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Click HERE for more info about me =) ptUxvLZ.png

I am a player with many usernames. They are:
BahHumbug, Confuzzled, CrazyCatLady, Dork, EggsAndBakey, Fleabag, FoxyMama, FreddieMercury, Frumpy, Funfetti, Furball, Giblets, Gimme, GrandmaFred, HappyXmas, Hippiechick, IHOP, Maniac, Moron, Nightbirde, O_0, Pantomime, Possessed, Prancer, Rood, Spork, Stabbity, Stacie, TheDude, Tisha, Tishalook, Tissue, Twerker, U2

None of my pets are up for trade. I will, however, loan pets for Goals. You will be required to pay the Pet Lending fees (see my blog).

I help make avatars and other graphics (like map icons and banners) for the site. I do not draw pets, clothing, etc.

I cannot tell you why you were banned, underaged or chat banned. Please submit a support ticket or email

I love cats, computers, crime TV, comedy, cheese, the color purple and the letter C apparently.

I will not accept friend requests from people I do not know. Feel free to mail me first. =)

Occasionally I will be busy and unable to answer a Maramail or Maratalk request. Your patience is appreciated.

Sinny is my twin sister from another mister. =)

Sometimes I hold contests, make avatars, pixels etc. in the Graphics Forum. Subscribe to my topics if you want to see them.

If I have duplicates of an item in my gallery I might be willing to sell. Please maramail me to discuss.

I no longer receive any tissues sent to me. I collected them before the avatar was released.

Please visit my Marasite for free graphics, cat pictures, a full list of staff and more!

My birthday is December 17th

This is Harold the Hippie Elephant drawn by Aj
  1. Land of Lost Socks FOTM
    1st Oct 2020 11:53
    4 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  2. Tisha or Tisha?
    1st Dec 2020 16:43
    4 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
  3. Rlchard the Injured Renat
    19th Apr 2018 08:46
    6 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
  4. Pet Lending Fees as of 22 May 2024
    7th Nov 2017 20:11
    7 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  5. Colour-Themed Galleries
    20th Mar 2019 07:47
    5 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  6. Missing Avatars
    1st Feb 2019 19:15
    6 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  7. Missing Purple DNA Minipets
    30th Jun 2018 06:48
    6 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  8. Missing DVDs
    26th Sep 2018 17:15
    6 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  9. My Mara Goals Progress
    26th Nov 2017 00:50
    7 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  10. Rarity List
    1st Jul 2017 18:23
    7 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
Missing Avatars
6 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
1st Feb 2019 19:15

This list is outdated. A lot of avatars have been released that I never added to this list. One day I might get back to it. It sure would be nice if I could remember what (F) and (A) mean.

None at the moment.

Bailiff - Beat Bailiff 15 times in one-player battle arena.
Balloon - Have Balloon Trading Card in your Deck and view it.
Cake - Have Cake Trading Card in your deck and view your Deck.
City Accountant - Battle City Accountant 17 times.
City Banker - Battle City Banker 19 times.
City Hobo - Battle City Hobo once and view Battle Opponents page.
City Realtor - Battle City Realtor 22 times.
Daemon - Beat Daemon 23 times in the Battle Arena.
Elder - Win battle against Elder 400 times in the battle arena.
Evil Tree - Beat Evil Tree 35 times in the battle arena.
Flamed - Beat Flamed 276 times in the one-player battle arena.
Gobble Voodoo Doll - Have a Gobble Voodoo Doll Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Hades - Beat Hades 29 times in the one-player battle arena.
Hero - Beat Hero 110 times in the one-player battle arena.
Hot Dog - Beat Hot Dog 375 times in the one-player battle arena.
Impossible - Beat Devil once in the one-player battle arena.
Lightning Gobble - Have a Lightning Gobble Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Muguel - Buy a Muguel Trading Card from the Kwazikujo Shop.
Mutant Gobble - Have a Mutant Gobble Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Phospho - Lose to Phospho in the one-player battle arena.
Rusty - Beat Rusty 226 times in the one-player battle arena.
Snowball - Beat Snowball 60 times in the one-player battle arena.
Stellar - Random when beating Stellar in a one-player battle arena.
Sultan - Beat Sultan once in the one-player battle arena.
Twree - Have a Twree in your Deck and another in your Inventory then view your deck.
Vibue - Draw against Vibue in the one-player battle arena.
Warrior - Win 50,000+ battles then view the Stats tab on your profile.

