Avatars im lending
16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago

18th Aug 2008 07:46
Send me a maramail telling me what you want to borrow.
Attach all 5 colored fatty's to your minipet and view all five Fatty's.
- 7000mp or 750rp or 3 crystals
Festival- Click on a Festival minipet while it's in your inventory.
- 10k mp or 1k rp or 5 crystals
Attach a pink fidge to your pet and view minipet profile.
- 500rp or 5000mp or 2 crystals
MINT- Have 26 mint chocolates in your inventory and view inventory. Refresh.
- 9k mp or 900rp or 4 crystals
skinny- Have ANY 50 fast food items in your inventory and view the Skinny Costume in Gigantic Paradise.
- 23k mp or 2300rp
Sketch- With a sketch costume in your inventory go to pet Colors in Gigantic Paradise for sketch costume.
- 12k mp or 1200rp
CHOCOLATE- Feed any chocolate to any chocolate pet.
transfer fees- 1,735MP + 1000mp + 5k tip= 7735mp
MERMAID- Feed sushi to a Mermaid Jessup.
transfer fees- 1,015MP + 1000mp + 6k tip= 8015mp
Lending Conclusive for:
books: Recycled Book, Festival Book
DVDS:Undying Festival
Pumpkin Jack
King Feliz
101 Azuls
CDs: Recycled CD
Krazee by Krazy Knutts
Funeral Fables
Festival Music
transfer fees= 9,595MP + 1000 + 8000k tip= 18595mp