meh mara people XD
15 years, 2 months & 13 days ago

29th Dec 2009 19:43
im the grannie
carly - my granddaughter even though she older than meh XD
david - meh lil stalker
tessa - me great grnadduaghter
hannah -meh great grand sonn
sammi -great other granduaghter also my long lost olda sister XD
jake - great great grand sonn
yepp emh mara people always getting high with car car XD
always loveing meh stalker u like whatcha see
always loveing me great granddaughter

my soapy ice cream song
15 years, 2 months & 19 days ago

23rd Dec 2009 21:50
ohhhh i have soapy ice cream
ohh how it taste like soap
this is not good
its to soapy
wtf daddy whyd you have to give meh soapy ice cream
oh this soapy ice cream is sooo soapy
at least i know its cleannnnnnnn .
soapy ice cream
the things i damn to h e double hockey sticks
15 years, 2 months & 19 days ago

23rd Dec 2009 13:38
the things i damn to h e double hockey sticks
lmao .....okay
annoying songs that have 10 lyrics in it .
hannahs lil brother
my parents
my lil cuzins
my older brother
a chick named ashley west
a chick named dehdeh
my teachers
old people chasing meh down the street
when my computer is being slow and fagish
people who take my syaings
people who take my words
people who are stuck up
people who are annoying (expt meh im an exeption cuz only stuck up poele think im annoying)
people who tell meh what i can and cant do
groase food
groase candy
the mroning
weird people
fat people
ugly colors
ugly cats
hudini squirlls that dissapaer
people who do not frend request meh
people who dont mail meh back
people who dont postage stamp on my blogs
and christmas carolers that come to ur house and u open the door and they start singing
thats what i damn to hell right now =)
postage stmap