Advent - Use an Advent Tree Costume on your pet.
Armoured - Use an Armoured Costume on your pet.
Dark Fairy - Use a Dark Fairy costume on your pet.
Dragon - Use a Dragon costume on your pet.
Enpiah - Use an Enpiah costume on a Gonk pet
Fire Fairy - Use a Fire Fairy Costume on one of your pets.
Halloween - Use a Halloween Costume on one of your pets.
Ice Fairy - Use an Ice Fairy Costume on one of your pets.
Jinn - Use a Jinn costume on your pet
Love - Use a Love Costume on a pet with over 30 magic. (F)(A)
Midnight - Use a Midnight Costume on one of your pets.
Monster - Use a Monster Costume on one of your pets.
Moonlight - Use a Moonlight Costume on one of your pets.
Native - Use a Native Costume on one of your pets.
Nefarious - Use a Nefarious Costume on one of your pets.
Neon - Buy a Neon Costume from the Game Points shop.
Origami - Use an Origami Costume on your pet.
Panda - Use a Panda Costume on one of your pets. (F)(A)
Party - Use a Party Costume on one of your pets.
Phantom - Use a Phantom Costume on one of your pets.
Pinata - Use a Pinata Costume on one of your pets.
Plant - Buy a Plant Costume from the Pirate Ship.
Plushie - Use a Plushie Costume on a huthiq pet.
Red Panda - Use a Red Panda Costume on one of your pets.
Simerian - Use a Simerian Costume on one of your pets.
Snow - Use a Snow Costume on one of your pets. (F)(A)
Snowman - Use a Snowman Costume on one of your pets.
Spy - Use a Spy Costume on one of your pets.
Swamp - Use a Swamp Costume on one of your pets.
Toy - Use a Toy Costume on one of your pets.
Undying Fairy - Use an Undying Fairy Costume on one of your pets. (F)
Villain - Use a Villain Costume on one of your pets. (F)
Werewolf - Use a Werewolf Costume on one of your pets.
Witch - Use a Witch Costume on a Feliz pet.

Doctor - Have a pet with Doctor job accept a promotion Level 7.
Fireman - Have a pet with Fireman job accept a promotion Level 8.
Job Contest - Win a trophy from the Weekly Job Contest and view your Awards.
Journalist - Have a pet with Journalist job accept a promotion Level 9.
Mechanic - Have a pet with Mechanic job accept a promotion Level 10.
Model - Have a pet with Model job accept a promotion Level 11.
Policeman - Have a pet with Policeman job accept a promotion Level 12.
Programmer - Have a pet with Programmer job accept a promotion Level 13.
Soldier - Have a pet with Soldier job accept a promotion Level 14.
Spy - Have a pet with Spy job accept a promotion Level 15.
Teacher - Have a pet with Teacher job accept a promotion Level 16.
Veterinarian - Have a pet with Veterinarian job accept a promotion Level 17.

Farm - Complete 1000 Farming Quests.
Quest Master - Complete 100,000+ quests then view your Stats page of your Profile.
Slater Stalker - Complete 1000 Slater Stalker Quests.
Sumo Sally - Complete 2500 Sumo Sally Quests.

Blitzen - Complete Level 30 of the Blitzen mission.
Hospice - Complete level 30 of the Hospice Missions.
Ice - Complete level 27 of the Blitzen Missions.
Island - Complete level 24 of the Hospice Mission.
Mission Contest - Win a trophy from the Monthly Mission Contest and view your Awards.
Sewage - Complete Level 27 of the Sewer Cleaner Missions.
Sewer Cleaner - Complete Level 30 of the Sewer Cleaner Missions.

Anubis - Complete level 20 of the Temple of Transformation in Simeria.
Slate Pyramid - Complete level 50 of the Slate Pyramid
Sobek - Complete Level 20 of the Temple of Transmogrification in Simeria.
Snek - Pass level 27 of the Bootleg Pyramid (prize is a Snek minipet)
Transformation - Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transformation in Simeria.
Transmogrification - Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transmogrification in Simeria.
Transumption - Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transumption in Simeria.
Transuranics - Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transuranics in Simeria.
Transvaluation - Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transvaluation in Simeria.
Waka - Complete Level 20 of the Temple of Transuranics in Simeria.

