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548 Players Online
13:03:04 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Pets Are not for Trade.
However I Will lend for goals and avatars. Cheapest to lend are 400k+

Please no club invites, I am not a very social person and I never interact in them.

Wishlist is for personal use unless otherwise specified on trade. I do not do item swaps outside of that. I <3 lamp

Pets are not for trade. Will lend for goals and avatars however.
  1. Missing photo's
    26th Aug 2018 01:03
    6 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
  2. Missing plates
    27th Nov 2015 17:51
    9 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  3. Missing Gourmet food
    25th Sep 2013 21:05
    11 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  4. Poops
    17th Mar 2014 18:04
    10 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
  5. Wanted posters
    25th Sep 2024 19:45
    5 months, 16 days & 17 hrs ago
  6. Missing Newspapers
    25th May 2019 12:26
    5 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  7. Missing avatar/experience solutions
    26th Apr 2014 02:01
    10 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  8. Gobble war items/St Patricks 2014 event
    5th Dec 2013 15:50
    11 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  9. Job perks I have
    20th Sep 2013 07:37
    11 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
  10. Avatar/Goal Pets
    4th Jul 2013 04:26
    11 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
Missing photo's
6 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
26th Aug 2018 01:03

List is always up to date..

Alien Chibs
Alien Decadal
Alien Figaro
Alien Kujo
Alien Vlad
Alien Wallop

American Gobble
American Straya

Anime Decadal
Anime Leido

Armoured Arinya
Armoured Chibs
Armoured Crindol
Armoured Dakota
Armoured Doyle
Armoured Figaro
Armoured Gobble
Armoured Huthiq
Armoured Ideus
Armoured Jessup
Armoured Kidlet
Armoured Kujo
Armoured Lorius
Armoured Nino
Armoured Paffuto
Armoured Poera
Armoured Rofling
Armoured Renat
Armoured Rusty-getting myself
Armoured Sindi
Armoured Straya
Armoured Tantua
Armoured Tasi
Armoured Troit
Armoured Ushunda
Armoured Walee
Armoured Willa
Armoured Viotto
Armoured Vixen
Armoured Vlad
Armoured Wallop
Armoured Yakubi
Armoured Zetlian

Australian Bolimo
Australian Crindol
Australian Decadal
Australian Equilor
Australian Feliz
Australian Xoi

Autumn Wallop

Balloon Wallop

Bee Decadal
Bee Wallop

Blitzen Bolimo
Blitzen Crikey
Blitzen Eyru
Blitzen Ideus

Bootleg Leido
Bootleg Wallop

Bug Kujo
Bug Zetlian

Candle Azul
Candle Renat
Candle Sindi
Candle Zetlian

Candy Basil
Candy Crikey
Candy Dakota
Candy Kronk
Candy Kujo
Candy Lorius
Candy Nino
Candy Phanty
Candy Rofling
Candy Rusty
Candy Straya
Candy Tantua
Candy Tasi
Candy Troit
Candy Wallop

Cartoon Fasoro
Cartoon Gobble
Cartoon Kronk
Cartoon Renat
Cartoon Vlad

Checkered Dakota
Checkered Eyru

Chocolate Ideus

Christmas Figaro
Christmas Speiro

Clown Echlin

Cotton Candy Rofling
Cotton Candy Tantua
Cotton Candy Wallop

Cupid Kronk
Cupid Xoi-getting myself

Cursed Arinya
Cursed Astro
Cursed Azul

Dalmatian Lorius
Dalmatian Newth
Dalmatian Nino
Dalmatian Paffuto
Dalmatian Phanty
Dalmatian Reese
Dalmatian Rofling
Dalmatian Sindi
Dalmatian Speiro
Dalmatian Tantua
Dalmatian Troit
Dalmatian Willa
Dalmatian Yakubi
Dalmatian Zetlian
Dalmatian Zola

Dark Crindol
Dark Decadal
Dark Newth
Dark Fairy Troit
Dark Ushunda
Dark Vlad

Dark Fairy Leido
Dark Fairy Willa
Dark Fairy Yakubi

Daylight Azul
Daylight Doyle
Daylight Jessup
Daylight Paffuto
Daylight Poera
Daylight Reese
Daylight Speiro
Daylight Wallop

