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  1. Quiz!!!!!!!!!
    31st Dec 2007 14:32
    17 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
  2. Animal Abuse Poems
    19th Oct 2007 10:18
    17 years & 5 months ago
  3. STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    19th Oct 2007 08:20
    17 years & 5 months ago
17 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
31st Dec 2007 14:32

What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?

hint:type of day

Animal Abuse Poems
17 years & 5 months ago
19th Oct 2007 10:18

Without animals
Life is lonely.
When the only forms of life around you
Are plants and other humans.
Can you imagine a generation
that never gets to hear a bird sing.
Without animals
Life is sad.
Without a caring face to cheer you up.
Or a friend who is always there.
Can you imagine a generation
that never gets to touch the soft fur on a kittens back.
Without animals
Life is unkind.
Without a friend who is always by your side.
Or a single person who cares.
Can you imagine a generation without animals?
Can you imagine it?

Little padding pawsteps,
Hardly a step behind,
Comes a little kitten,
Purring, bright and fine.
Then you hear a little scream,
You turn to look behind,
And who else do you see,
But the little kitten being strangled,
As breathless can be.
It struggles,
Then stills,
It's already out of breath,
And what else can you do,
but see its tiny death?

A little puppy passing by,
with a happy little smile
as it brings us little joy,
when you go you hear it voice
crying in agony,
you turn back with a scream,
seeing it dying in sorrow,
fear and soul turns foul
little puppy cry once more, hear it's last word, now lays silence brings nothing but sorrowness to our hearts.
- Phil Johnson

you see a cute puppy
you see a dead puppy
some people dont see the
difference of the puppys thats why peple do animal abuse!

STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 years & 5 months ago
19th Oct 2007 08:20

Stop Animal Abuse

Please copy and paste this to your blog if u hav a heart.

I listened to your feelings.
I heard what you had to say.
I thought you wanted me to stay.
You sold me to a stranger and didn't say good-bye.
He left me outside and didn't even play.
He didn't come out to feed me.
I had almost no water.
He came outside to beat me, I do not know why.
He drove me to the woods and left me there to die.
I really miss you, mom.
I didn't want to go.
I hope you remember me as the days go by.
I look down at you and smile happily as I see you and your new family playing with a different pet.
I hope everybody will try to stop animal abuse so they don't end up like me.

  1. Quiz!!!!!!!!!
    31st Dec 2007 14:32
    17 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
  2. Animal Abuse Poems
    19th Oct 2007 10:18
    17 years & 5 months ago
  3. STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    19th Oct 2007 08:20
    17 years & 5 months ago