Chameleon - Win a Chameleon from the Rainbow Fairy.
Chariot - Win the Chariot minipet from Simeria Goals.
Dandy - Win the Dandy minipet from Puchalla Village goals.
Fangs - win Fangs from Tooth Fairy
Fire Fairy - Have a pet with 130 or more Spells and view your pets Spell collection.
Goals - go to the Goals page when you're level 75+ on Progress Goals
Grypho - Pass level 37 of Puny Pyramid (prize is a Grypho minipet)
Kimble - complete level 37 of Nimbus Goals (win Kimble)
Malware - Win the Malware minipet from Ziranek goals.
Popstar - View any minipet attached to your pet with 100 School Music stats.
Shroomy - complete level 40 of Foxfire Goals (win Shroomy)
Teto - Complete level 37 of Biala Goals.
Trauma - win Trauma from Tooth Fairy

Dunkout - submit a score of 250 or more at the Fairy Flight game.
Monty's Great Escape - score 100 or more in the game
Pearl Hurl - complete level 40 on Pearl Hurl
Mine Marada - Unlock all the yetis in Mine Marada

Balloonimal - Attach a Balloonimal to a Pinata pet and view minipet.
Elektro - Attach an Elektro to a Lightning pet and view the minipet
Frolan - Attach a Frolan to a Frostfire pet for 10+ days then view the minipet.
Glitch - Attach a Glitch minipet to a Arcade Decadal then view the minipet.
Jacked - attach a Jacked to an Evil Clown pet
Lucky - Attach a Lucky to a Christmas pet for 99+ days then view the minipet.
Oogie - Oogie attached to a Midnight pet
Patrick - View Patrick minipet attached to a Leprechaun pet.
Phantasm - Attach a Phantasm to a Phantom pet then view the minipet.
Polar - Attach a Polar to a Polar pet then view the minipet.
Snooty - Attach a Snooty to a Princess pet then view the minipet.
Super Hero - Attach a Superhero to a Superhero pet then view the minipet.
Swoop - Attach a Swoop to a Nimbus pet then view the minipet.
Wacky - attach a Wacky to a Mad Scientist pet

Apophis - Buy an Apophis from the Spy Shop.
Cairo - Buy a Cairo from the Spy Shop.
Dune - Buy Dune from Spy Shop
Erto - View attached Erto aged 300+ days
Laiyee - View your pet when it has 5 Laiyees attached to it.
Pinkal - Attach a Pinkal to your pet for 270+ days then view the minipet.
Silser - Buy a Sisler minipet from Slater Stalker Shop.

Dapple - Make a Dapple plate.
Gargrunt - Make a Gargrunt plate.
Neemi - Make a Neemi plate.
Yolk - Make a Yolk plate.

Acorn - Earned during the Scout Event Summer 2016 when completing at least four badges for Team Acorn.
Advent - Advent Calendar prize, December 2004
Bonehead - Buy a Bonehead from the Minipet Shop during Halloween 2009.
Camp Pamba - Be on Camp Pamba for the Safari Event 2018.
Easter 07 - Complete Easter Egg Hunt 2007.
Enchanting Ercuws - do a challenge and be on the Enchanting Ercuws team during the Academy of Witchcraft & Wizardry event of June 2020
Fawlt - Acquired by winning a Fawlt from Promote Marapets Competition and reading the alert.
Halloween Snowman 08 - Acquired randomly when completing 2008 Halloween Snowman Quests in 2007.
I Betrayed Baspinar - Light Siders who supported Sultan ... visit Sultan.
Levitating Latis - do a challenge and be on the Levitating Latis team during the Academy of Witchcraft & Wizardry event of June 2020
Light Side - Acquired by fighting for the Light Side during War June 2007.
Marching Band - Random during the band event when you're on the Marching Band team
Spellcasting Snookles - do a challenge and be on the Spellcasting Snookles team during the Academy of Witchcraft & Wizardry event of June 2020
Tricked - Acquired on April 1st 2005.
Undying - Acquired only on October 31st 2004.
Undying Festival - Acquired by completing Undying Festival 2007.

