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  1. Dear forsaken blog,
    5th Mar 2010 02:27
    15 years & 9 days ago
  2. Blog #240966
    29th Jun 2009 05:26
    15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  3. I AM LEGEND~~~ in my ooooown woooorld
    30th Apr 2009 05:57
    15 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  4. it's getting hot in here, so hawt!
    25th Apr 2009 22:53
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
  5. Survey from my club mate:3
    8th Apr 2009 15:36
    15 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  6. My doodles :] Tsokoleyt !! :3
    5th Apr 2009 12:49
    15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  7. McDonalds :0
    3rd Apr 2009 11:55
    15 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  8. About cats and me. My 1st entry. April 03, 2009:}
    3rd Apr 2009 01:28
    15 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  9. He cares for his pets
    29th Mar 2009 19:23
    15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago

15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
29th Jun 2009 05:26

"No! I don't want to do this kind of thing anymore!"
"You have to. We had an agreement, correct?"
"Yes we did. But killing was never part of this!"
"Uh, yes there is?"
"Pft. As if."
"Dude, it's the game snakes and ladders. If you go to the snakes one more
time, you'll die."
"I said no killing!" he would always whine.

Thim was a very.. cautious friend of mine.
He would always whine and get afraid. That little baby.
Don't get me wrong, he's a very good friend to me - was a good friend to me.
He died 3 days ago.
But we made a path together. That we'll put a letter inside our special secret
box every year and bury it under the tree where we first met. And where
he first cried. Like, 5 minutes after we met.

We would always open the box 6 months later and gather more secrets with the remaining 6 months.

"Ooo! I'm curious!! What is it? Please tell me! I can't wait anymore!" I said.
"No. You have to wait for the promised time." Then he smiled so warmly and kind of sadly.
I can't understand. Must be part of the
whole baby thing.
"Mm.. Fine. But I won't tell you mine either!"
"Oh.Uhm. Could I please know yours?" He grinned innocently. Which was actually quite impossible but he still pulled it off.
"Uh, no?" I raised my brow up.
"You can't tell me yours but you want me to tell mine??"
"Uhm. Yeah, kind of." He said.
"Stop that."
"Stop what??" He tilted his head and looked at me curiously.
"That!! Exactly that!"
"Stop it!!"
"You have issues, Paul."
"No Thim, I meant that innocent look that makes me feel guilty not telling you my secret."
"well good. You should be guilty not telling me the secret now."
"Why should I anyway?"
"Because you might regret not telling me."
"You'll find out after a month anyway!"
"Right. Of course." He looked away with sadness in his eyes. UGH!
I felt a spasm of guilt and regret right there and now.
"Oh! Fine! I'll tell you." No, wait. What am I, an idiot??
"Yey!" He smiled warmly again. Happily this time.
"No. I'll let you read it."
After a while, he suddenly attacks me with an ugly face.
"Thank you, Paul!"
"Stop crying, sissy. It's cute when you hug me, I confess, but crying in my shirt is not cool."
I patted his head and tried to smile warmly too.
"Stop doing that. Haha."
"You trying to immitate my warm smile."
"Of course I failed.."
We both laughed.

And then a day after that I didn't see him. And another day after that.
Then to my surprise, the next day, Thim's parents arrived here looking sad.
I said "No." "He can't be."
"Paul, I guess you figured it out. You are smart. Like he said."
"No, he isn't dead!" I gasped and gasped for air fastly.
"No, no no no NO!!!"
I ran up the stairs while blocking my eyes with my arm trying to hold back the tears.
I couldn't hear what they were saying because of my sob.
I only heard something like "You have to understand," or something.

Well, today I open our special box which accompanied Thim and me for 3 years.
I am going to read his secret. His secret that I didn't hear from him even when I begged him to tell me otherwise.
I dug the box up from under the tree and opened it.
I can see the closed letter.
I reached for it and read it.
Wet drops of sadness came rushing down my eyes.

Dear Paul,
You're the best friend I have ever had. You are the most understanding, fun,
cool and supportive friend ever.

I am.. so sorry. I have cancer. I didn't tell you, I know. Tomorrow's my last day. And I wanted to spend it with you.
I'm so glad we watched the sun set everyday we can get together.
I would miss you're mockings. Hehe. happy.gif I'll see you soon.


I sobbed endlessly after I read it.

I just stood there. Looking at the majestic view of the Sun's setting.

