A pretentious thing I wrote once
9 years, 8 months & 4 days ago

11th Jul 2015 13:48
Its whole life, the apple had fought against all odds. It fearlessly stood against wind and rain, lay undetected even as dreadful worms sought it out, was warmed and loved and nourished by the sun and earth and air. All along, it dutifully clung to its mother, its parent, its tree branch. It became red and ripe and delicious, and then...it waited. Waited, for what seemed an eternity ??? waited for someone to find it, waited to be grasped with firm hands and plucked from the branch. Waited for teeth to sink into its flesh as it fulfilled its dream.
The days turned cold, and the apple saw its comrades start to fall, snapping from their branches and hitting the sidewalk with splats. Leaves danced to the ground and slowly turned brown, their remains swept away with the wind. And one day, the apple's worst fears were realized. A brown spot just to the side of its stem ??? a small one, to be sure, but it was a warning. Its time was soon. It silently suffered through the days after that, knowing that no one would love an imperfect apple. It was only a matter of time now. The most the apple could hope for was a swift fall, but alas, none was forthcoming. It was destined to wait out its last days in constant agony.
Finally, one merciful day, when it was nearly shriveled to a husk and had nary a red patch left, it felt itself start to give way. Internally, it thanked the merciful lord, and it braced itself as the stem snapped from the branch. It tumbled downward, spiraling towards the ground at a sickening pace, and then...
And then there was nothing.
17 years, 5 months & 6 days ago

9th Oct 2007 13:33
Summer offered 100,000 MP on my junk trade, allowing me to get a rotten costume. She's the ???BEST???!

In the Night
17 years, 5 months & 29 days ago

16th Sep 2007 17:57
"Who, who?" the owl, he cries
"Tis me, Lilikalina"
She replies.
"Turn off that light
For it's too bright!"
He grumbles.
"But sir," she says
"I can't! The light, you see,
Is ME!"
"You? But how?"
the owl looks down
At the fasoro on the ground.
Pet Costumes and the Like
17 years, 6 months & 14 days ago

31st Aug 2007 20:20
On Friday, the 7th of September 10:59 PM, kayla_95 sent Bayai to me. I HAVE MY DREAM PET!!!!

On Saturday, the 1st of September, 03:17:20 PM, BurntBanana put on the Burnt Costume Chocochibs gave me!

On Saturday, the 28th of July, before 02:57 AM, I bought a Enchanted White Fasoro Plushie and gave it to Hillow.

On Thursday, the 26th of July, before 03:54 AM, Polar_Pear put on the White Costume sobolan gave me.