Christmas Treasure Map Assembled!
17 years, 2 months & 4 days ago

9th Jan 2008 09:15
I assembled the whole map on January 9th 2008. I bought piece #6 for 5 Million PURE marapoints. The rest of the pieces I had already assembled months ago, prices for all the other pieces go for about 200k whole set (without #6).
First LE Pet Achieved Nov 7th 2007
17 years, 4 months & 6 days ago

7th Nov 2007 02:39
My first LE pet Hector Lavoe was born a... Yellow Reese I believe... yes then the portal turned him into a Red Fasoro, after many days portaling him and seeing not much improvement I had just gotten a Blue Huthiq potion from Ublish and was debating who to feed it to. I decided that a male pet who was not already costumed or painted would be best, since most women (like Rita Moreno and Shari Lewis) perhaps would not believe that extra-terrestrial life exists, like I do. But a lot of men do. And I also believe that if he was alive, Hector Lavoe would not be insulted to be portraited as an alien. I hope. All due respects RIP.