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  1. ((Running Wild)) Chapter 12 Part 3
    8th Jan 2009 18:13
    16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
((Running Wild)) Chapter 12 Part 3
16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
8th Jan 2009 18:13

Luna gasped with pain, her pearly pink eyes glistened with horror as the man punched her in the stomach. Blood spurted out of her mouth, she fell backwards.
"Luna!" Rovan gasped, running up behind her attacker. Quickly, he opened his mouth. The moon was in a waxing state, so only his teeth grew.
"Rovan I-" Luna said, just as the man grabbed ahold of her mouth and jaw.
Rovan's bright yellow eyes glistened with hate, he bit down on the attacker's shoulder with his elongated teeth. Ripping at his flesh, he screamed with agony, letting go of Luna's mouth.
The attacker rush around the corner of the building, grabbing at the chaos that was his arm.
"Luna!" Rovan shouted, leaping to her side, brushing her pure white hair from her face.
Her eyes were closed, red rings covered her face, showing were the man had placed his fingers.
"Luna!" He souted again."Your stronger than that! No true Lupin can die!"
Slowly, her pale eyes opened. She smiled slightly, and leaned over, resting her head on Rovan's arm.
"Werewolf, or Lupin... Most people say Werewolf is stronger..." She said, tears gently rolling down her pale face.
"I think their right." Luna said, gasping as she fainted. Her breathing slowed almost to a stop.
Rovan smiled, a tear had escaped from his golden eyes. Lifting up Luna in his arms, he walked off toward the Revach Household.

"Will she be OK?" Rudolph asked Rovan, staring at the stiff body of Luna. Her expression hadn't changed in almost an hour, and Rudolph was getting upset.
"I'm not really sure..." Rovan said, he was sitting with Luna's head on his lap, he stroked her hair silently for a second.
"If she isn't going to live.. You know what I'll do." Rovan said sternly, his roan red hair falling neatly over his shimmering eyes.
"You... You don't mean!" Rudolph stammered, imagining what his friend would do.
"I'll sacrifice myself for her. Yeah." He said, letting a clear tear drop from his golden eyes, dripping onto Luna's cold cheek.

  1. ((Running Wild)) Chapter 12 Part 3
    8th Jan 2009 18:13
    16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago