8th September 2019
5 years, 6 months & 9 days ago

8th Sep 2019 22:58
The Lottery has been drawn for this week. IRZanadu is the winner of the 2,361,500MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 17, 19, 25, 28, 45 and 46. Congratulations! whoohoo! lol
Just my opinion
8 years & 5 days ago

14th Mar 2017 14:37
I am seeing a lot of players selling their items such as returned Christmas gifts, pinatas, newspapers, magazines and just about everything that is being returned for very low prices.
In the long run I think they are losing money aka game mps.
Example- I bought up a bunch pinatas for around 1996 mp each. I opened some and ended up with items of clothing (pirate stuff ect...) that are worth over 300000 mps EACH.
My advice is to either open stuff and throw it in your gallery. Most of the "dated" items will not come out again so its better to wait to sell later rather then selling them now.

16 years, 2 months & 10 days ago

7th Jan 2009 16:43
Another year has passed and I have so much to be grateful for! My husband, and kids are doing great-and my newest granddaughter is just as cute as her two older sisters!
Hope 2009 brings happiness and joy and remember....no matter what bad is going on in your life, it can always be worse