Newbies read this! {IMPORTANT}
15 years, 7 months & 7 days ago

4th Aug 2009 13:04
I'm writting this because lately I've seen a lot of people trying to scam others, and I'm sick of it.
A lot of the time newer members are the ones taken in by these, and it is comepletely WRONG.
Help me save others from scams and paste this into your blog.
Don't think these scams can't happen! I've been here for over 3 years and have seen countless people get taken in by ALL of them.
If you spot any scams I should metion here, or anything I've forgotten, feel free to post them in comments here, and I'll add them.
-If ever ANYONE does something you think may be a scam, don't be shy to ask on help forums or mail a staff member. Thats why they're here.
-ALWAYS check values of items and pets before trading/selling.
If you need help with this you can always ask on the price check forum.
-NEVER share your password with anyone, no matter what they say they're going to do. In this instance mail a staff member right away! I can't press this point enough.
-ALWAYS trade items and pets through the propper trading systems!
-Don't think ANYONE is trustworthy of anything that seems like a scam! ALWAYS get them to put trades, or sales into writting.
A club til scam is when a person goes on forums getting a lot of members to join his or her club. The owner keeps the club open for usually no more than 2 weeks and then deletes the club, taking all the money in the til for themselves.
Several people will do this countless times, and unfortunately, it generally isn't reportable.
To avoid being scammed in this way, join clubs older than 3 months, or wait AT LEAST 3 weeks before donating large sums of mp to a club.
I myself have been affected by scams like these, so watch yourselves! There is absolutely no way of telling if the owner is honest or not!
I have also seen people saying that trades or pet trades have server errors.
What they do is offer to trade items or pets, once a person agrees, they state that pet trades or trades have server errors, so they cannot offer on the persons trade.
They then suggest that the person sends the item to them so they can continue the trade.
To avoid scams like this one, ALWAYS trade items and pets through propper trades, no matter what the other person says.
If it is an urgent matter, and the person persists, get them to state in writting that they WILL send you the pet/item in return for yours.
Otherwise, reporting it to staff will be a waste of time.
Even so, I higly recommend you don't trade with anyone who says that pet trades/trades aren't working.
Graphics scams are tricky.
What occurs generally is a user will state they are selling graphics. Users will place their orders. THEN the user will make them pay before recieving their orders.
This scam luckily, is reportable, but if staff can't find clear proof that you were trading the mp for a graphic, the user can easily get away with it.
So like in the "fake errors" scam, make sure the person clearly states that they will give you a graphic in return for your mp if they ask you for the mp before giving you the graphic.
What also occurs, is the buyer of the graphic may not pay you until after they buy it.
Then they will take the graphic, use it, and go offline.
Usually, they will never pay you.
ALWAYS get the person to tell you IN WRITTING what they are giving you in return.
Although these things aren't extremly frequent, its good to be safe.
This scam is the easiest to avoid.
It occurs when a person tries to trade something with you, telling you its worth A LOT more than it actually worth.
Make sure you always check prices of items, and pets before trading.
This is one of the most ridiculous scams I've seen.
And unfortunately, a lot of people fall for them.
Its usually a person stating they are staff, and that if you don't give them what they want (this can be items, pets, passwords, mp) they'll ban you.
Staff will NEVER ask you for anything like this.
If you get a mail like this, mail a REAL staff member right away and let them know.
Now protect yourselves, and others! Paste this into your blog and let me know about anything I'm forgetting!
-zerotolerence100, a.k.a, Moo