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[ Staff - I use up to 2 computers and my phone. Please see my blog "NOTE TO STAFF". ]

7YXo68Y.png Please feel free to MM me! It is the best way to contact me.
qlk4gPq.png Sure, but if I do not respond to your MT, then send me a MM - I sometimes delete my MT alerts accidentally.
OqkLgLR.png I will accept friend requests from anyone I know.
kgpmIC3.png None of my pets are currently up for trade.
8cKOsaG.png Join Astronomical!
  1. Pokemon
    24th Jul 2016 13:40
    8 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
    23rd Aug 2014 00:56
    10 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  3. Goals
    2nd Aug 2014 20:44
    10 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  4. Coral Application
    16th May 2013 23:19
    11 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
  5. Emiree Application
    27th Nov 2011 00:24
    13 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  6. Bought/Gifted Graphics
    12th Oct 2011 17:43
    13 years & 5 months ago
  7. The Definition of Amazing?
    5th Apr 2011 23:09
    13 years, 11 months & 6 days ago
8 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
24th Jul 2016 13:40

Trainer Brie




Up for trade

10 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
23rd Aug 2014 00:56

Since I just started college, I'll be logging in from there during the school year. My college is located a significant distance away from my home, where I normally log in, so I just thought I'd let you know. I'll be logging in from my home during some school breaks.

10 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
2nd Aug 2014 20:44

To Do:
All done for now Smile

Treasure Maps:
[X] Bootleg Pyramid Treasure Map
[X] Christmas Treasure Map
[X] Puny Pyramid Treasure Map
[X] Wonky Pyramid Treasure Map
[ ] Fishing Treasure Map
[ ] Simerian Explorer Treasure Map

[X] Background - Breeze Lorius
[X] Compound - Poison Daisy
[X] Friendzone - Valentine Oglue (Changed to Princess Oglue)
[X] Grandparent - Angel Eyru (Traded)
[X] Happier - Sketch Gobble (Changed to Valentine Straya)
[X] Hendo - Rofling
[X] Musubi - Panda Fasoro
[X] Preschool - Toddler Basil
[X] Scout Rusty (Henlo)
[X] Toreba - Anime Kujo
[X] Tsum - Party Snookle
[X] neogirl777989 - Baby Astro



lf (lowercase l)

Coral Application
11 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
16th May 2013 23:19


Hmmm, I think I can see the sun coming up in the distance...Never mind, it's just you brightening up my day. I'm sorry; I hope I didn't offend you by comparing you to the sun. You're just so hot. I'd hug you, but I'm afraid that I might melt in your arms. I apologize for all this flattery, but I can't help it -- you're the star at the center of my universe.
When you enter the room, you lighten the day and bring the heat. Since you make everyone all hot and sweaty ( ;D ), what better thing to do than go to the beach? Luckily, Hawaii has amazing beaches for chilling out.

These words seems a bit confusing, right? Well, I want to point out the purpose behind my writing (because all of the things I said up there are empty words until I put a meaning to them). I'm here to apply for Coral, the lovely pink Zoink. (See? Now that I've given my writing a purpose, I turned that pointless rambling into what people call "sucking up." Plus, the whole sun thing goes along with the beach theme, and at the beach, there is coral, which matches the name of the pet being given away.)

Anyway, hi there. I'm Bri (if you didn't know), and I believe that my marafamily is perfect for Coral. I live in Hawaii, which is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and its beautiful coral reefs. Since there are many coral reefs in Hawaii, it would make sense for Coral to live with me in my Hawaiian abode. As someone who loves snorkeling and diving, I appreciate and know how to take care of the coral reefs. I promise that I'd love and care for Coral in the same way that I love and care for the coral reefs if I got to be her lucky owner. Coral can't go wrong with an owner like me. Just like coral reefs belong in the ocean, Coral belongs in my marafamily, and I'd really love to have her. Coral wouldn't just be another part of my marafamily. She'd actually be special to me. I'd like to own Coral simply because she would remind me of my adventures at Shark's Cove, Hanauma Bay, Lanikai Beach, Tangalooma Island, the Great Barrier Reef, Okinawa, or any of the other coral reefs I've visited/snorkeled at. (I also want her for her name. The name Coral is absolutely amazing. I'm not even kidding, I've actually been eyeing Coral for quite some time now and I want to own her so bad it's like asdfghjkl;. When I found out that Sketch was hosting a giveaway for Coral, I was thinking, OH MY GOSHHH FWAHHASDfASJODASDF YES THANK GOODNESS CHLOE YOU ARE A BLESSING FROM HEAVEN. Well, back to the normal part of the application...) I already have many other pets that remind me about where I live, so Coral would fit right in (Compassion reminds me of the compassionate spirit of the community here, Earnests reminds me of my grandpa from Hawaii, Emiree reminds me of the ocean, Haupia reminds me of the traditional dessert dish that is served at luaus, Katsu reminds me of another popular dish in Hawaii, and Seducing, who used to be an Island Oglue, reminds me of how sexy the people here are). Coral would be a special pet who reminds me of something I love, and I'd cherish her for her sentimental value.

