A Busy Night on Mara!
17 years, 3 months & 9 days ago

3rd Dec 2007 08:10
Had a very busy night on Mara last night!
It started when I was browsing on the forums...
I saw a topic 'Looking for a Chibs!'
I went to have a look at the offer, seeing as Chimbi is a Chibs.
The offer was a fire Ercuw named SoulFlare.
How could I resist?
I didn't.
I put in an offer.
It was accepted.
And that was good bye to Chimbi.
My first ever pet on Mara and I traded her.
But I have an ERCUW!!!!!!!!!!
How amazing is that??
Very amazing is the answer!
So I changed most of my pet goals.
I gave up buying a Chibs Potion.
I made a pet called Chimbie.
Now she's going to be a Quell as I've put an offer in on a potion.
Everything turned out amazing!
Only problem is that I don't have a mission pet...
Oh well!
I can sort that out!
Saving up for a Quell potion!
17 years, 3 months & 13 days ago

29th Nov 2007 09:03
Well I've decided that I'm going to save up that extra million and buy a Nef Quell potion!
Well this will be my second NQP!
I'm looking for kind Maradans to show their kindness and donate to my Quell fund.
Gumballs are in my shop priced at 1k and 5k.
If you buy one I'll at you to my list.
Kind donators:
BaileyXIII - 150k! Yay!
mariaw40 - 21k! Thanks so much!
princessdiana19 - 10k!
biancababy17 - 5k!
tangoorange - 5k!
princesskatii - 5k!
hawaiianmonkey -3k!
sportsfan2006 - 1k!
SilverMoon32 -1k!
Angel65667 - 500mp!
Some of my goals
17 years, 3 months & 16 days ago

26th Nov 2007 12:42
Lately I've had so many Goals swimming around my head I don't know which to try first!!
Heres a list to help me get my thoughts in order.
1) Save up enought for either a Chibs potion or Quell Potion
2) Sell some of my Gallery items
3) Get a Bronze Games Trophy
4) Costume Chimbi something else
Long term goal
1) Get all LE's
Today I have...
17 years, 3 months & 17 days ago

25th Nov 2007 13:38
Today I have achived so many things!
The main one is that I now have an amzing 1.7 million!
I earnt that all in one day!
This morning I had 8k!
I put in on offer of 1 million on a Fairy Costume for Chimbi.
I reached 287 posts at my amazing club!
I never thought that I could achive all this in one day, but I was wrong!
17 years, 3 months & 18 days ago

24th Nov 2007 05:39
The operation was a success!
You now have a Pink Choi!!
Oh No! The operation also turned Chimbi into a mutant!
Poor, poor Chimbi.
Shes a mutant! I prefered her when she was a pretty little Ice Fairy...
I just had to get carried away.
I gave her the Pink Choi so it wasn't for nothing!
On the plus side I got two Avi's!
Congratulations! You found the 'Mutant' Hidden Avatar!
Congratulations! You found the 'Dr Yekyll' Hidden Avatar!
I'll re-costume Chimbi when I have the money.
I might make her angel.
That would be too cool!