15 years, 9 months & 17 days ago

25th May 2009 14:17
This is going to be my viotto blog XD
Random blog of randomness XD
About Viottos, and it will probably be confusing too xD
I've wanted a viotto ever since I saw marapets. Of course, not knowing what Limited Edition means when I first came on mara, I kept on trying to make a viotto XDD
Viotto has been my absolute dream pet, nothing has ever surpassed it =D
I WILL get a viotto someday, and I'm prepared to wait until then =D
I WILL also make Millanda a Seasonal Viotto xD
I've did Blitzen mulitple times, and had multiple failings. But there's one fail that I've yet to forget-->
I was on level 24ish, and it was the highest I've ever gone on Blitzen. Blitzen asked for a giftbox, when the giftboxes were still new, and there wasn't many on mara. Well, of course I failed. BUT!! Guess what I got 1 minute after I failed? The giftbox I needed of course. /Epic fail I just can't forget that XD Totally epic fail XDD If only Blitzen had given me one more minute XD<--
So now, I go crazy if someone's on a high level of Blitzen. Mainly because whenever I needed help, no one went to my forums xD Two people I've helped that I can remember<33 -->
One time was a Camoflaged(however you spell that xD) Gonk Potion. I went to Shop Search, Trades, then Gallery. I mailed the Gallery owners who didn't have a "Not for sale/trade" or something similar in their description xD and were on. Thankfully, one of those people replied. We made a deal, and I gave about 1 million MP & random AU items in my gallery for the Gonk Potion. I gave the Potion to the friend<3 attempting Blitzen, and she completed the level<3 =D
Another time, was a DNA minipet. There were none in SS of course, I don't think there was any in Trades either. Maybe in Gallery? And with time ticking by, and nearing the end, I got the brilliant idea, since it was a Non-LE pet with Green DNA, I bought the Green DNA, made a really bad-named Non-LE(Perhaps Fasoro?) cause I was in a rush so I randomly typed letters xP Made the Green DNA minipet. Sent the minipet over to the person, just in time. And they completed the level<33<--
I do that *pokes above* since...I don't know.. I go crazy xP And many people may boost a board, but that's about it. And I've failed missions since no one cared to even go to my board, so yeah, or if they did go to my board, that was it. xP
More coming soon =D