Mara-wise, I have some long-term ideas for Coral. If I got to be Coral's lucky owner, I plan to possibly change her into an underwater pet, water pet, another pink LE, or a summer pet. However, this probably won't happen for awhile, since I don't have too much MP to spare. Like I said, I'd take care of Coral (or at least try to), and if you didn't infer already, I don't plan on trading her. If I decide to quit, I'll either give it back to Chloe, give it back to you (CC) for re-giveaway in Sketch, or give it to someone worthy.

Well, that's all I have to say here. Hopefully I have convinced you to pick me as Coral's new owner.


Emiree Application
13 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
27th Nov 2011 00:24


She's really all I want for Christmas, this year

Aloha there, Maz and Ann! Thank you for deciding to give away Emiree, the Female Underwater Dakota. After a little over a month of preparing for this day, I'm overjoyed to finally present my application for Emiree.

Ehh, who am I anyway?

First, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Bri, and I've been hooked (like a fish) to Marapets for about five years now. I'd say I'm a pretty experienced user; I've had my share of LE pets, I've been in a couple of big clubs, and I've made a couple of millions over the years. On Mara, you can find me frequenting my club Sketch (It's amazing), or questing -- I'm not one to post on forums, much.

I've ridden nearly the entire "wave" of Marapets -- through its "barrel" (those active, enjoyable times) to its "near wipeout" (the current, dead times.) I still enjoy it just as much as before. Now, you're probably wondering why I'm using such unusual terminology. That's because I've been living in the Hawaiian islands, and loving it. I was born and raised here, so I'm a true local -- I love to surf, beach go, paddle board, and kayak in my free time. Additionally, my family and my uncles also go on fishing outings pretty often. Basically, I love the ocean and being around it. It's so powerful, majestic, and full of interesting creatures. I think Emiree would be the perfect pet for me, hence her perfectly-fitting underwater costume. I would love for her to be part of my Marapets ohana. Now here's a little short story that I wrote especially for Emiree???

Mirage : A Short Story

Bri parked her truck on the dirt-paved road, waited for the dust to clear, and then proceeded to getting out of her vehicle. Unloading her board from the back, Bri reminisced of all the exciting, heart-stopping times she had while surfing. As she felt a smile curl up the right side of her face, Bri hit herself out of embarrassment. Carrying her board down to the beach, she inched her way towards the silky, white sand of the beach. She looked around at her settings: the rocky tide-pools to the left, the soft sand engulfing the entire landscape, the lone tourist creating footprints in the sand, and the ocean's majestic blue waters crashing on the shore. As she dug her feet into the warm sand, she felt the usual tingle of excitement course through her veins. She sighed as the warmness engulfed her whole body. After making her way to the shore, Bri jumped in the water, allowing the water to splash over her face, relieving all of her built up stress and tension--the ocean always seemed to have this calming effect on her. She paddled out to sea, ducking below each wave, but stopped as she saw a green speck in the water. The speck was about fifty or so meters away, and about fifty feet below the water. She could tell it was not just a fleck of seaweed because of the distinct tone of apple green with dull lime green outline. She paddled closer to the speck, until she floated just above it. Bri watched as the fleck surfaced, and realized that it was indeed some kind of animal-resembling creature. It appeared to be an underwater animal of some kind. Bri fell in love with the creature instantaneously, and broke into poem:

"Oh dearest creature from the sea,
Won't you come and play with me?
Surfing, swimming, paddling, galore!
With things to do you will never bore.
So dearest creature of the sea,
My dearest hope is that mine you'll be.

Oh dearest creature from the sea,
You say your name is Emiree?
How beautiful is your name to ear.
How I'd love to hold you dear.
So dearest creature of the sea,
Owning you would fill me with glee

Oh dearest creature from the sea,
Who liveth in the 'kingdom of the sea'.
I'll miss you dearly when offshore
But will always come back; there's you to care for.
So dearest creature of the sea,
If I'm the lock then you're the key."

I want this pet, because...

