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  1. Pet Jobs
    8th Nov 2017 01:56
    7 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  2. Temple of Transubstantiation
    24th Oct 2017 15:28
    7 years, 4 months & 18 days ago
  3. Goal Levels
    20th Oct 2017 03:30
    7 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  4. Long Term Goals
    11th Oct 2017 03:33
    7 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
  5. Goals for 2015
    28th Dec 2014 07:14
    10 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
  6. Pet Goals!
    6th Oct 2014 02:40
    10 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  7. Enchanted Plushie Machine
    30th Sep 2014 15:21
    10 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  8. Mara Guides and other links I find helpful!
    25th Sep 2014 23:41
    10 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
Pet Goals!
10 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
6th Oct 2014 02:40

I've decided to cut down on my dream pets a little because there's just too many I'd love to have and too many cute new pets are being released xD So for now I'm only going to have a few pet goals I want to accomplish.

Ferroseed: Make either monster mordo or monster rofling (or possibly something else that fits its name better).

Gundagai: Get up to 1150 transformations (all the non-le transformations add up to only a little higher than this).

Laurentian: Make either robot quell or an underwater/water pet (or again something to fit its name).

Quentan: Make a gothic quell.

Rarci: Finish temple to make baby.

Storsie: Make either a zola or a lightning poera or an underwater chibs? Something that works with its name.

Uriarra: Add all the learnies and gourmet food and keep statting.

Also: Make a hairy sindi. Make/trade for another sea/lake monster named pet.

Some of the above I'll probably trade away eventually but for now I'm keeping them until I complete my goals for them.

Enchanted Plushie Machine
10 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
30th Sep 2014 15:21

You have completed the Enchanted Plushie Instructions

You now have lifetime access to the Enchanted Plushie Machine for FREE

Yay! I bought the pieces separately so I figured it'd take so much longer to complete.
Total Cost: 34,340,000

Notable Enchanted Machine Wins:
11/10/2014 - Enchanted Negative Xoi Plushie
12/09/2017 - Enchanted Silver Paffuto Plushie (394k)
15/09/2017 - Enchanted Ice Zetlian Plushie (100k)
16/09/2017 - Enpiah Goals Plushie (90k)
18/09/2017 - Enchanted White Walee Plushie (470k)
19/09/2017 - Flower Beetle Plushie (212k)
19/09/2017 - Brown Renat Plushie (?)
19/09/2017 - Beige Zetlian Plushie (?)
19/09/2017 - Grinch Plushie (900k)
22/09/2017 - Scorpion Plushie (350k)
26/09/2017 - Fly Plushie (400k)
26/09/2017 - Enchanted Purple Yakubi Plushie (500k)

Vs Regular Plushie Machine:
14/09/2017 - Enchanted Ice Zetlian Plushie (100k)
14/09/2017 - Radioactive Ideus Plushie (490k)
16/09/2017 - Enchanted Black Murfin Plushie (500k)
19/09/2017 - Lilac Leido Plushie (500k)
22/09/2017 - Gold Jessup Plushie (495k)
26/09/2017 - Enchanted Teal Paffuto Plushie (500k)

(Forgot about this ^ list pretty much right away and then went on a several year hiatus so starting again now.
All prices listed are what the item was worth at the time of winning it (rounded up to the nearest k) and are to keep track of roughly how much I've earned back)

Gonna keep track of other game wins here:
Extract Enpiah - Jackpot (30,102RP) 14/09/2017
Bingo - Full House (331,816MP) 15/09/2017
Dukka Dash - Fake Eight Thousand Dukka Coin (approx 1.8mill) 16/09/2017
Gumball Machine - Pear Gumball (approx. 1mill) 20/09/2017
Extract Enpiah - Huthiq Hat (approx. 900k)

Mara Guides and other links I find helpful!
10 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
25th Sep 2014 23:41

This is a list of places I've found that are helpful for playing Marapets! Some of them I don't use personally, or regularly, but they may still be of use to you. If you know of more MM me or comment! I put a small description beneath each link about what it helps with but in many cases I've only listed the most significant things.

Disclaimer: Some of these guides/websites may not be updated regularly. This may be due to the owners no longer playing, no longer being active, or just no longer having time to update.

General Guides:
Shaggybear's Maraforce: This site is very helpful for beginners. Also has guides on mission/temple levels, pet jobs, and avatar solutions.
Shera50's Marasite: Also good for beginners. It includes a Smuggler guide and info on past site events.
Sleepysnickers' Marasite: Has crossword answers as well as guides on some quests and dailies.
Tasque's Marasite: Has a guide about making mp as well as a missions overview and several other guides.

Battle Guides:
Lacandy's Battle FAQ: A good battle guide for people starting out!
Gennie's Battle Guide: A more extensive battle guide! Has stats for weapons, wands, cards and more.

General Resources:
Apoptosis' Marageek: Has resources for battling, questing, and layouts, as well as several guides!

Restocking Resources:
Emilly1234567's Beginner's Guide to Restocking: Tips on how to restock if you're just starting out.
FluffyDamager's Restocking Page: A real life timer for shop restocks. Has quick links and an inbuilt window to restock in.
Oxyl's Restocking Resource: Has a clock and quick links for shops.
DiscoNinja's Restocking Resource: Has a clock and quick links. Also has a list of dailies in order of time required between visits.

Pet Value:
Remade's Species Value Guide: Lists specie's trading and maker value as well as where to obtain them.
Haft2beu's Stat Value Guide: Lists values for elite gym and gym stats.

Gourmet Food:
Kiamonster's List of Gourmet Food: Lists all gourmet food by category.
Kittiii's Marasite: Has a list of restockable gourmet food in order of category.

Koolcatcoco's Quest Guide: Has info on several quests such as what items it asks for and profit.

Clothes and Other Items:
OrangeFrappucino's Mara Assist: Has lists of items and where they are obtained.
TaiZan's Contacts Guide: Shows how contacts look on a female doll.
Imaboyorgirl's Marasite: Shows male and female wigs on their respective dolls and allows you to preview on your own doll.

Jadelina's Anagram Sam Solver, Currently Managed By DrSox: Solves Anagram Sam's anagrams!

  1. Pet Jobs
    8th Nov 2017 01:56
    7 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  2. Temple of Transubstantiation
    24th Oct 2017 15:28
    7 years, 4 months & 18 days ago
  3. Goal Levels
    20th Oct 2017 03:30
    7 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  4. Long Term Goals
    11th Oct 2017 03:33
    7 years, 5 months & 1 day ago
  5. Goals for 2015
    28th Dec 2014 07:14
    10 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
  6. Pet Goals!
    6th Oct 2014 02:40
    10 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  7. Enchanted Plushie Machine
    30th Sep 2014 15:21
    10 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  8. Mara Guides and other links I find helpful!
    25th Sep 2014 23:41
    10 years, 5 months & 17 days ago