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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
My name is Raven Stormbringer.
I am an adult, wife, mom of 2 daugthers.
Birthday: November 24th
My first pet was Siswai_Aman (R.I.P. Robert Jordan/James Rigney).

PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR ITEMS FROM MY GALLERY!! (They are items I have collected and are not up for sell, lending or trade.)
Friends are open though.

*Note to staff, I am on a home computer network with two other players. We each have our own individual accounts and do not share accounts.
My Trades: I usually accept the first offer that meets my asking price.
  1. Hostage Prize List
    26th Feb 2025 06:05
    21 days, 7 hrs & 38 mins ago
  2. Thankful
    5th Oct 2024 06:06
    5 months, 12 days & 8 hrs ago
  3. Trades
    17th Mar 2018 10:11
    7 years & 2 days ago
  4. My pets and their names...
    27th Jun 2008 13:13
    16 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
Hostage Prize List
21 days, 7 hrs & 38 mins ago
26th Feb 2025 06:05

1: Hostage Sword
2:Happy Hostage Ransom
3: Rusty Bell
4: Sad Hostage Ransom
5: Hostage Gumball
6: Chibs Skull
7: Hungry Hostage Ransom
8: Royal Spell
9: Tired Hostage Ransom
10: Royal Hibiscus
11: Dark Ike Skull
12: Thirsty Hostage Ransom
13: Hostage Guide Book
14: Angry Hostage Ransom
15: Letter From Hostage
16: Hostage Skirt
17: Hostage Soundtrack
18: Hostage Vest
19: Deuce Stamp
20: Deuce

5 months, 12 days & 8 hrs ago
5th Oct 2024 06:06

I don't expect anyone to read this, I just want to remember how I felt today. INCREDIBLY THANKFUL...
For the safety and love of my family.
For all the people that have come to my city to help us. I pray for your safety every day.
For the hard work being done to return utilities to us. (We gradually got back cell service, power, and internet last night).
For the people donating and the ones delivering water to our area.
For all the cooperation between the people who live here.
For all the prayers and donations from people around the country and world.
Truly...Thank you.

I learned some things. You can never prepare enough.
Canned and dry foods are more important that what is stored in the fridge and deep freezer. Never open the fridge or freezers.
Extended power outage will result in a lot of trash. Toss the stuff in the fridge but mark the items in the freezer and leave it in place so that you can discard it as soon as trash services are restored.
Trash cans fill rapidly especially when having to ditch a lot all at once.
Always carry or have cash readily available as being able to withdrawal from the bank is not always an option.
Candles, lighters/matches, flashlights and batteries are a must.
While losing internet, power and cell service is rough...losing water is demoralizing.
The tub is not a good "go to" for storing water for flushing. Drain plugs can have slow leaks that dwindle your supply in mere hours.

Will probably edit this as this event continues to unfold.

EDIT: 10/14/24 We finally got water back tonight. We can't drink it yet. But we have it. A lot of work had to go into getting the water system back on for our county. Words are not enough to thank all the people that have been working on this for over 2 weeks.

EDIT: 11/4/24 Things are improving. We are under a boil water now we can consume the water if we boil it for a minute first. And you have to use a second "rinse" with added bleach if we use it for washing dishes. (We are still using bottled water to drink, brush teeth, to cook as the water is still rusty brown.)
They are continuing to remove debris, downed trees, and truck loads of mud. The amount of destruction is heartbreaking.

7 years & 2 days ago
17th Mar 2018 10:11

I accept the first offer I get that matches my price regardless of what else they attach. I reject the other offers. It is the most fair way I can see to do the is nothing personal if I reject your offer, it just means someone got there first.
I am mainly looking for MP and if my trade says "Instant Sale Price is the price. No items please.", I will not accept items on it.

My pets and their names...
16 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
27th Jun 2008 13:13

My Pets and Their Names

Siswai_Aman: From The Wheel Of Time series by Robert Jordan. My first pet.

Farrah_Doodle: My daughter helped name her.

Fuzzalupagins: My daughter helped name him.

Midnightspawn: Name fits the pet. Named for my business in a game I play.

Portal_Addict: Pet I made for sending through the portal.

Grindilochs: Part Grindilow...part Loch Ness Monster formerly an Underwater Ideus. (Changed into a Green Mordo then used a Light Fairy Costume on her).

Pinkypoof: My youngest daughter named her.

Trophia: Had to make her when I saw the bronze costume was released for the Gonks...looks like a "trophy" hence the name. (Changed to a Pixie Troit)

Aliphine: Named for the amazing marathon runner.

Battra: Named for the dark moth from Godzilla.

Commotions: Got from Trade.

Woobeedo: (My battle pet), was adopted.

Lammbert: Got from a pet trade.

Leishe: Got from a trade.

Crystallizer: Got from a trade.

Talenta: Got from a trade.

Diaspro: Named for Princess Diaspro from Winx.

Gnoshy: Means loud eater.

Moguera: Robot monster from Godzilla.

Mulgara: A marsupial.

Sasella: Think I got her from a trade.

Shadorah: Yet another kaiju.

Taneisha: Saw an animated character with the name.

Zedarling: Named after a much loved pet.

Zylina: Think I got from a trade or was given.

Vandelion: Named after one of my D&D gaming characters.

Cyberknife and TechnoBunny: Dedicated to the memory of Technoblade, one of my fave youtubers.

Nezura: Yes...yet another kaiju.

Merrimas: Made for Level 43 of Biala Goals.

Lumi_Pomme: Named for a tiny French egg with good aim. (Formerly RavenStormbringer)

Dappershade: Lumi_Pomme's tiny Mexican egg brother.

  1. Hostage Prize List
    26th Feb 2025 06:05
    21 days, 7 hrs & 38 mins ago
  2. Thankful
    5th Oct 2024 06:06
    5 months, 12 days & 8 hrs ago
  3. Trades
    17th Mar 2018 10:11
    7 years & 2 days ago
  4. My pets and their names...
    27th Jun 2008 13:13
    16 years, 8 months & 20 days ago