Ranking Kings Next Door
12 years, 6 months & 9 days ago

1st Sep 2012 21:22
Yay fanfic xD Though you all will probably not know what this is about so I'll give a basic rundowm.
Infinite is a Kpop group in Korea with 7 members;
Sunggyu - Leader
Myungsoo/L - Face of the group
Dongwoo - Rapper
Hoya - Singer/Rapper/Dancer
Sungyeol - Singer
Sungjong - Maknae
Woohyun - Face of the group
Also Dara is a member of the girl group 2NE1 ^^ Leggo!
You woke up to the sound of the roaring engine of a car outside. It was broad daylight and usually it was only this loud during the night. You moved the curtain slightly to peak out of the window, squinting because your room was still quite dark. As you looked you noticed Dara stepping out of the screaming car.
Realising you hadn???t checked what time it was yet you quickly jolted round to your phone and clicked it on to check the time; 10am.
???Huh what how am I so late?!??? You said panicking, when you suddenly remembered that it was a Saturday. Quite embarrassed you got out of bed, ran downstairs and quickly opened the door so Dara could come in. You didn???t know how long she???d been waiting so you chose to open the door first.
???You look??? gorgeous???? Dara said trying to be nice over your rather unappealing appearance as you???d only woken up.
???Yes this is 100% natural and you should love it.??? You said jokily when you noticed Dara had gone over to the television remote. ???What are you doing???? You asked.
Dara stayed silent for a few minutes searching closely through every channel when she found the K-pop updates channel - one of the most popular channels on TV throughout the world right now.
???Ah here it is~??? Dara said as a picture of Infinite popped up. They were talking about the exact same stuff which they???d always talk about based on Infinite: that they were now world famous, sold the most albums in the shortest amount of time, random news that you didn???t care that much about.
You were only paying a small bit of attention to it due to the fact that you had just woken up and you were getting sorted to look publicly decent. But Dara was staring at it so closely, engrossed like Infinite had put a spell on her which made her have such an extreme obsession over them. You only heard them mention information about them moving to a new place so they were closer to places where they could rehearse as well as being near recording studios, also the main news reporter was talking about how their fashion sense was the ???Hit of the year???. Even if they are good singers and are quite good looking you don???t care as you just consider them selfish and uncaring for the people which were lower than them.
By the time you were sorted out and ready to go to some of the shops near your house it had already hit 11am. You opened the door so you could let Dara out of the house then followed behind her. As you struggled to find the right key to lock the door you could hear a lot of shouting from the empty house. It didn???t sound angry but the shouting made it sound like some people were busy at work.
???What???s going on next door???? She asked.
You finally found the right key and locked the door and looked up to see what was happening next door. A ton of furniture was being moved over from a van to inside the house. There were about twenty people working on something different to sort out the house.
???I guess someone???s finally moving into the house. Perhaps we should ask who???s moving in???? You suggested, hoping Dara would ask for you as you were incredibly shy.
???Sure, if you follow me over there I???ll ask for you then we can both find out~??? Dara said cheerfully, walking over to the house with you following closely behind.
When they noticed Dara one of the workers went over to both you and her.
???What do you want???? He said quite angrily, he was either stressed or really didn???t like us.
???We were just wondering who was moving here as my friend here lives next door.??? Dara responded pulling you closer so that the worker could see you. You just waved awkwardly and stared at the floor hoping he wouldn???t ask you anything.
???Oh. Alright. You must keep this a secret or we???ll have to move their location again. Promise me you won???t say anything???? He pleaded.
???Their? How many people are moving in? Maybe their famous?????? You thought to yourself.
???We promise~??? Dara said.
???Alright.??? He paused and sighed slightly in disbelief that he was actually going to tell them. ???Infinite is moving into this house.???
I hope to keep adding chapters ;D (/^^)/