???My pets???
17 years, 7 months & 1 day ago

15th Aug 2007 14:15
Benign ??? I say it 'Begin' but write it 'Benign'. (given to me)
BruntBanana ??? I call him Banana. ^^
Hillow ??? Um...Willow, Hillow? I forget why I named him Hillow, but it stuck. I still call him Hillow. He's was my first, and I'll never trade or give him.
Polar_Pear ??? To me, a White Ideus looked like a polar bear, so I named him Polar PEAR! I call him Pear.
RottenWilly ??? I wanted Willy but it was taken, since he's to be a Rotten Ideus, Rotten Willy was a good name. ^^
Schmoooglee ??? I traded with Haley(tibs14). Celedwyn for her. I call her Glee.
SwissyCheese ??? I love his name! He was given to me by someone I will not say. ^^
Wollih ??? I made him to be Hillow's twin, and his name is Hillow backwards. =P Yea, so, I don't think I'll trade.
lllolllllpoip ??? I call him Lollipop.(given to me)