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  1. Restocking
    23rd Oct 2010 13:14
    14 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  2. Test your eyes
    20th Mar 2009 09:48
    15 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  3. Note to staff
    20th Mar 2009 07:25
    15 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  4. Trading some pets
    15th Mar 2009 16:15
    16 years & 4 days ago
  5. rty grienda htis
    13th Mar 2009 19:06
    16 years & 6 days ago
  6. 10 signs you love someone
    7th Mar 2009 22:36
    16 years & 11 days ago
  7. Price Check!! Updated on Nov. 12/10
    7th Mar 2009 18:17
    16 years & 12 days ago
  8. Before you do anything that includes me "RULES"
    23rd Dec 2007 12:28
    17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  9. My goals this year =3
    22nd Aug 2007 15:04
    17 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
10 signs you love someone
16 years & 11 days ago
7th Mar 2009 22:36

10 Signs you love someone

10 Signs u love someone

You feel shy whenever they're around.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see
the other people around you, you just
see him/her.

They're all you think about.

You realize you're always smiling when
you're looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just
to see them.

While reading this, there was one
person on your mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that
person, you didnt notice number seven
was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are
now silently laughing at yourself.












































































Post this as : 10 Signs u love someone

*And something good will happen to you

*If you don't... you'll certainly
regret it

Price Check!! Updated on Nov. 12/10
16 years & 12 days ago
7th Mar 2009 18:17


0-10 ??? baby stats
10+ ??? Daisy
10-15+ ??? Phanty, Poera, Oglue, Huthiq
20-25+ ??? Zoink, Kronk
30-35+ ??? Troit, Zoosh, Rusty
40-45+ ??? Nino, Tasi, Mordo, Arinya
45-50+ ??? Ercuw, Lati, Dakota, Snookle, Sindi, Chibs
50-65+ ??? Yuni, Quell
70-95+ ??? Viotto
150+ ??? Rofling
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Arinya -> 2 Million
Basil -> 25 Million
Chibs -> 7 Million
Crikey -> 2-2.5 Million
Daisy -> 500k MP
Dakota -> 2-3 Million
Ercuw -> 6-7 Million
Figaro -> 60 Million
Gizmo -> 1-1.5 Million
Hump -> 40-45 Million
Huthiq -> 1.75-2 Million
Ike -> 2.5-3 Million
Kronk -> 2 Million
Kujo -> 4-4.5 Million
Lati -> 5-5.5 Million
Mordo -> 3.3 Million
Nino -> 4-5 Million
Oglue -> 800k-1 Million
Phanty -> 800k-1 Million
Poera -> 800k-1 Million
Pucu -> 4-8 Million
Quell -> 4.5 Million
Rofling -> 25-30 Million
Rusty -> 2-2.5 Million
Sindi -> 5.5 Million
Snookle -> 4-5 Million
Tasi -> 5 Million
Troit -> 1.5-2 Million
Viotto -> 5.5-6 Million
Yuni -> 5.5-6 Million
Zoink -> 1.5-2 Million
Zoosh -> 1.1-1.5 Million

Other Costumes

Rare Costumes
Angel -> 20 Million
Baby -> 35 Million
Cheese -> 7-8 Million
Dark -> 15 Million MP
Fairy -> 15 Million
Fire -> 15 Million
Gothic -> 15-18 Million
Hobo -> 15 Million
Love -> 20-25 Million
Mermaid -> 30-35 Million
Old -> 12-15 Million
Rainbow -> 20-30 Million
Royal -> 7-10 Million
Seasonal -> 50-75 Million
Starry -> 20 Million
Water -> 20 Million
Witch -> 6-7 Million
Wizard -> 25-35 Million

Costumed Potion Value
Eleka Viotto Potion -> 10 Million
Seasonal Viotto Potion -> 13 Million
Starry Viotto Potion -> 12 Million
Rainbow Viotto Potion -> 12 Million
Love Lati Potion -> 5.3 Million
Seasonal Huthiq Potion -> 3-4 Million
Gothic Huthiq Potion -> 6 Million
Costumed Poera Potions -> 1.3-2 Million ea.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
VBN - very bad named {i_lyk_927636766}
BN - bad named {adorable123}
ON/DN - okay named/decent names {SarahJane}
WN - well named {Sillia}
VWN - very well named {Medal}
RW - real word {Flower}
RN - real name {Isabella}

If I get something wrong, please comment here or mm me.

Before you do anything that includes me "RULES"
17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
23rd Dec 2007 12:28


If I have a trade lot and you happen to offer on it. Do not offer junk unless in the wishlist it says "Dream Pet fund".
If the wishlist isn't saying "Dream Pet Fund" and the things in the lot are rare and retired, do not offer junk. No matter what!
If it is reserved, do not offer unless you are the person I reserved it for.



Do not ever beg for it!!! If I say I am giving it away, please do not say:

"Can I have it!!!!!!!!!!!!? If I don't get it, then I will report you!"

If you say that or anything like that, you are wrong. Instead of you reporting me, I will report you. Please ask nicely like this:

"Hi! I heard you are giving away for MP/BP/RP, If you may, may I please have some?"

If you say that, I will surely give you some.



I only give/trade away my pets when I say so. The Same thing applies on my pets as my money.


[center] Thank You.

My goals this year =3
17 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
22nd Aug 2007 15:04

[x] 1 million MP
[x] Get Rusty Pet
[ ] Get Zoosh pet
[X] Get Troit pet
[ ] Get Tasi pet
[x] Get 10 more avis
[x] Earn 10k BP
[ ] Get a Whirlpool Treasure Map

This is it for now.
Please help me achieve these goals, or cheer me on.

Thanks.. =3

  1. Restocking
    23rd Oct 2010 13:14
    14 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
  2. Test your eyes
    20th Mar 2009 09:48
    15 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  3. Note to staff
    20th Mar 2009 07:25
    15 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
  4. Trading some pets
    15th Mar 2009 16:15
    16 years & 4 days ago
  5. rty grienda htis
    13th Mar 2009 19:06
    16 years & 6 days ago
  6. 10 signs you love someone
    7th Mar 2009 22:36
    16 years & 11 days ago
  7. Price Check!! Updated on Nov. 12/10
    7th Mar 2009 18:17
    16 years & 12 days ago
  8. Before you do anything that includes me "RULES"
    23rd Dec 2007 12:28
    17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  9. My goals this year =3
    22nd Aug 2007 15:04
    17 years, 6 months & 26 days ago