25 Things About Me!
10 years, 8 months & 18 days ago

30th Jun 2014 14:18
1. I'm an adult (barely).
2. My name is Alice on mara!
3. I'm obsessed with black and white movies, The Women, Philadelphia Story.
4. I'm in a very healthy relationship.
5. I live in the USA in a desert. The only other ethnicity I have other than American is Dutch.
6. I have 3 dogs!
7. I am in love with Jason Schwartzman.
8. All of Wes Anderson's movies are my favorite.
9. The Lord of the Rings is my favorite series.
10. Harry Potter is my homeboy.
11. The Belgariad and The Mallorean are my favorite reads.
12. I am into a lot of music, currently into Bruce Springsteen (I'm on Fire) and Rolling Stones (Gimme Shelter).
13. I have an obsessive personality.
14. I work in a restaurant as a Hostess.
15. I love being on the beach
16. My favorite place in the world is Hawai'i, Hawaii
17. I own a Honda
18. I'm a natural blonde
19. Blue eyes, really they are brown, yellow, clear blue, and dark blue (kinda crazy)
20. I have a huge collection of books
21. I have a huge movie collection
22. I still have my rock collection from when I was a kid
23. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan
24. I'm a yogi
25. I am a religious person but I will not share that part of myself without being asked.