From Elf..
15 years, 2 months & 29 days ago

19th Dec 2009 23:03
Dear xxprincesskarixx You have been sent a Ice Crystal from Elf!
I have..
16 years & 4 months ago

18th Nov 2008 01:30
All the gumballs if you need to borrow them let me know..thank you..
Sorry guys..
17 years & 9 days ago

11th Mar 2008 22:52
I know I have not been on a lot lately but you need to understand.I'm soon as I feel better I will be back on longer..
Im so Thankful..
17 years & 11 days ago

9th Mar 2008 20:38
I'm for all of my close friends who have helped me through many obstacles.Where to begin and who to begin with..
catsrluv-Friendship and awesome pearls and anything I need..
midnightsunrise-for being a good friend and helping me with trotters.
ismellpancakez-for the crystals and chocolates.
Xaenthe-for all the books and arrows{one of my mara kids}
MarriedMelly-For my favorite pets and good friendship..
smilingtiger-for my little wheeler and dealer,when I need something thats hard to get I know who to go to..
rebeca91491-for help with my arrows and friendship.{mara kids}
bleedin9mascara-Friendship never questions and stuff in my gallery..
SangFleur-Friendship and some other things {mara kids}
Truthman-Friendship and working out when I need own go to guy..
MrsWentz1979 & baby69666-mara kids..
Anthony1977-A good friend who has help me and my family out..
And of course my loving family..
Look What I got !!
17 years, 2 months & 11 days ago

7th Jan 2008 23:26
RIP Trading Card
[11th Nov 05:48 PM]
Congratulations! You were in the top 200 for the 2007 Halloween Pumpkin Hunt!
You have just received a RIP Trading Card.And 1,000,000 mps.
Thanks for playing Marapets..