My Inner Strength - Part One ~ Story :3
14 years & 18 days ago

24th Feb 2011 13:01
So I wrote this a while back, it had 21 pages altogether but I thought that maybe I should post it on here, this will just be part one though, how many parts it will include I don't know but I just know I need to split it up into readable chunks.
My Inner Strength
Suddenly Frodo crashed through the ceiling.
???Sorry.??? Frodo said embarrassed.
Axel and Jade looked at each other and knew they were thinking the same thing; they weren???t the only clowns in the room.
Axel, Frodo and Jade were part of an organization who wanted to rebel against the king. Their mission was to remove him from the throne and get their group to that position instead. Their leader was a girl named Blaze. She was a very strong leader and a lot of people respected her.
But all the people in the group possessed hidden powers; usually people would call them elementals though. Axel held earth powers and had managed to master them. Frodo held air powers and was good for helping with sky work. Jade held water powers but was quite new to them. Blaze held the powers of fire and was a very strong, powerful girl.
Even though their battle started a few years back, what is interesting is yet to come.
The door slammed open.
Naruto stepped in the room. He had been working on his entrance poses for a week. Well, everyone did seem to know that he loved doing big entrances into any room.
Blaze looked up.
???Oh, hey Naruto. I didn???t see you there.??? Blaze said.
Naruto made a look that could kill if you stared at it too long.
???So, I make a huge entrance and you don???t pay any attention to it?!??? Naruto shouted angrily.
???You pretty much got it.??? Blaze replied. Everyone apart from Naruto seemed to smirk at the answer she gave.
Although Naruto looked like he was about to explode; he only seemed to keep it to himself.
???Anyway, so Axel, because you have obviously mastered your powers, how about showing Jade what it looks like when you transform???? Blaze said, looking up at Axel.
???Sure, why not? Axel replied, stepping out of his chair.
Suddenly a light glistened around Axel???s body; it was so bright that it nearly blinded Jade. A ring of leaves circled around his body like they were attracted to him. Then the light disappeared and he had changed into his gear for earth powers.
???Celeste Transformation ??? Earth demon.??? Axel shouted.
Jade walked up behind Axel and tapped him on the shoulder.
???What does Celeste mean???? Jade asked.
???You ruined the moment?????? Axel said angrily. ???But if you do really want to know, I guess I will have to tell you then. Celeste is the girl who created the powers such as earth, air, fire and so on. So we say her name before we turn into our transformation characters to show her we respect her for the work she did. Anyway, going back onto what happened before; why did you ruin my special moment?!???
Blaze watched as Jade and Axel fought over one minor slip-up.
???Maturity is something they are lacking.??? Blaze thought to herself.
Btw, I don't actually like the show Naruto it was just a close friend of mine on that game who asked me to add him into the story :3