"Huh. I guess he was right." I put the letter down.
"I would regret it if I didn't tell him my secret."

I AM LEGEND~~~ in my ooooown woooorld
15 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
30th Apr 2009 05:57

I'm a teenager.
I live somewhere in Asia (:
I want to master English Literature someday.
I want to publish at least 4-6 books.
I have a wild imagination.
I love to love.
I hate people who chatspeaks.
I like opinionated people.
I'm mature.
My classmates are immature. <img src=>
I have 3 bestfriends in real life, 6 really good friends,
and 32 friends.
I dislike many people.
My current goal in marapets is to raise money just from playing games. My money is in the bank.
I prefer reading books.
I like watching television.
I still like Rugrats :3
I love reality shows.
I don't like the rain. Or anything too cold.
I'd love to experience snow.
I'd like to experience fainting.
I'm okay with gae guys. I don't want to have only-girls friends.
I'm interested in history.
Civil Wars. Whoo !
I like people with humor.
I don't like people that I liked xD
I'm in highschool now.
I want to bake properly someday.
The feel of the dough! OMG>>>>
: D
I like cookie doughs.
I love doughnuts.
I love bread.
I love sushi.
I love The Soup. =D
I hate guys (in my country) who does an emo hairstyle.
It's just not that good looking in my country! >.<

I love animals.
I'd like to travel around my country.
When I grow up, of course.
I want to live in an apartment and not a house.
It's just so sad to live in a house by yourself.
Besides, there's less chance to get robbed.
I love twilight.
Live with iiittt.


it's getting hot in here, so hawt!
15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
25th Apr 2009 22:53

I'm wearing this grey long sleeved shirt. And it's so hawt !!.
Literally. I'm sweating. Why don't I just open the air conditioner?
Oh. That's right. I'm lazy (:

UGH! I can't take it anymore! It's as if all the food I ate are going to the left side of my ribs and veins. I need a CPR.

Fine. I'll open it now. -.-

I looked at my mirror.
My hair's a mess and I'm ugly.
I wonder when will I post my picture here??

Maybe in a week or so?
DUnno. Dun't care.

I was in my club chat last night.
They were really interesting to talk to.
Maybe because they're adults??
I don't normally talk about books and opinions with my classmates or batch mates.
They're like kids.
I think I'm pretty mature for my age.
I think more different about things than my other classmates.
Or maybe they're just really immature.
I know a guy though. He was once my classmate. His name is Jeremiah Victor Gabriel Morano. xD What a long name.
I think his mother was shouting out the names from the Bible while giving birth to him.

That's funny.
We call him Jervi.
I like him. No, not LIKE HIM. I just respect him.
He has a good way of thinking unlike other guys in my school.
He's kind, a gentleman and funny. And he thinks of reasons before he judges first. He's slightly religious. And.. a trouble maker. thumbsup.gif

What now?
I guess I can make a blog about myself?
Hm. That WOULD be the right thing to do (:

Fiiiiine. I will I will. -.-

Survey from my club mate:3
15 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
8th Apr 2009 15:36

1) Are You Really Ready For 73 Questions?

2) Was Your Last Meal A Mistake?
burgers are no mistake :]

3)Do You Believe In God?
Of course!

4) Who Did You Last Say I Love You To?
Jessii <33

5) Do You Regret It?
No! xD

6) Have You Ever Been Depressed?

7) Have A Best Friend?
8) Are You A Boy Or Girl?

9) What Is Your Current Status?

10) How Do You Want To Die?
Not painfully.

11) What Did You Last Eat?
Burger :3

12) Play Any Sports?
Volleyball once. And swimming, and badminton :0

13) Do You Play An Instrument?
Piano. xD

14) Do You Bite Your Nails?
No. I have braces in my upper teeth. wahhaha. Geek.

15) When Was Your Last Physical Fight?
Mmm.. 3 days before Vacation :]]

16) Like Music?

17) Do You Have An Attitude?
Ew, no.

18) Ever Been In Love?
I guess?

19) What Is Your Real Name?
Frances. :]
20) Like Reading?
Yeah men !
21) Are You Gonna Get High Later?
Some time later :]

22) Do You Hate Anyone At The Moment?
Yeah. You know pretty damn well who you are.

23) Do You Miss Someone?
My friends T-T And Jessii xD

24) Who Is Your Best Friend's Uncle's Cousin Girlfriend's Daughter's Boyfriend?

