~*~ Lady Enchantra ~*~
17 years, 5 months & 4 days ago

8th Oct 2007 04:54
Undying Tunes, Rotten CD
Underwater CD, Poisonous Tunes,
Soul Music, Light Side Music,
Snowman Songs, Halloween 2007,
Skater Music, Funeral Fables,
School Bus Songs, Ice Divas, Minipet Christmas Carols
Xoi in Black, 101 Azuls, Rotting,
Valentines Day, Recycling,
Undying Minipets, Light Siders,
Undying Festival, Learn to Talk,
Underwater Treasure, How to be Loyal,
Home School Musical, Gonk Racing,
Burnt , A Snowman Halloween, Ublish, Undying Graveyard, Pumpkin Patch, Blitzen, Pumpkin Jack, The Ice Fairy, Stolen Christmas, Angels
Her fee is 50K and a Crystal (of your choice).
She gives three avatars. View her Tweblud, view her Pinto, and view her DVD list (Angels).
Her sister, Duchess_Delila, has seen the DVDs 'Bat Attack' and 'Biala is Melting'.She has read 'Blood Stained Book'. Her fee is 40K and two Crystals.
I must ask for the MP and Crystals upfront due to not being repaid my fees in the past. There are gumballs in my trades to offer this on.
Fees will be higher if Eleka Pet Trades is used rather than the Pet Exchange. Be sure to offer your cheapest pet.
Due to having to ask staff to get my pets back TWICE, I'm only lending if I know you. I am sorry that the actions of two rude people have forced me to adopt this policy.