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  1. Alissa and Aliah
    6th Feb 2010 08:01
    15 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  2. Jade and Paison
    6th Feb 2010 07:59
    15 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  3. my story
    4th Jan 2010 22:04
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  4. Vicki and Brooklyn
    3rd Jan 2010 19:19
    15 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
  5. Dela and Artemis
    29th Dec 2009 12:01
    15 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  6. James and Adrienne
    21st Dec 2009 21:46
    15 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
  7. Zoe, Rissa, Damien, Christian
    13th Aug 2009 22:39
    15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
Alissa and Aliah
15 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
6th Feb 2010 08:01

Name: Alissa
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Has a tattoo written in caligraphy on her right shoulder blade that says 'Love'.
Other: She looks sweet and innocent, but she is actually a big rebel. She doesn't listen to anyone except _____, she doesn't trust anyone except _____, and _____ is also the only one that has seen her cry. Not afraid of ANYTHING.

Name: Aliah
Age: 4 (but is as smart as a 7 year old)
Gender: Female
Other: Not afraid of ANYTHING.She already knows how to talk perfectly and walk.

Jade and Paison
15 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
6th Feb 2010 07:59

Name: Jade
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Name: Paison
Age: 13
Gender: Female

my story
15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
4th Jan 2010 22:04

Underground, in the tunnels live creatures like Demons and Ghosts and Vampires, etc. Above ground, in the 'Deep Forest' live Werewolves and Fairies and Goblins, etc. Humans don't know about these creatures, well most of them at least. There is a group of people called 'The Dark' and they have been suspecting things that have been going on in their small town. 'The Dark' finds the creatures and brings them to a depot on the slum side of town. The creatures are forced to work as maids and servents for rich people during the day then at night they go back to the depot and sleep on bunks in a crammed room. They do this every day for no pay, well they get payed but they are forced to give all their money to 'The Dark'.

Another group, made up of the creatures, called 'The Light' work all day together making plans to break the captured creatures out. They also train together, working on different strategies of fighting.

1) No GM
2) No more than 5 charries
3) No powers (sorry)

*Group[Light or Dark] (Optional):


"There will be a day, far from now, when a coven of our own, Vampires, will make a truce with a pack of Lycens. We may not like it, but we all know it will happen some day in the future! I will not be here when that day comes! So today I am giving my 'Crown' to my son, Ares! He will rule our kind when I am no longer here, and you will all obey the rules he makes and when the coven of Vampires decide to make that truce with the Lycens, Ares will tell you all to accept it or fight against it. Those who go against my sons rules will be making the choice to turn their back on our kind!"

This was said many centuries ago by the King of all Vampires. The group of Vampires and Lycens(Werewolves) has come together now and Ares has decided that all Vampires should fight against the new group and that those Vampires that turned their backs against the rules will be hunted down and, if found, killed!

The same thing happened with the Werewolf government centuries ago and the same rule applies: All Werewolves that turn their backs against their own kind will be killed.

The group of Vampires and Werewolves that came together and called the 'Silver Band'. They have made a truce and have decided to ban together and convince the rest of the Vampires and Werewolves to stop their fighting and make a full truce. 'Silver Band' has sent some Werewolves and some Vampires to their homes secretly to try and convince that making a truce with the other kind would be a good thing.

1) No more than 4 charries
2) No GM
3) Only powers that make sense to the species

SpeciesAlso, please state if you are in 'Silver Band' or not)


Two children; one, a girl named Eve and one, a boy named Adam. These two kids were kidnapped by the Sky People when they were no older than four. The Sky People brought them to a world beyond the clouds, in another galaxy, a world where they could be free. As Adam and Eve grew up they began to develop feelings for each other and when they were old enough they decided to have children together.

They had many children, but as the children grew older Adam and Eve started noticing odd things about them. Things like: all the children could float or fly. Some children would look as if they were talking to each other, though their mouths were not moving. Some children would be staring at something and the object would start moving. They realized that their children had special powers.

Adam and Eve decided to keep their children in the Sky People's world to prevent them from being captured and studied down on Earth. Adam and Eve raised their children properly and gave themt he proper education, even education about Earth. Though one child, Adrek (The eldest son, 13 years old), decided that Earth was just too tempting and he figured out a way to get down there - it wasn't hard to figure out, all he did was ask the Sky People to take him down. And they did.

When he got to Earth he accidently used his powers in front of a bunch of people including people from the government. The government people went to the F.B.I and told them what they saw. The F.B.I and N.A.S.A have been working on projects to get to the Sky World, so far they have failed but they are getting closer and closer every time.

Adam and Eve are long gone now but their children are still alive and still live in the Sky World, except for the one Sky Child on Earth. The one Sky Child that lives on Earth has done well to keep his World a secret and he has a lot of friends that would help him and that he could trust to keep his secret if something were to happen to him. What will the rest of the Sky Children do if the government got to the Sky World though? Could they save themselves without destroying their beautiful world?

Power (Sky Children only):
Type (Sky Child or Human):

1) One power per child (every child can fly)
2) As many characters as you think you can handle

Vicki and Brooklyn
15 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
3rd Jan 2010 19:19

Name: Vicki (Elizabeth Victoria Jermane)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks: She has just-past-shoulder length, light brown hair with soft curls in it(CURLS not WAVES). She has tanned skin, soft, green eyes, and perfect lips. She is about 5'6", and has long legs. She's wearing a black tanktop, a bright blue jacket with her gymnastics logo on it, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and a pair of custom made converse/hightops.
Other: She is really popular at her school, she's really nice(most of the time), and she does gymnastics. Her dad owns his own company and her mom owns her own fashion line, long story short-she's rich.

Name: Jenny Brooklyn Carter
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks: She has just-past-shoulder length, bleach blonde hair with soft curls in it(CURLS not WAVES). She has almost-tanned skin, electric blue eyes, and perfect lips. She is about 5'5", and has long legs. She's wearing a black tanktop, a light green jacket with her gymnastics logo on it, a pair of light blue skinny jeans, and a pair of custom made converse/hightops.
Other: She is really popular at her school, she's really nice(most of the time), and she does gymnastics. Her dad is a famous hockey player and her mom is an actress, long story short-she's rich.

Brooklyn and Vicki met recently at a Gymnastics competition and didn't like eachother at first but then they found out how much they had in common. They look alike, they are both rich, popular, nice, smart. And they both are the best gymnists at their own academies and they both have really good chances to make it into the Olympics.

Dela and Artemis
15 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
29th Dec 2009 12:01

Name: Artemis
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Other: Her parents are dead. She is tough, smart, brave, and will do anything to protect her sister, Dela.

Name: Dela
Age: 8 (But she is VERY smart for her age)
Gender: Female
Other: Her parents are dead. She is Very smart (As smart as a 15 year old), tough, not afraid of much. She is always telling her sister, Atremis, to stop treating her like a baby.

  1. Alissa and Aliah
    6th Feb 2010 08:01
    15 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  2. Jade and Paison
    6th Feb 2010 07:59
    15 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
  3. my story
    4th Jan 2010 22:04
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  4. Vicki and Brooklyn
    3rd Jan 2010 19:19
    15 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
  5. Dela and Artemis
    29th Dec 2009 12:01
    15 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  6. James and Adrienne
    21st Dec 2009 21:46
    15 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
  7. Zoe, Rissa, Damien, Christian
    13th Aug 2009 22:39
    15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago