Missing avatar/experience solutions
10 years, 10 months & 17 days ago

26th Apr 2014 02:01
*Beauty Contest-Win a prize from the Beauty Contest
*Digital-Have pet turn to digital equilor at Operations Portal
*Dunkout-Send a score of 250+ in the Fairy Flight
*ERMAHGERD-Gobble turn mutant
*Fashion Show-Win then view page
*Flayee-Win from Time machine
*Greedy Fairy-Win and view alert
*Item Contest-View trophy page with win
*Jackpot-Win lottery
*Job Contest-View trophy page with win
*Scratch-Win jackpot on Treasure Hunt card.
*Snap-Have someone send you a Maramail with both the Subject and Body of the Mail as Snap and then view the Maramail. Need to have identical dolls
*Ugly Contest-Win prize from Contest
*Yellow-Send Maramail with both the Subject+Body of Mail as Yellow. (Make sure to use a capital Y)
*Chatty-250 posts in maratalk then view
*Dumpling-View Spam Fairy with 3,500 maratalks
*Forums-Have 10k forum posts
*NO LIFE-Have 50k+ posts
*Sooer-View Sewer Fairy with 7k+ posts
*SPAM Fairy-Visit with 2.5k maratalks
*Sewer Fairy-Visit fairy at 5k posts
Aged mini:
*Beach-view 11+ mini
*Bubbles-View 112+ on Underwater pet
*Dantiz-View 1,000 mini
*Devil-View 250+ Devil mini
*Frolan-View 10+ mini on Frostfire pet
*Leprechaun-View 230+ mini
*Lucifer-View 200+ on Devil pet
*Lurve-Unattach 60+ day
*Psyclone-View on Funky pet at 30+
*Pumpkin Ed-View 1,050+ mini
*Rubble-View after 15 days
*Schmog-Unattach 81 day old Schmog
*Sk8er-View 850+ mini
*Stitch-View 167+ old mini
*Yule-View a 99+ day old Yule on Seasonal pet
View mini/learnable on pet/Gallery/inventory/collections
*Dasher-View on Snowy pet
*Oogie-View on Midnight pet
*Skiddy-View on skater pet
*Snuggles -View on Polar pet
*Vorto-View on Vortex pet
*Cake-View card in deck
*Extreme Hoarder-View 200 page attic
*Funky-View wardrobe with funky clothing
*Laiyee-View pet with 5 Laiyees
*London 2012-View wardrobe with London clothing
*Pearl-Have all 46 pearls in inventory and refresh
*Toddler-Own 3 Toddler Pets then view pets page
*Twree-Have Twree in Deck and in your Inventory then view your deck
*Ush-View two in gallery
Musical Instruments
*Heart Maracas
*Love Rock Guitar
*Rose Cymbals
*True Love Lyre
*Zombie Maracas
*City Accountant-beat 17 times
*City Banker-beat 19 times
*City Hobo-beat once
*City Realtor-beat 22 times
*Crinkal-beat 75 times
*Daemon-beat 23 times
*Fangs-View tooth fairy w/ 65k battles
*Hot Dog-beat 370 times
*Inflate-beat 30 times
*Insomniac -beat 32 times
*R.I.P-Beat 20 times
*Sultan-Beat once
*Trauma-View Tooth Fairy at 47k+ battle
*Warrior-View battle page with 50k won battles
Character costumes:
*Bride-Have a Ball Dress Costume in Wardrobe and View Female Costumes
*Chibi-Put on Chibs Costume and attach a Chibi to your pet. (Must be wearing costume on layer 2 or 3.)
*Arcade-Use on pet
*Armoured-Use on pet
*Daylight-Use on pet
*Earth Fairy-Use on pet
*Enpiah-Use on gonk
*Fancy-Use on pet
*Fire Fairy-Use on pet
*Hobo-Use on pet
*Light Fairy-Use on pet
*Minipet-Use on pet
*Native-Use on pet
*Ninja-Use Enchanted Ninja Knutt plushie
*Plushie-Use costume on huthiq
*Polar-Use costume on pet
*Royal-Use costume on pet
*School-Use costume on pet
*Seasonal-Use costume on pet
*Skater-Use costume on pet
*Snowman- costume on pet
*Space Fairy-Use costume on pet
*Strobe-Use on pet
*Summer-Use costume on pet
*Sweet-Use Candy costume on pet
*Spy-Changed to Evil Clown, used 2, never got
Pet Jobs
*Architect-Accept promo 2
*Chef-Accept promo 6
*Doctor-Accept promo 7
*Fireman-Accept promo 8
*Journalist-Accept promo 9
*Mechanic-Accept promo 10
*Policeman-Accept promo 12
*Programmer-Accept promo 13
*Soldier- Accept promo 14
*Teacher-Accept promo 16
*Veterinarian-Accept promo 17
Make plates/random:
*Derriere-weather related
Quest completion:
*Quest Master-Complete 100,000 quests then view stats
Treasure chests:
*Adorab-Random from Cancer chest
*Bandit-Random from Noble chest
*Bold as Brass-Open Steampunk chest
*Concerto-Find in Musical chest
*Dive In-Open Underwater chest
*Elly-Get in Circus chest
*Fawna-Find in Spring chest
*Flutterbull-Find in Taurus chest
*Heartling-Find inside Heartless chest
*Hideous-Complete undying woods stamp collection then view awards page
*Kissy-Find in Love chest
*Kitsune-Find in Imperial chest
*Leo-Open Leo chest
*Luck of the Irish-Open St Patricks Day
*Mina-Find in Pisces chest
*Mmmm.. Brain-Find Zombear in Apocalypse chest
*Scarabi-Random from Desert chest
*Scratchy-Random from Safari chest
*Seaso-Random from Underwater chest
*Snape-Random from Wizard chest
*Spectrum-Random from Rainbow chest
*Splish-Random inside Summer chest
*Sprig-Random from St Patricks Day chest
*Sprite-Random from Virgo chest
*Starbert-Random from Galactic chest
Temple lvls:
*Transumption-Complete lvl 30
*Transvaluation-Complete lvl 30
View deck:
Lucky charm-using leprechaun costume
Ninja nino- have a score of 3k+
Tropical Breeze-Open Swimsuit Treasure Chest