Defective Zola
Defective Zoosh

Desert Arinya
Desert Basil
Desert Crindol
Desert Dakota
Desert Decadal
Desert Doyle
Desert Ercuw
Desert Fasoro
Desert Feliz

Digital Wallop

Doll Azul
Doll Dakota
Doll Huthiq
Doll Newth
Doll Paffuto
Doll Reese
Doll Rofling
Doll Tantua
Doll Zetlian

Dragon Decadal
Dragon Figaro
Dragon Wallop

Eclipse Arinya
Eclipse Azul
Eclipse Crikey
Eclipse Crindol
Eclipse Dakota
Eclipse Decadal
Eclipse Doyle
Eclipse Figaro
Eclipse Gobble
Eclipse Ideus
Eclipse Jessup
Eclipse Newth
Eclipse Poera
Eclipse Renat
Eclipse Rofling
Eclipse Rusty
Eclipse Sindi
Eclipse Speiro
Eclipse Straya
Eclipse Tantua
Eclipse Tasi
Eclipse Troit
Eclipse Viotto
Eclipse Vixen
Eclipse Walee
Eclipse Wallop
Eclipse Willa
Eclipse Yakubi

Eleka Decadal

Enpiah Chibs
Enpiah Crikey
Enpiah Wallop

Fancy Decadal

Funky Decadal

Ghost Figaro

Gnome Crindol
Gnome Dakota
Gnome Fasoro
Gnome Ideus
Gnome Jessup
Gnome Leido
Gnome Newth
Gnome Poera
Gnome Reese
Gnome Renat
Gnome Sindi
Gnome Straya
Gnome Tantua
Gnome Tasi
Gnome Vixen
Gnome Vlad
Gnome Walee
Gnome Willa

Goblin Azul
Goblin Crikey
Goblin Kronk

Halloween Echlin
Halloween Flab
Halloween Justin
Halloween Kaala
Halloween Murfin
Halloween Willa

Headless Azul-getting myself

Hobo Decadal
Hobo Renat
Hobo Rofling
Hobo Tantua
Hobo Ushunda

Ice Fairy Vlad

Injured Ercuw
Injured Limax

Insideout Dakota
Insideout Limax
Insideout Quell
Insideout Wallop

Invisible Paffuto
Invisible Poera
Invisible Quell
Invisible Reese
Invisible Renat
Invisible Rofling
Invisible Rusty
Invisible Sindi
Invisible Snookle
Invisible Tantua
Invisible Tasi
Invisible Ushunda
Invisible Vixen
Invisible Walee

Island Ushunda

Lava Nino
Lava Wallop

Leopard Kujo

Leprechaun Feliz
Leprechaun Flab
Leprechaun Grint
Leprechaun Ideus
Leprechaun Osafo
Leprechaun Paffuto
Leprechaun Renat
Leprechaun Speiro
Leprechaun Walee
Leprechaun Zetlian

Light Decadal
Light Sindi
Light Wallop

Light Fairy Poera

Mad Scientist Ushunda
Mad Scientist Vlad
Mad Scientist Wallop

Mafia Arinya
Mafia Azul
Mafia Chibs
Mafia Crindol
Mafia Dakota
Mafia Decadal
Mafia Doyle
Mafia Figaro
Mafia Huthiq
Mafia Ideus
Mafia Jessup
Mafia Kidlet
Mafia Kujo
Mafia Lorius
Mafia Newth
Mafia Nino
Mafia Paffuto
Mafia Poera
Mafia Quell
Mafia Sindi
Mafia Speiro
Mafia Straya
Mafia Tantua
Mafia Tasi
Mafia Troit
Mafia Ushunda
Mafia Vixen
Mafia Vlad
Mafia Walee
Mafia Wallop
Mafia Willa
Mafia Yakubi
Mafia Zetlian

