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  1. Ah, happy 20th of December ^_^
    20th Dec 2007 07:20
    17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
Ah, happy 20th of December ^_^
17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
20th Dec 2007 07:20

...Yeah. So school finished yesterday, we watched Stormbreaker in Geography {although not all of it because the lesson was shortened to half an hour and now I want to get the DVD because it was quite good even though I missed the beginning and had no idea what was going on x3} we also watched the Simpsons Movie at the end of the day rather than having assembly, which I have seen before but it was just as funny the second time. ^_^ I just made a new club, x~Panic! at the disco~x so if you're looking for a club please join because I currently have a grand total of zero members x3 {besides me}. I'm updating my marasite with whatever the hell I want to put up there so just go look at it, k? And I'm lacking in the MF department which is okay because I hardly ever go on and I have a phobia of people that aren't awesome and well... that makes me afraid of, like, everyone but me, my friends and Ryan Ross doesn't it? x3 Baii~
Ronron-Chan x

  1. Ah, happy 20th of December ^_^
    20th Dec 2007 07:20
    17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago