Look NO MORE! We have the perfect club for you!
12 years, 8 months & 18 days ago

23rd Jun 2012 23:21
Our club DEVOTED 2 MARA is the best club. I am a 5 year old Marapets user and had been jumping from club to club. In my desperation looking for equality (not favoritism) I created my own club and was stuck with 6 members once. Most of them left Mara and the club was dead. -_-
Well, I saw a post about DEVOTED 2 MARA and was willing to try anything at that point. AM I GLAD I did!
We have fantastic club auctions on Fridays. Weekly activities, contests, and a club quiz every day!
Are we active? Very much so! Don't stand there and continue guessing, this is the club for you!
Ask me for an invite as we are private, and be ready for a great surprise!

You have gained 1000BP!
12 years, 9 months & 11 days ago

31st May 2012 23:22
WalterAlexander has won the battle!!
You have gained 1000BP!
Congratulations! You found the 'Cracked' Hidden Avatar!

12 years, 9 months & 17 days ago

25th May 2012 18:31
I've got 3 kids who have Marapets accounts. Their years of birth are 2006, 1997, 1996. When they see me doing something they'd like to try, they may get on their accounts to try it out. I help my youngest by sending him some things sometimes. But for the most part my interactions with their accounts are the same I'd interact with other players. I try to be as fair as possible when trading things with them as well. Any questions you're all welcome to ask.
gargamelsmurf (2006)
gigimystar (1997)
zpmastergameplayer (1996)
thanks all for reading!
PS. There are FOUR different computers in this household:
A Windows 7 Acer Laptop (mine)
A Windows 7 Gateway Laptop (my son ZP)
A Macintosh eMac on 10.4 (sometimes my daughter and youngest son get in it)
A Windows 7 HP Slimline Desktop (mostly my little son and my daughter might get on there)
PPS. My kids have WARS over who gets the fastest computer on a daily basis, in short, this arrangement can change!
I'm telling YOU Queen Eleka was FRAMED!!!
13 years & 26 days ago

17th Feb 2012 01:32
She was framed, she was and still is innocent!!! we will fight for the evil truth!! Evil... but true nevertheless!!!
The real killer of king baspinar the 1st was the knutt knight!! google it you'll see it all makes sense!!!