Mermaid Kujo

Minipet Wallop

Monster Doyle
Monster Figaro
Monster Flab
Monster Grint
Monster Hump
Monster Huthiq
Monster Ideus
Monster Justin
Monster Kaala
Monster Kidlet
Monster Kronk
Monster Nino
Monster Oglue
Monster Osafo
Monster Paffuto
Monster Walee
Monster Zoink

Moonlight Kidlet
Moonlight Leido

Mummy Wallop

Musical Decadal
Musical Gizmo
Musical Kronk
Musical Newth
Musical Poera
Musical Sindi

Native Kidlet
Native Poera
Native Willa

Nightmare Basil
Nightmare Crindol
Nightmare Dakota
Nightmare Fasoro

Ninja Paffuto

Origami Chibs
Origami Hump
Origami Lorius
Origami Renat
Origami Tantua
Origami Ushunda
Origami Viotto

Pampered Crindol
Pampered Ideus

Party Azul
Party Grint
Party Kidlet
Party Kronk
Party Osafo
Party Paffuto
Party Renat
Party Tantua
Party Yakubi

Phantom Decadal

Pirate Arinya
Pirate Dakota
Pirate Jessup
Pirate Ercuw
Pirate Lorius
Pirate Phanty
Pirate Pucu
Pirate Quell
Pirate Sindi

Pixel Decadal
Pixel Gobble

Plant Arinya
Plant Azul
Plant Decadal
Plant Poera

Plushie Limax

Poison Vixen
Poison Willa

Polar Basil
Polar Gonk
Polar Poera
Polar Pucu
Polar Xoi

Proud Azul
Proud Bolimo
Proud Crindol
Proud Decadal
Proud Doyle
Proud Equilor
Proud Eyru
Proud Fasoro
Proud Feliz
Proud Flab
Proud Gonk
Proud Hump
Proud Kujo
Proud Rusty
Proud Snookle

Punk Crindol
Punk Rusty
Punk Wallop

Rainbow Wallop

Recycled Ideus-getting myself
Recycled Jessup-getting myself

Red Panda Decadal
Redpanda Tasi

Robot Decadal
Robot Equilor
Robot Nino
Robot Rusty
Robot Paffuto
Robot Straya

Rotten Decadal

Royal Addow
Royal Arinya
Royal Azul
Royal Bolimo
Royal Crikey
Royal Crindol
Royal Dakota
Royal Doyle
Royal Equilor
Royal Feliz
Royal Flab
Royal Ideus
Royal Jessup
Royal Knutt
Royal Murfin
Royal Yakubi
Royal Zetlian

Safari Decadal

School Arinya
School Crikey
School Crindol
School Dakota
School Doyle
School Ercuw
School Feliz
School Gobble
School Huthiq
School Newth
School Renat

Scout Willa

Seasonal Limax

Sewer Fairy

Sewers Mordo
Sewers Nino
Sewers Wallop

Simerian Decadal

Skeleton Kujo

Sleepy Vlad

Slime Wallop

Snowman Wallop

Space Fairy Azul
Space Fairy Decadal
Space Fairy Gizmo
Space Fairy Grint
Space Fairy Ideus
Space Fairy Ike
Space Fairy Jessup
Space Fairy Kronk
Space Fairy Lorius
Space Fairy Osafo
Space Fairy Straya
Space Fairy Xoi
Space Fairy Zetlian
Space Fairy Zola

Space Decadal
Space Jessup
Space Leido
Space Lorius

Splatter Dakota
Splatter Huthiq
Splatter Troit
Splatter Ushunda

Sparkle Dakota

Splatter Huthiq
Splatter Ushunda

Sponge Azul
Sponge Chibs
Sponge Crikey
Sponge Crindol
Sponge Dakota
Sponge Decadal
Sponge Fasoro
Sponge Feliz
Sponge Figaro
Sponge Huthiq
Sponge Ideus
Sponge Jessup
Sponge Kidlet
Sponge Lorius
Sponge Nino
Sponge Paffuto
Sponge Poera
Sponge Phanty
Sponge Quell
Sponge Renat
Sponge Rofling
Sponge Rusty
Sponge Sindi
Sponge Speiro
Sponge Straya
Sponge Tantua
Sponge Tasi
Sponge Troit
Sponge Ushunda
Sponge Vixen
Sponge Vlad
Sponge Walee
Sponge Willa
Sponge Zetlian

Spring Snookle
Spring Ushunda

Starry Raulf

Steampunk Astro

Stone Age Daisy
Stone Age Huthiq
Stone Age Jessup
Stone Age Leido
Stone Age Tantua

Strobe Zoink

Summer Equilor
Summer Flab
Summer Gizmo
Summer Gobble
Summer Huthiq
Summer Justin
Summer Kronk
Summer Newth
Summer Paffuto
Summer Renat
Summer Rofling
Summer Speiro
Summer Xoi
Summer Straya

Super Hero Wallop

Swamp Decadal
Swamp Hump
Swamp Huthiq

Toddler Addow
Toddler Arinya
Toddler Bolimo
Toddler Crikey
Toddler Doyle
Toddler Ercuw
Toddler Fasoro
Toddler Feliz
Toddler Flab
Toddler Gizmo
Toddler Gonk
Toddler Hump
Toddler Ideus
Toddler Justin
Toddler Kronk
Toddler Oglue
Toddler Pucu
Toddler Straya
Toddler Yakubi
Toddler Zetlian
Toddler Zoink
Toddler Zoosh

Tornado Arinya
Tornado Basil
Tornado Bolimo
Tornado Chibs
Tornado Crindol
Tornado Dakota
Tornado Doyle
Tornado Feliz
Tornado Figaro
Tornado Gizmo
Tornado Gonk
Tornado Leido
Tornado Nino
Tornado Zetlian
Tornado Zoink

Toy Addow
Toy Arinya
Toy Basil
Toy Crikey
Toy Crindol
Toy Daisy
Toy Equilor
Toy Flab
Toy Gizmo
Toy Hump
Toy Ideus
Toy Jessup
Toy Justin
Toy Kaala
Toy Kidlet
Toy Knutt
Toy Lati
Toy Lorius
Toy Oglue
Toy Quell
Toy Raulf
Toy Reese
Toy Renat
Toy Rofling
Toy Rusty
Toy Snookle
Toy Straya
Toy Tantu
Toy Tasi
Toy Troit
Toy Vlad
Toy Walee
Toy Willa

Tundra Arinya
Tundra Hump

Underwater Kidlet

Undying Fairy Decadal

Valentine Gobble
Valentine Ushunda

Vampire Gobble

Villain Basil
Villain Equilor
Villain Grint
Villain Hump
Villain Huthiq
Villain Ideus
Villain Kronk
Villain Leido
Villain Limax
Villain Paffuto
Villain Phanty
Villain Poera
Villain Speiro
Villain Ushunda

Winter Decadal

Witch Grint
Witch Kronk
Witch Limax

Voodoo Leido

Missing plates
9 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
27th Nov 2015 17:51

Always up to date.

Only swapping candycorn plates for other candycorn plates
Candy corn plates


Aqua Nodio



Clown Dapurtle
Clown Limited
Clown Magic Carpet






Halloween Farley


Insideout Alen
Insideout Drinas
Insideout Loyal
Insideout Skyrat





Leprechaun Bingo
Leprechaun Cumulus
Leprechaun Fedora
Leprechaun Kelpie
Leprechaun Majesty



Monster Ian
Monster Spidly
Monster Toff




Party Andy
Party Fang
Party Flobberbat
Party Ian
Party Pyri
Party Skullington

Prize Alchemy
Prize Candipeed
Prize Dantiz
Prize Deeko
Prize Decapitate
Prize Dumdo
Prize Festival
Prize Mosquito


Royal Bog
Royal Champion
Royal Doomed
Royal Dracone
Royal Jokemo
Royal Twenny


Space Fairy Avalon
Space Fairy Batz
Space Fairy Charley
Space Fairy Chubular
Space Fairy Crabs
Space Fairy Devan
Space Fairy Farley

Summer Bush
Summer Copter
Summer Grimmus
Summer Pumpkin Ed
Summer Pumpkin Misread
Summer Pumpkin Shred
Summer Pumpkin Ted
Summer Pumpkin Wed


Toddler Aphid
Toddler Doomed
Toddler Pellet
Toddler Phileas
Toddler Shaggy
Toddler Spooks



Villain Adorab
Villain Antagonist
Villain Anthem
Villain Antifreeze
Villain Demi
Villain Fedora
Villain Fly
Villain Sewage




Zombie Amor

Missing Gourmet food
11 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
25th Sep 2013 21:05

Not trading or buying for Fairy or goal rewards.

Not buying anything over 3m

Foxfire mini's


press and hold ctrl+f to search list





Baby Pearl
Bird Seed
Black Sesame Ice Cream
Black Truffle Pizza
Blue Eyeball Gummies
Blue Gummi
Bone Potato
Bottle of Soy Sauce
Broken Easter Egg
Broken Egg Pearl
Bubble Gum Pie
Burnt Pearl


Candy Crunch Cereal
Candy Mushroom
Cheese Astro
Chibs Ice Sculpture
Chocolate Beach Cake
Chocolate Croissant
Chocolate Pearl
Chocolate Potato
Christmas Pretzel
Cracked Green Gumball
Cracked Pink Gumball
Cracked Yellow Gumball
Cranberry Pie


Daisy Pizza
Dark Chocolate Straya
Daylight Ice Cream
Dead Fly Pizza
Deviled Easter Egg
Digital Fairy Sugar Cube
Drake Sugar Cube


Easter Egg
Explorer Pearl


Fat Beach
Fat Booty
Fat Butt
Fat Deeko
Fat Derriere
Fat Doomed
Fat Farley
Fat Fatty
Fat Grimmus
Fat Ian
Fat Jezebel
Fat Klik
Fat Limited
Fat Loser
Fat Miraffe
Fat Mistake
Fat Neesta
Fat Nerd
Fat Nude
Fat Piggy
Fat Plump
Fat Sassy
Fat Serri
Fat Sewage
Fat Tefty
Fat Trauma
Fat Turdle
Feliz Cake Pop
Festival Gumball
Frankenstein Cupcake
Frankenstein Potato
Fresh Strawberry Melon Bread
Frozen Candycane
Frozen Crab Claws


Geek Pearl
Genie Potato
Gigantic Granola
Gingerbread Pearl
Glowing Mushroom Soup
Gold Coin Hard Candy
Golem Sugar Cube
Gonk Cake Pop
Gonk Easter Egg
Greedy Fairy Sugar Cube
Green Eyeball Gummies
Green Yolk
Grey Bunns
Grey DNA
Grey Gummi
Grey Potato
Grey Yolk
Griffin Sugar Cube


Halloween Mousse
Halloween Pearl
Ham and Cheese Sandwich
Hick Easter Egg
Hippow Easter Egg
Homeless Fairy Sugar Cube


Ideus Easter Egg
Insideout Pearl
InsideOut Potato


Jar of Artifacts
Jar of Bubbles
Jar of Butterflies
Jar of Fog
Jar of Rocks
Jar of Sunshine
Jelly Potato Chips
Jezebel Easter Egg
Jumper Cable Jelly


Kale Pie
Killer Pearl
King Baspinar Left Arm
King Baspinar Right Arm
Knight Pearl
Kronk Easter Egg


Ladybird Pearl
Lela Easter Egg
Light Side Pearl
Lilac Potato
Lucky Easter Egg
Lush Easter Egg


Magenta Potato
Melted Frozen Cheese
Melted Frozen Drumstick
Melted Frozen Green Apple
Melted Frozen Red Apple
Melted Snow
Merman Sugar Cube
Midnight Chibs Paw
Milk Chocolate Straya
Minipet Pearl
Mint Chocolate Decadal
Mint Chocolate Straya
Moon Pearl
Moonlight Fairy Sugar Cube
Moonlight Ice Cream
Moonlight Pizza
Moonlight Potato Chips
Mouldy Gumball
Mummy Gumball
Munch Chocolate Bar
Mutant Food
Mutant Friday Fish Burger
My Girl Candy Heart
My Love Candy Heart
My Treat Candy Heart


Native Potato
Neapolitan Ice Cream Vixen Lolly


One Hundred Cake
Orange Bunns
Orange DNA
Orange Gummi
Orange Yolk
Osafo Easter Egg


Paffuto Easter Egg
Panda Onigiri
Panda Pearl
Phanty Easter Egg
Pineapple Potato Chips
Pingi Easter Egg
Pink Easter Egg
Pink Gummi
Pink Osafo Marshmallow
Pink Yolk
Pixie Pearl
Plum Pie
Plushie Fairy Doughnut
Poera Easter Egg
Pork Pie
Pumpkin Pancakes
Purple Bunns
Purple DNA
Purple Easter Egg
Purple Gummi
Purple Yolk



Rainbow Fairy Ice Cream
Rainbow Pizza
Red Eyeball Gummies
Renat Easter Egg
Roasted Chestnuts
Royal Fairy Sugar Cube


Scrooge Easter Egg
Sewer Fairy Cupcake
Sewer Fairy Sugar Cube
Sewer Mousse
Simeria Pearl
Simerian Pearl
Skater Pearl
Slice of Daisy Pizza
Slice of Daylight Pizza
Slice of Moonlight Pizza
Slice of Unicorn Pizza
Slime Potato Chips
Snowman Jelly
Snowman Meringue
Snowman Pancakes
Snowman Pearl
Soap Flavoured Gummy
Spam Fairy Cupcake
Spam Fairy Pearl
Spam Fairy Potato
SPAM Fairy Sugar Cube
Sparkle Pearl
Spring Pearl
Spring Potato
Spy Pearl
Striped Easter Egg
Superhero Pearl
Super Stacker Burger


Teeth Potato Chips
Tiny Mushroom Pearl
Tooth Fairy Sugar Cube
Tree Pearl
Triangle Easter Egg
Tub of Unicorn Ice Cream


Unicorn Ice Cream
Unicorn Pizza
Unicorn Soda


Village Pearl


Werewolf Pearl
White Chocolate Decadal



Yellow Bunns
Yellow DNA


10 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
17th Mar 2014 18:04

Adorab Poop
Anubis Poop
Apollo Poop

Bacon Poop

Chiliz Poop

Devil Poop
Devilray Poop
Diamond poop
Dumpling Poop

Embers Poop
Erni Poop

Filondor Poop
Floss Poop
Foh Poop
Forte Poop

Ghosty Poop

Lambit Poop

Mia Poop
Miraffe Poop
Moneybag Poop

Naga Poop

Orville Poop

Plapus Poop
Pugwash Poop
Pumpee Poop
Pyri Poop

Rweek Poop

Shmancy Poop
Shyda Poop
Skelly Poop
Slig Poop
Snixie Poop
Superhero Poop

Tefty Poop
Treat Poop
Tubby Poop
Twins Poop

Ush Poop

Valentino Poop

Yolk Poop

Wanted posters
5 months, 16 days & 17 hrs ago
25th Sep 2024 19:45

Evil Clowns score prize

Level 10 2 star: Vintage Donald wanted poster
Level 12 3 star: Snappy Wanted poster
Level 17 3 star: Evil Clowns soundtrack.

  1. Missing photo's
    26th Aug 2018 01:03
    6 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
  2. Missing plates
    27th Nov 2015 17:51
    9 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  3. Missing Gourmet food
    25th Sep 2013 21:05
    11 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  4. Poops
    17th Mar 2014 18:04
    10 years, 11 months & 25 days ago
  5. Wanted posters
    25th Sep 2024 19:45
    5 months, 16 days & 17 hrs ago
  6. Missing Newspapers
    25th May 2019 12:26
    5 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  7. Missing avatar/experience solutions
    26th Apr 2014 02:01
    10 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  8. Gobble war items/St Patricks 2014 event
    5th Dec 2013 15:50
    11 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  9. Job perks I have
    20th Sep 2013 07:37
    11 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
  10. Avatar/Goal Pets
    4th Jul 2013 04:26
    11 years, 8 months & 8 days ago