16 years, 4 months & 16 days ago

27th Oct 2008 04:54
Zaphite has put on its new dressing-up costume!
All I can say is yay!

16 years, 4 months & 26 days ago

16th Oct 2008 13:45
Zaphite has changed into a geek Ercuw!
Your Enchanted Geek Ercuw Plushie has now lost its magical power.
After all this time Zaphite has finally gone LE!
341 days to be exact.
Wow, even I didn't think I made her for that long ago!
Time flies and all that...
I don't know what to costume her!
Geek is horrible, I need a basic one.
But basic colours are about 50k each! =o
That's really expensive for a temporary costume...
Ultimatly I want a Soneage costume. <3
That's a long way off yet though!
16 years, 5 months & 3 days ago

8th Oct 2008 11:23
I just hit 2.8 mill!
That's enough to get me a Sindi maker...
I'm just not sure if I want to get it or not!
Just a new Journal Entry.
16 years, 5 months & 10 days ago

1st Oct 2008 11:47

Wow, I haven't posted a blog since January.
Time flies I guess.
Here's an update: I'm back on Mara!
Kind of anyway... I might drift off without realising it again soon. I hope not!
I've got a new club, a new pet and I even motivated myself to make MP!

I know, I shocked myself!