Mara Guides and other links I find helpful!
10 years, 5 months & 17 days ago

25th Sep 2014 23:41
This is a list of places I've found that are helpful for playing Marapets! Some of them I don't use personally, or regularly, but they may still be of use to you. If you know of more MM me or comment! I put a small description beneath each link about what it helps with but in many cases I've only listed the most significant things.
Disclaimer: Some of these guides/websites may not be updated regularly. This may be due to the owners no longer playing, no longer being active, or just no longer having time to update.
General Guides:
Shaggybear's Maraforce: This site is very helpful for beginners. Also has guides on mission/temple levels, pet jobs, and avatar solutions.
Shera50's Marasite: Also good for beginners. It includes a Smuggler guide and info on past site events.
Sleepysnickers' Marasite: Has crossword answers as well as guides on some quests and dailies.
Tasque's Marasite: Has a guide about making mp as well as a missions overview and several other guides.
Battle Guides:
Lacandy's Battle FAQ: A good battle guide for people starting out!
Gennie's Battle Guide: A more extensive battle guide! Has stats for weapons, wands, cards and more.
General Resources:
Apoptosis' Marageek: Has resources for battling, questing, and layouts, as well as several guides!
Restocking Resources:
Emilly1234567's Beginner's Guide to Restocking: Tips on how to restock if you're just starting out.
FluffyDamager's Restocking Page: A real life timer for shop restocks. Has quick links and an inbuilt window to restock in.
Oxyl's Restocking Resource: Has a clock and quick links for shops.
DiscoNinja's Restocking Resource: Has a clock and quick links. Also has a list of dailies in order of time required between visits.
Pet Value:
Remade's Species Value Guide: Lists specie's trading and maker value as well as where to obtain them.
Haft2beu's Stat Value Guide: Lists values for elite gym and gym stats.
Gourmet Food:
Kiamonster's List of Gourmet Food: Lists all gourmet food by category.
Kittiii's Marasite: Has a list of restockable gourmet food in order of category.
Koolcatcoco's Quest Guide: Has info on several quests such as what items it asks for and profit.
Clothes and Other Items:
OrangeFrappucino's Mara Assist: Has lists of items and where they are obtained.
TaiZan's Contacts Guide: Shows how contacts look on a female doll.
Imaboyorgirl's Marasite: Shows male and female wigs on their respective dolls and allows you to preview on your own doll.
Jadelina's Anagram Sam Solver, Currently Managed By DrSox: Solves Anagram Sam's anagrams!