Chocolate - Own a Chocolate pet and feed it any chocolate.
Cool Beans - make a Cool Beans stamp at the Microwave (cooling fan + red bean for 24 seconds)
Download - Put the Uploads Stamp in your stamp album and view the Ziranek page of your album.
Email - Refresh your pet`s DVDs list after it`s watched the `You Have Maramail` DVD
Fire - Equip the Flaming Weapons set (axe, shield, fan, and hammer) to a Fire pet then view the weapons.
Heart Mandolin - Visit your pet's instruments collection when your pet is Level 10 Heart Mandolin.
Hideous - Complete the Undying Woods page of your Stamp Album and then view your awards page.
History - Have your pet complete 152+ History lessons at the School.
Jackpot - Win the Lottery.
Kazoo - View your pet's Instruments collection when your pet is Level 10 Kazoo.
Ninja - Use an Enchanted Ninja Knutt Plushie on one of your pets.
NO LIFE - Have a total of 50,000+ Forum posts and go to Forums.
Over Achiever - view your awards page when you have 5 of any reward
Play - View the Play collection of your pet with over 2500 toys.
Space - Have your pet turn into a Space pet at the Operation Portal in Ziranek.
Superhero - Take your Superhero pet to the Ice Caves and win mps.
Taiko My Heart - Visit your pet's instruments collection when your pet is Level 10 at Heart Taiko.
Toddler - Own 3 Toddler Pets and then view your pets page.
Yellow Snow - feed your pet a Suspicious Yellow Snow Cone or view your pet's gourmet foods after it's been eaten


Missing Purple DNA Minipets
6 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
30th Jun 2018 06:48

Slowly working on these...
(last updated: 01 Jan 2025)

Purple Crikilor (Crikey + Equilor)
Purple Fendol (Feliz + Crindol)
Purple Flonk (Flab + Kronk)
Purple Grinido (Grint + Leido)
Purple Jessutt (Jessup + Knutt)
Purple Justala (Justin + Kaala)
* Purple Lorulf (Lorius + Raulf)
Purple Murfow (Murfin + Addow)
Purple Murfzul (Murfin + Azul)
Purple Newstin (Newth + Justin)
Purple Paffint (Paffuto + Grint)
Purple Quelow (Quell + Addow)
Purple Quibs (Quell + Chibs)
Purple Reesoro (Reese + Fasoro)
Purple Remax (Reese + Limax)
Purple Roflow (Rofling + Addow)
Purple Speiya (Speiro + Straya)
Purple Syotto (Sybri + Viotto)
Purple Trigaro (Troit + Figaro)
Purple Tromax (Troit + Limax)
Purple Ushundoi (Ushunda + Xoi)
Purple Ushunoro (Ushunda + Fasoro)
Purple Viondol (Viotto + Crindol)
Purple Vladlian (Vlad + Zetlian)
Purple Waleera (Walee + Poera)
Purple Walli (Wallop + Yuni)
Purple Wassup (Walee + Jessup)
Purple Willafo (Willa + Osafo)
Purple Wookle (Willa + Snookle)

* currently sending through Fasoro Falls

Missing DVDs
6 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
26th Sep 2018 17:15

So, like an idiot, I started adding DVDs to HoneyBlossom completely forgetting that I already started adding DVDs to Karliegh. D'oh!

Anyway, here's a list of Blossom's missing DVDs as of today (Sept 26, 2018). Anything marked with an asterisk has been watched by Karliegh.

UPDATE: This list is so out of date and I don't know if I'll ever get caught up.

*A Snowman Halloween
*Be My Valentine
Beach Party
*Bed Time Monsters
*Brother Bear
Candy Treats
*Charlies Angel
Chibs on 34th Street
*Christmas Time
Dark Side of Enpiah
*Deadly Treat
Earth Fairy
Easter Eggs
Error 51
*Evil Clowns
Fairy in Space
Fire Fairy
*First Thanksgiving
*Flying Eggs
*Gift Wrapped DVD
Giving Thanks
Glitchzilla Attacks
Gobble Trouble
Goblin Rides
Gonk Racing
Great Depression
*Greedy Fairy
Griffin Secrets
*Grumpy Old Chibs
*Home School Musical
*Honey I Shrunk the DVD
Inside the Vortex
Into the Fire
*Late Advent Tree
*Learn to Talk
Learning Chess
Light Siders
*Lonesome Gonk
Love Story
Make a Snowman
Marada at War
*Maradan Murder Mystery
Mini Flower Collectors
Minipet Island War I
My Journal
*New Years by the Fireplace
Our 9th Birthday
Painting Rainbows
*Polar Express
Rays of Light
Red Planet
Save A Gobble Eat A Troit
*Singing in the Rain
*Slater Park Secrets
Slime Ghost
*Snookle Electric Storm
Stamp Collecting
Stolen Christmas
The Egg
The Hunt for the Golden Carrot
The Ice Fairy
The Leprechaun
*The Mummy Returns
The Pumpkin Patch
The Pyramid
The Sewer Queen
The Sly Spy
This is War
Transumption Reaction
Transuranic Curse
Transvaluation Tales
Trick or Treat
Undersea Workout Routines
Undying Minipets
*Valentines Day
Walk of Fame
Xoi in Black
You Have Maramail

