16 years, 6 months & 27 days ago

17th Aug 2008 03:40
I have QUIT same with Raindroprosey weve have found a way better site i find this site Boring and Stupid so i say...BYEEEEE!!! FOR GOOD!!!...(BTW i play on Fiesta ^.^ i love that site k BYEEEE!

I`m secretly a Tamagotci
16 years, 9 months & 28 days ago

16th May 2008 15:34
LOL, It`s funny that you`re reading this. Because, once you are finished reading this,... You`ll find that you`ve been bamboozled into reading something that has no point! lol
If you were annoyed by this, thought this was funny, or have opened a mm or e-mail like this, repost this on your blog just for fun with one of the following titles:
My grandma likes socks
My dog ate my homework
You`ve got a milk beard
I`m secretly a Tamagotci.
Have a great day
16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago

29th Mar 2008 12:28
If you have been saving up bones like i have u my know that befor bones like (White Minnoth Ribs) have gone down befor they were 50,000mp and now there 1900mp so i recomed that u get bones when there cheap are u might be in a pickle in the next round of TWINS AKA Rusty quest.
P.S. so if u have i think u are a very smart person to do that cause u have more chances to get the rusty potion and make milllions andif u dont lets say u have a less chance of geting it inless u have a lot of money so keep collecting those bones and u might get lucky

Someone Owns Me!!!
17 years & 6 days ago

9th Mar 2008 13:58
One of my friends own my 437,000mp
Me and helpful friends
17 years & 30 days ago

14th Feb 2008 15:59
i have a helpful friend called birdchild22(and now is called mordomagic) he gave me 9000mp so could buy a 60,000mp bones that cost 60,000mp wich was called (White minnoth Ribs) and i was on level four rustys are hard to get.
Tip-u might want to get a lot of money befor doing a rusty quest like 250,000mp cause when u get up to a really hight level u want to get more then what i said u should get.hope this tip helps ^_^ $_$ *_*
+ one of my friends Raindroprosey got a skater Snookle all because i gave he 567,820mp so she could get it that was so fun but now she is working very hard to pay me back i really apechat that raindroprosey thank u^_^
P.S. i will try to pay u back mordomagic i have the money but u are never on):