5. New Year starts with a win!
    1st Jan 2023 08:05
    2 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  6. On a winning roll!
    10th Dec 2022 15:09
    2 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  7. STILL Stunned that I won this! OMG!
    9th Dec 2022 05:43
    2 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  8. 3 cards to go!
    10th Oct 2022 19:17
    2 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  9. 100 scratch cards and my wins
    9th Oct 2022 18:38
    2 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
  10. HOW... in the world?
    9th Oct 2022 07:01
    2 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
WOW glad I got a new job.
13 years & 8 days ago
7th Mar 2012 18:36

Well I got a new job (Contract work with BMO and Sobeys *thats a grochery store chain*) helping to promote their new line of credit cards sure it's not the BEST job in the world BUT I get to set my own hours, I am never in the same spot twice in a month, I can get to management position in as little as 9 months if I work hard (which isn't an issue) It's a day job and I got it JUST on time as my former Job with Logitech is closing out!!! OMG, I learned yesterday about this! The head CEO to teletech where the Logitech project was being handled from called me yesterday personally and stated that the project was ending and if I wanted to return I'd have to go to another provience!!! Like OMG! SOOO NOT happening! I was informed that on May 28th all logitech employees were being released and sent on their merry way... it sucks and I WILL miss the job but I am sooo happy I got a new job now instead of later (I was given a heads up about this possible closing of the center back in December so I'm GLAD I listened) and I'm even happier that the CEO called me himself to let me know it was all over. I will miss all my pals there and I wish all of them luck.

ON another note my little angel is now 7 months old and growing like a weed, she learned to crawl on the 5th of Feburary and just 3 days ago she managed to learn how to sit up on her own without falling over. Smile she's also saying single words now says like Ma, Ba, Da, Get, Out, NO and Up. Smile She's also figured out it's better to crawl on all 4's instead of like an army man under barbed wire LOL and she's already pulling herself up with the funiture and is so proud of herself when she stands up Smile

Anyway the war is on here in mara yet again and I did pick the light side but we're loosing quite horribly... :S Oh well I suppose I can do my best with what I have considering more people joined Eleka this time around... Smile I'm having fun earning the points for the cards and stuff in the war shop.

Bck for the time being
13 years & 28 days ago
17th Feb 2012 08:57

So it's now Feb of 2012 and it's been a full year since I've been back for any extent of time. Here's what has happened in the last 2 years (cause since 2010 I have only been here briefly)
I moved from Ottawa and came back home to Nova Scotia, stayed with my brother in Westville NS who's wife is a phyco... had to move cause she kept threatening us, moved to Halifax NS into the "ghetto" it sucked there but then our buildings were over 60 years old and we had a slum land lord... I got a job out there and started working for Logitech Smile YEAH me... Smile Love the job BTW Smile IT is for me ... I met a wonderful man who treats my kids and I with respect Smile I was at Logitech a year and went on Mat leave because I had a baby Smile A little girl on July 27th of 2011. Smile not long after she was born we moved again but to the other side of the bridge in the metro area Smile We're in Dartmouth now and we got a town house, which I might add is beautiful and one of the best places I've ever lived in Smile Cammie (pronounced Sammie) is now 6 months old, crawling and babbling. I learned about the Mara war and decided it was time to get muy hiney back in here and work on raising my pets to higher standards. Smile I'm thrilled at all the work Ian has done in here it's amazing Smile my marasite it working thou my main website isn't working so much anymore at least this one is and I hope it stays that way. Some may have noticed Rags is no longer an LE pet but thats ok Smile I've been portling her and my other pets (my adoptees) to see if I could get some cool results so far so good it's been helping with my photos! LOL. Sooo all in all things have been going great, I DO however return abck to the work force come March 24th and even thou IT IS for me I can't imagine working the late hours Logitech has set for me with my new little one so I'm looking for day hours or a job where I can work from home. Here's hoping I can find what I need ASAP. Smile to all my marapals HEEYYY! I missed you! PS I have my own chatroom in my main site if you want to gab get ahold of me VIA facebook

April 25th 2010, New things
14 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
25th Apr 2010 09:14

Well I've been in and out of Mara recently and learned a lot about how the mara uploads are no longer around which doesn't surprise me which in turn bites considering I did pay for upgrades to my mara uploads in the tune of nearly 200 bucks in the 5 years I've been here... (and ppl wonder why now I'm not here as much anymore) loosing out on things I invested in even if they are "donations" still bites... because I put WORK as far as I'm concerned into all that I do even for this PET SITE... I want to help people and provide a "reliable" service to those who asked for a hand, unfourtunally I lost over 18000 images when the site went down and there's no way to get them all back. If I could I would...
Anyway thou on a positive note even thou I've been working non stop lately I've been making the effort to update my web site for my mara pals and friends who use my HTML services. The club layouts are now up and running again (abit thou there's only 12 currently avaliable, more will show soon so bear with me I do work outside my home and I'm gone for up to 12 hours a day) most of the marasites are also avaliable again as well through ordering so if you wish happy.gif mail me I check back in here at least once a day to see how things are and to update happy.gif I hope all my friends are doing well and I miss those I use to talk to happy.gif
chat soon and if you have ideas comments or just want to drop a line please do happy.gif I'd be nice to hear from you!


OMG I actually won 1-1000000!!!!
15 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
2nd Jun 2009 09:16

Today at 15:42 PM MST (12:42 pm MY time) I won the one in a million game and nearly fell off my chair! I was stunned...

I didn't even think the thing worked! I never heard before that anyone won it so I was VERY shocked to see I actually won it!!!!

my number guess was totally random and I wasn't even aiming to win so yeah I got a free million smackers I can now waste LOL!

Marasite being updated!
15 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
7th May 2009 19:08

YES it's being updated and most of it's running PLEASE read the home page journal if you wish to learn whats going on and whats working and whats not... happy.gif Comments are ok in here please refrain from spamming my gues book in my site and above all, remember I'm only one person, so I'm moving as fast as I can in getting my site running again biggrin.gif

Have a wondermaraful day


  1. 1.5 Billion
    21st Jan 2025 15:13
    1 month, 22 days & 22 hrs ago
  2. 1 billion!!
    31st Aug 2024 18:31
    6 months, 12 days & 19 hrs ago
  3. HUGE double or nothing win!!!
    20th Dec 2023 18:08
    1 year, 2 months & 25 days ago
  4. June 1st monthly check list winner Xs 2!!!
    1st Jun 2023 18:50
    1 year, 9 months & 13 days ago
  5. New Year starts with a win!
    1st Jan 2023 08:05
    2 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  6. On a winning roll!
    10th Dec 2022 15:09
    2 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  7. STILL Stunned that I won this! OMG!
    9th Dec 2022 05:43
    2 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  8. 3 cards to go!
    10th Oct 2022 19:17
    2 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  9. 100 scratch cards and my wins
    9th Oct 2022 18:38
    2 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
  10. HOW... in the world?
    9th Oct 2022 07:01
    2 years, 5 months & 6 days ago