My Mara Goals Progress
7 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
26th Nov 2017 00:50

You need to use a Rotten Costume

Own any pet wearing a Snowman Costume

Complete 400 or more Candy Tree quests

Complete 300 or more Sewer Monster quests

Complete 500 or more Garage quests

You need to own any Nightmare coloured pet

Complete Level 20 or higher Fugunzel's Tower mission

Complete 200 or more Cosmonaut quests

Complete Level 22 or higher Beast in the Woods mission

Complete 400 or more Farming quests

Use any Enchanted Kronk Plushie or Kronk Potion

Complete 200 or more Hump Racing quests




You need to own any Fire Fairy coloured pet

You need to use a Defective Costume

You need to use a Mummy Costume



Complete 300 or more Travis Truck quests

Complete 300 or more Computer Repair Quests

Mission related levels
Quest related levels
Pet colour related levels
Costume related levels

Rarity List
7 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
1st Jul 2017 18:23

This is an incomplete list of cheaper items in order of rarity.
Many, many thanks to OrangeFrappucino`s marasite. For the complete list please visit:

Rarity 1
Blue Gumball
Yellow Gumball
Fish Tails

Rarity 2
Milk Chocolate Gumball
Orange Chocolate Gumball

Rarity 3
Tanning Salon Ticket
Fish Eyes
Rock Gumball

Rarity 4
Tombola (DVD)
Starry Gumball

Rarity 5
Gigantic Fairy Mallet
Tombola Book
Tombola Stamp
Bronze Gumball

Rarity 6
Fake One Dukka Coin
Fake Two Dukka Coin
Fake Three Dukka Coin
Fake Four Dukka Coin

Rarity 7
Eleka Tombola Book
Eleka Tombola (CD)
Orange Gumball

Rarity 8
Fake Six Dukka Coin
Fake Eight Dukka Coin
Wormy Apple
Eleka Tombola Stamp

Rarity 9
Eleka Tombola Balloon
Puppy Love Candy Heart
Blue Fasoro Balloon
Green Gumball

Rarity 10
Test Your Strength Potato
Lush Lake Ticket
Tombola Tunes
Invisible Gumball

Rarity 11
Trash Potato
Free Male Plastic Surgery Coupon
Free Female Plastic Surgery Coupon
You Better Run Candy Spade

Rarity 12
Satyr Potato
Test Your Strength Pearl
Ewww Candy Spade

Rarity 13
Satyr Action Figure
Undying Tombola (DVD)
Ant Hill Cake

Rarity 14
Yuni Brows Coupon
Green Phanty Balloon
Four Cheese Pizza

Rarity 15
Undying Stamp
Jerk Candy Spade

  1. Land of Lost Socks FOTM
    1st Oct 2020 11:53
    4 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  2. Tisha or Tisha?
    1st Dec 2020 16:43
    4 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
  3. Rlchard the Injured Renat
    19th Apr 2018 08:46
    6 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
  4. Pet Lending Fees as of 22 May 2024
    7th Nov 2017 20:11
    7 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  5. Colour-Themed Galleries
    20th Mar 2019 07:47
    5 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  6. Missing Avatars
    1st Feb 2019 19:15
    6 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  7. Missing Purple DNA Minipets
    30th Jun 2018 06:48
    6 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  8. Missing DVDs
    26th Sep 2018 17:15
    6 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  9. My Mara Goals Progress
    26th Nov 2017 00:50
    7 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  10. Rarity List
    1st Jul 2017 18:23
    7 years, 8 months & 10 days ago