Favorite person of the week!
17 years, 2 months & 17 days ago

9th Jan 2008 14:14
My favorite person of the weeekk isss........CICI! Cici you have been there with me through the ups and downs and i love you like a sister..you are so nice to me and i love how you care for me so much..i love youu<33...you are so nice to me in the halls....HELLLLOOO<33 hahahah.....[br] If you think you deserve to be "favorite person of the week" maramail me and tell me why you think you should be "the favorite person of the week"!!!!!!!
17 years, 2 months & 17 days ago

9th Jan 2008 14:10
I am very mad at nnoooo ooonnnneeeeee
Latest Gossip..
17 years, 2 months & 17 days ago

9th Jan 2008 14:07
Latest gossip isn't to be mean to other people so the gossip is going to contain random names. Kalina told Bob that Micky and Sarah liked Bob and now Bob isn't talking to Micky and Sarah and now Micky and Sarah want to rip off Kalina's head......if you know who these people are don't say anything!!! That would be very rude...and if you have any gossip send it to me containing FAKKEEE namees
17 years, 2 months & 17 days ago

9th Jan 2008 14:03
Q- Me and my friend are in a major fight and we say we are never going to be friends again..what do I do?
A- Well the thing i would do is talk to your friend..Usually talking will solve a lot. Try not to yell at them though..Yelling just makes everything worse... And i got this following advice from a true friend.."If you fight fire with fire...all you get is a bigger fire." and...."Two wrongs don't make a right..so two people yelling doesn't make anything better."
Q- I'm mad at one of my friends and I really don't wanna be friends with them anymore and now she wants me to be friends with her....What should I do since I don't wanna be friends with them?
A- My advice is to be nice. Being nice takes a lot of the pressure off of thinking that you might get in trouble for being mean. You should nicely say "I strongly think that we shouldn't be friends anymore." BUT BE NICE!.. The thing you don't want to do is say.. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH AND NEVER EVER WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND AGAIN...YOUR SO STUPID AND I HATEE YOU!!!" Don't react like that!
^ Need more advice?? Send me a question and i will post it and give you adivce