I'd love to own this little darling from the sea. Although I explained some of my reasoning for wanting your Dakota in my poem, I'd love to explain other reasons why I adore her. Emiree reminds me of a little underwater mermaid in the ocean. That's one of the major reasons why I would love to own Emiree -- she's part of the ocean, a place which I frequent and love. Another reason I adore Emiree is because of her name. The name Emiree has a really nice ring to it, and it also reminds me of the name Emilee/Emily.

Really, do I even have enough space?

I have maxed out on my 12 pets, but I made sure I'd have enough space before applying for Emiree. I made sure that I was ready for Emiree just in case I won her, because why apply if I don't have the space? Currently, I have 6 AU credits. If I won Emiree, I could use some of those AU credits to buy an Extra Pet Giftbox so that I have enough space to accommodate Emiree.

Everyone deserves Emiree, but what makes me especially deserving? Goals, ambitions, and reasonings.

So I've pretty much explained why I wanted the pet. But what happens if I actually receive this pet? I'll tell you about some of the plans I have for Emiree.

To keep Emiree happy if and while she is with me, I will stick her in the Hotel just like I do with majority of my other LE pets.
But other than the feeding, etc. rules, I plan to stat her and learnie her some, too. By looking at her stats, I see that she has some pretty good learnies already. Although I already have a learned pet, I'd probably try to get her books up to at least 100. Looking through the individual books she's read, I see that she has read some pretty expensive books too, making me believe that it's worth it to learnie her up. Since stats were started on her, I plan to stat her up to at least 10, and possibly even further. Emiree would be sitting on my profile between Earnests and Haupia, enjoying the Hawaiian sun while enjoying a book or two.

I can guarantee that I'd be a devoted and loyal owner to Emiree. Each one of my pets is special to my heart in some way, and has a secret meaning in my heart: especially the ones that have something to do with where I live -- such as Haupia (name of a Hawaiian dessert), Kepano (Hawaiian-English name), Katsu (local favorite dish), and Seducing (island costume). Emiree would be one of the special ones in my heart because she reminds me of the Hawaiian beaches and ocean.
I can assure you that I'll keep the pet and follow through with my plans if I received Emiree. I was more than thankful to have won two giveaways in the past. I still have the pet from the first giveaway (Seducing) and love her to pieces despite the fact that people generally hate Oglues. With Seducing, I have followed up with my plans; I kept her and trained her a bit. For the second giveaway I won, I received a Nino. I recently received the Nino, but I have already started working up on his stats.

However, I can't promise that I'd never let Emiree go. Honestly, I'd give away Emiree if I was quitting, but I'd give her only to a close friend more deserving than I.
I treat these all giveaway pets like presents - I assume that the owner would be very hurt if I traded or re-gifted them without any urgent reason. I can promise you that I wouldn't give Emiree away unless it was for a very urgent reason. Based on that, I'm confident that you can trust me with the ownership of Emiree.

Again, thank you for the wonderful opportunity to apply for Emiree, Maz and Ann. Emiree would be a lovely Christmas present to remind me of the ocean during winter. But it's not like I can't go surfing at this time; with the weather here, I'm going to be spending my Christmas afternoon on the beach, especially with those lovely winter swells. Hopefully my story will come true, and I can "find" Emiree on a lovely beach and take her home; however, I am not expecting anything. It would be a lovely surprise if I won her. But even if I don't win Emiree, I'll be very happy for the user who wins her, since I know he/she would take amazing care of an amazing pet.

To sum it all up, I would treat Emiree like a special addition to my mara ohana. Quoted from Stitch, "Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind...or forgotten." Emiree is ohana, so she will never be "left behind" or "forgotten." I promise to take great care of her.

Enjoy the graphic!
I also made the two graphics on the top, for you to enjoy.



E-M-I-R-E-E spells EMIREE
The first letter of each heading started with one of the letters in Emiree's name.
With the completion of her name comes the end of my application for Emiree.
Again, thank you for the opportunity and good luck to all of other applicants.
Thank you for your time Maz and Ann; I hope you enjoyed my application.
And Ann, thanks for posting my application for me just in case I didn't see the board or blog. I definitely owe you one.

  1. Pokemon
    24th Jul 2016 13:40
    8 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
    23rd Aug 2014 00:56
    10 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  3. Goals
    2nd Aug 2014 20:44
    10 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
  4. Coral Application
    16th May 2013 23:19
    11 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
  5. Emiree Application
    27th Nov 2011 00:24
    13 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
  6. Bought/Gifted Graphics
    12th Oct 2011 17:43
    13 years & 5 months ago
  7. The Definition of Amazing?
    5th Apr 2011 23:09
    13 years, 11 months & 6 days ago