Club LE Plate/Photo Giveaway!!
8 years, 2 months & 30 days ago

12th Dec 2016 15:53
Welcome to another plate/photo giveaway! Everyone's gonna win something! All you have to do is comment on this blog. I'll then put the numbers 1-3 and 1-5 in a random generator, and the two numbers it picks will be multipled and you get that many plates/photos! That means you can get 1 item or 15! In the event of an odd number, please comment with which you'd prefer to have more of, plate or photo. This will run until Tuesday, the 20th. One entry per person. Plates and photos up for grabs are in my gallery. Also I will try to make sure the plates and photos are ones that aren't in your collection.
Christmas Events
8 years, 3 months & 2 days ago

9th Dec 2016 15:13
[x] Black Eye Pearl
[x] Bloody Manuscript
[x] Blue Eye Pearl
[x] Brown Eye Pearl
[x] Green Eye Pearl
[x] Krampling
[x] Krampling Plushie
[x] Krampus Blade
[x] Krampus Greeting Card
[x] Krampus Hot Cocoa
[x] Krampus Snowglobe
[x] Krampus Tales
[x] Krampus Teddy Bear
[x] Naughty Arinya Plushie
[x] Nice Arinya Plushie
[x] Poached Pear
[x] Red Eye Pearl
[x] Smashed Green Candycane
[x] Smashed Red Candycane
[x] The Night Before Krampus
[x] Apple Cider Caramels
[x] Bloody Yule Log
[x] Coal Dust Powder Candy
[x] Cranberry Cocktail
[x] Dark Chocolate Coal
[x] Festive Eggnog
[x] Festive Hot Chocolate
[x] Festive White Hot Chocolate
[x] Mini Cranberry Tarts
[x] Mulled Wine
[x] Neopolitan Snowman Ice Cream
[x] Slices of Fruitcake
[10] Christmas Drum
[10] Festive Bells
[10] Holiday Horn
[10] Holy Harp
[10] Snow Guitar
[x] Carol Sheet Music
[x] Crackling Fire Sounds
[x] Gingerbread Book
[x] Gingerbread Imposter
[x] Holiday Cards
[x] Mistletoe Stamp
[x] Nice List
[x] Sack of Coal
Secret Santa:
[x] Stitched Book
[x] Winter Peaks Stamp
[x] Partridge
[x] Banana Crepe
[x] Candycane Sugar Cookies
[x] Chestnut Fudge
[x] Chocolate Ice Cream Crepe
[x] Frost Icy Mix
[x] Fruit Crepe
[x] Jolly Icy Mix
[x] Maple Syrup Snow Taffee
[x] Peanut Butter Crepe
[x] Stocking Loot
[x] Strawberry Icy Mix
[x] Strawberry Jam Crepe
[x] Vanilla Ice Cream Crepe
[x] Ghostly Candle
[x] Gift Wrapped Wreath
[x] Giftbox Ornament
Club LE Secret Santa
8 years, 3 months & 8 days ago

3rd Dec 2016 12:40
Hey everyone! Christmas is coming, so it's time for a secret santa giveaway! The rules are simple, just comment by the 17th to enter! Then, between the 18th and 19th I'll mail you with who you get to play secret santa too! But don't give the gift right away! Gifts will be given out starting on Christmas Eve, you'll have until New Years Eve to give out the gift. NOTE: Do not reveal who you're supposed to give a gift too until after the gift has been given. There is a 500k max spending limit on the gift. Please check your wishlists and update them with items from ss so your secret santa will have a better idea on what to get you. Remember, give as you want to receive.

Feel free to mail me with any questions. Thanks for participating everyone!
Note, you have to have joined Club LE before December 3rd in order to participate.
Thanksgiving 2016
8 years, 3 months & 19 days ago

22nd Nov 2016 23:48
Thanksgiving Burple Prize 2016
[x] Wishbone Bow
[x] Yellow Stuffed Gobble Plushie
[x] Red Stuffed Gobble Plushie
[x] Green Stuffed Gobble Plushie
[x] Blue Stuffed Gobble Plushie
[x] Gobble Hand Drawn Photo
[x] Vegan Tofu Thanksgiving Meal
[x] Slice of Pumkpin Cheesecake
[x] Slice of Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie
[x] Slice of Caramel Pumpkin Pie
[x] Gobble Pot Pie
[x] Holy Corn
[x] Gobble Giblets
[x] Lucky Gobble Foot
[x] Gobble Up Stamp
[x] Pilgram Boy Plushie
[x] Turkey Pop Up Book
[x] Run Gobble Run
[x] Sycamore
[x] Crafly
[x] Boiled Gobble Egg
[x] Leaf Dress
[x] [not coded yet] Eyru Cap
Club LE Thanksgiving Plate/Photo Giveaway!
8 years, 3 months & 20 days ago

21st Nov 2016 22:06
Welcome to the Thanksgiving plate/photo giveaway! In this one, to celebrate we're upping the prizes, and everyone's gonna win multiple prizes! All you have to do is comment on this blog. I'll then put the numbers 2-5 and 2-6 in a random generator, and the two numbers it picks will be multipled. You'll get however many plates/photos that is! That means you can get at minimum 4 items or a grand prize of 30! In the event of an odd number, please comment with which you'd prefer to have more of, plate or photo. This will run until Tuesday, the 29rd, night. One entry per person. Plates and photos up for grab are in my gallery. Also I will try to make sure the plates and photos are ones that aren't in your collection.