LOL, Cool Sayings...
17 years, 5 months & 11 days ago

15th Oct 2007 16:57
Friendship is like peeing your pants...Everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth.
Before you insult someone you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way,when you do insult them, you're a mile away from them and you have their shoes.
Stupid questions recieve stupid answers.
A best friend is the one who can look at you with the biggest smile on your face and still know somethings wrong.
If your heart was broken you'd be dead.So shut up.
Life's too short to be living with regrets.
by Princess:
I don't know why he died!I only hit him with a 10-ton rock!
I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never a vicious, cold-blooded piece of Toast!
The trick to flying is throwing yourself at the ground and Missing!
Riight.. and Flying purple monkeys from Mars are out to brainwash the entire planet and rule as supreme rulers of Rainbow Cheese!
As i sat wondering why frisbees get bigger and bigger as they get hit me.
I started to like pie when I met you. Why? You smelled just like it!
2 add to this list plz MM me!
My Goals...
17 years, 5 months & 16 days ago

10th Oct 2007 20:13
are to:
get a fairy fassie[]
get a water fassie[x]
get a musical doyle[x]
get a LE pet[]
have all pets painted[x]
have all pets stated to at least 5[]
have all pets have a job[]
get a condiminuim[x]
get 100k marapoints[x]
have Burnt Magik be burnt[x]
have Decompression be skinny[X]
Please help me get my goals by buying from my shop or offering on my gallery items!
My favorite peeps that have helped me get my goals:
glad2bmama!!!-25k for dream pet fund!!!
Operation Portal!!!-Turned Synara into a water fassie!
NOTE: plz Maramail me if you have bought something from my shop and you're helping me!(or if you want something from my gallery

Pets I've Ever Owned:
(starting Nov.23, 2007)
17 years, 5 months & 24 days ago

2nd Oct 2007 19:08
My name is: Winterwarrior

why do you want to know my name anyways???
I am a proud member of C.O.E.L.
Daeliel Roleplaying Board
I totally ???LOVE??? to RP!!!
I ??? to RP:
(feel free to Maramail me if you want me to join your RP or one on one.)
Hmm...I live somewhere in this universe, in this galaxy, on planet Earth, on this world, in North America. *scoff* think you can find me now? lol...don't really'll take you awhile.

I have corgi and a brown tabby cat.(I wish i had a digital camera to take pics of them but i don't...)I wish i had a bird or a ball python...
I don't know. What else? Hmm...
My favorites foods are:
Pizza w/ canadian bacon and Xtra cheese
Apple pie
Vanilla ice cream & Cookie dough ice cream
Chocolate chip cookie dough (raw)
Milky Way candy bar
Three Musketeers candy bar(is it spelled w/ an e or an a?)
...And a whole lot of other food

Catch ya L8r!(maybe...)