25) Do You Tan Alot?
I don't need tan. I don't want a tan! >.< So artificial :b

26) How Exactly Are You Feeling?

26) Ever Ate Food In A Car While Someone Or Yourself Is Driving?
Yeah. I like it :3

27) Have You Ever Started A Rumor?
Nope. Only losers who are intimidated do that. thumbsup.gif

28) Are Barbie & Ken Bad Influences On People?
Yes. People make them do weird stuff. o.O

29) Do You Regret Anything From Your Past?
Yeh. Don't everyone?

30) What Are Your Political Views?
Obama is weird. He went to a country where people are trained to destroy America xD Does he know he's the president yet?

31) Do You Want To Have Kids?
Yeah.... :]

32) Ever Kissed Somebody That Name Start With A N?
Why. Is YOUR name starting with an N? o.O

33) Do You Type Fast?
Yep. And proud of eet.

34) Do You Have Piercings?
Ears. And I hate it.

35) Want Any More?

36) Can You Spell Good?
What does that last word say?? G-u-bsh??

37) Do You Miss Your Past?
Not really.Depends.

38) What Are You Craving Right Now?
Sleeping ZZzzzz.

39) What Should You Be Doing?
Sleeping xD

40) Does Somebody Love You?
Yesh. biggrin.gif

41) What Is/Are Your Favorite Color(s)?
White, sky/baby blue, silver.

42) So Are You Liking This Survey?
I like surveys, why is this any different? o.0

43) Do You Like Someone?
Ugh. Thanks for reminding me about him. He doesn't play marapets, thank God xD

44) Do You Have Trust Issues?

45) Have You Ever Had Feelings For Someone?

46) Do You Have A Good Relationship With Your Parents?
A bit.
47) Are You Secretly In Love?
Yes xD

48) Do You Believe Your Ex thinks About You?
Never had a boyfriend. My parents told me so :]]

49) Have You Ever Been Cheated On?
Test papers wahahaha

50) Is This Survey Too Personal Now?

51) Should This Survey Stop?
Not really.
52) Have You Ever Walked Outside Completely Naked?
Yeesss....? xD But not outside my house, ew. xD

53) Do You Think You're A Good Person?
a bIT. 50-50. haha

54) Do You Believe Everything Happens For A Reason?

55) Do You Take Showers?
Of course

56) Last Time You Had A Nice Bubble Bath?
2 years ago xD

57) What Is Bothering You?
My sleeping problem.

58) Have You Ever Done Drugs?

59) Do You Play The Wii?
Nope. I'm not comfortable about technology controlling our lives. o.o

60) How Do You Feel About Wal-Mart?
I love you <33 xD
61) Who Has Inspired You The Most?
My self.

62) What Is Your Favorite Quote?
Where were we? xD

63) Are You Excited You're Almost Done With This Survey?
es. I can finally sleep. ~_~

64) Are You Mean?
To boys :3 Just for fun, you know? Roughhouse ;D

65) Can You Keep White Shoes Clean?
Nope. xD
66)Have You Noticed This Survey Stopped Getting Personal?
I'm too smart to answer this question.

67) Do You Believe In True Love?
Somewhat ??

68) Are You Proud Of The Person You've Become?
Somewhat. Yesh.??

69) Do You Wanna Change?
Physically. xD
70) Who Was The Last Person To Make You Mad?
Some idiot.

71) Do You Like The Outside?

72) Are You Currently Bored?
Sleepy is different from bored.

73) Do You Want To Get Married?
Ye. Why? o.0

  1. Dear forsaken blog,
    5th Mar 2010 02:27
    15 years & 9 days ago
  2. Blog #240966
    29th Jun 2009 05:26
    15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  3. I AM LEGEND~~~ in my ooooown woooorld
    30th Apr 2009 05:57
    15 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  4. it's getting hot in here, so hawt!
    25th Apr 2009 22:53
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
  5. Survey from my club mate:3
    8th Apr 2009 15:36
    15 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
  6. My doodles :] Tsokoleyt !! :3
    5th Apr 2009 12:49
    15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  7. McDonalds :0
    3rd Apr 2009 11:55
    15 years, 11 months & 7 days ago
  8. About cats and me. My 1st entry. April 03, 2009:}
    3rd Apr 2009 01:28
    15 years, 11 months & 8 days ago
  9. He cares for his pets
    29th Mar 2009 19:23
    15 years, 11 months & 12 days ago