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  1. NTS
    3rd Jul 2011 23:26
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  2. Conserve the Black Gonk
    26th Jun 2011 20:19
    13 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
  3. Temple of Transformation
    5th Jun 2011 22:42
    13 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  4. Rubbish Dump Mission
    5th Jun 2011 21:31
    13 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  5. Wishlist & Stuffs
    7th May 2011 16:28
    13 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  6. THANK YOU blog!
    5th May 2011 20:13
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  7. Birthday Blog
    5th May 2011 19:25
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  8. Dream Pets and Goals
    4th May 2011 17:01
    13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  9. My Pets
    16th Apr 2011 15:10
    13 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  10. About Katherine :]
    17th Jan 2010 22:48
    15 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
5th May 2011 20:13

*starting May 4, 2011*

godsgrl123-For the 2 million MP<3

chloe & MH-For Domitilla the Bronze Viotto<3 5/9/11

Joy(funkydude225)-For the Emo Costume<3 6/4/11 And for trading me Colors for Katherine<3

lnnoc3nce-For the Red Heart<3 6/4/11

Pirfection-For Makakilo(Zombie Kujo)<33 6/5/11

Birthday Blog
13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
5th May 2011 19:25

HEY , yes, you. Post your birthday here since I have the worst memory :] Only if I know you or you're in MH :]

7=Brennen [oscar53357]
30=Dan ;]

So I can get you a little something for your birthday :]

Dream Pets and Goals
13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
4th May 2011 17:01

Hey there!

This is just so I can try to keep a list.

Edit: I need to update this j;alksdjfasdf

[]Make Li.Hua a Valentine Lati
[x]Valentine Lati
[]Angel Chibs
[]Chocolate Chibs
[]Fairy Chibs
[]Seasonal Chibs
[]Toddler Chibs
[]Snow Chibs
[]Royal Chibs
[]Glass Dakota
[]Icefairy Dakota
[]Ice Dakota
[]Fasoro's are cute<3
[]Minipet Gonk
[]Minipet Kujo
[]Earthfairy Kujo
[]Cowboy Lati
[]Lightfairy Lati
[]Detective Mordo
[]Anime Poera
[]Angel Quell
[]Anime Quell
[]Baby Quell
[]Fire Quell
[]Ice Rofling
[]Firefairy Rofling
[]Minipet Rofling
[]Icefairy Rusty
[]Chocolate Sindi
[]Cottoncandy Sindi
[]Wizard Sindi
[]Cupid Snookle
[]Elf Snookle
[]Pixie Snookle
[]Minipet Tantua
[]Christmas Viotto
[]Earthfairy Viotto
[]Ice Viotto
[x]Seasonal Viotto
[]Starry Viotto
[]Angel Vixen
[]Blitzen Vixen
[]Firework Vixen
[]Gold Vixen
[]Cottoncandy Vixen
[x]Icefairy Yuni
[]Lightfairy Yuni
[]Toddler Yuni

[]Get Kenzia to 100+ stats
[]Get a ton more Extra Pet Giftboxes<3
[]Li.Hua to a Valentine Lati
[]Conserve to a Water Chibs
[]Costume Chou
[]Cajole to...?
[]Costume Fidelity
[]Imaginations to...?
[]Kenzia-Transformations ouo
[]Costume Makakilo
[]Millanda to...?
[]Rename Osakuyz? And change to...?

My Pets
13 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
16th Apr 2011 15:10

Auralea-NFT-From Kyla (Karamay) <33 NEVER for trade, EVER<3 [Icefairy Yuni]

Cajole-HTP-Traded Kenzia for Cajole. I probably won't trade unless you have an amazing offer :] [Lightfairy Azul]

Colors-HTP-Traded from Joy(funkydude225) :] Very high chance I'll never trade Colors<3 (You'd have to offer a pet I really want as much as Colors) [Seasonal Viotto]TRADED

Chou-NFT, EVER-Traded Colors for Chou with Yosephine2. Never for trade! [Red Viotto]

Conserve-NFT-Traded Kayuhlee the Valentine Lati for him. Is going to be a Water Chibs someday. NEVER for trade :] [Black Gonk]

Everet-NFT-From Kyla (Karamay) NEVER for trade, EVER<3 [Skater Crindol]

Fidelity-NFT-Traded a viotto for Fidelity. NEVER for trade unless it's a super amazing offer :] [Blue Dakota]

Imaginations-HTP-Traded a nonLE named Inception for. Hard to pry ;D [Explorer Zoosh]

Kenzia-NFT-Traded for Cajole. Then traded a 68statted troit (Hydrassi) for Kenzia back for Maf<3 Not for trade, ever :] [Stoneage Gonk]

Li.Hua-NFT-Not for trade, end of story :] Will be a Valentine Lati someday :] [Created]

Makakilo-HTP-Won from a giveaway<3 I didn't make any promises to keep, however it will be very very very very very very hard to pry :] Will be a minipet Kujo someday<3 [Zombie Kujo]

Mdawg-NFT, ever-Created. Will be a Rusty<3 [Created]

Millanda-NFT-Not for trade, ever :] [Created]

Osakuyz-NFT-My first pet on this account, so not for trade, ever<3 [Created]

Razorpaw-NFT-Won from a giveaway, said I'll never trade, so I never will :] Yeah, I know this is only an online pet game, but I value my honesty :] [Angel Poera]

Reyah-NFT-Ditto what I said for Razorpaw :] NFT, ever. [Firefairy Poera]

Vengo-Maybe for trade-Hehe.. [Created] Being held by Cherr<3

christmas_girl0-HTPe :] Has learnies and some stats. Given from Ash (petgrl355<3 ) and so it will be really really really hard to pry [Devil Phanty]

fairyprincess13-NFT-My first pet on this, EVER, so NEVER for trade<33 :] [Created]

Pets I used to Own Starting June/2/2011, and that I can remember for sure

*Domitilla-Ice Viotto-Traded
*Kenzia-Statted nonLE-Traded for Cajole
*Wonderpuff-NonLE-Disowned D:
*Amizade-NonLE-Disowned D:
*Katherine-NonLE-Traded<3 Joy<3
*Julie-NonLE-Traded for.. a troit?
*Kayuhlee-Valentine Lati-Traded for Conserve the Black Gonk :]
*Sensiblity-Bronze Viotto-Traded for a statted nonLE (Hydrassi)
*Hydrassi-68 statted troit-Traded for Kenzia, around 28 statted nonLE

I have diwoned a lot of pets, I can't remember them all -_-

About Katherine :]
15 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
17th Jan 2010 22:48

Okay, so since I've been getting a lot of offers, I thought I might as well write something here).

Katherine is very special to me<3 and so will be hard for me to give her up :]
An auto would be something like a baby quell ;D or seasonal viotto or something like that ;D(Yes I know, very big over-offer on your part, but that's how much she's worth to me, and if you're not willing to offer that, then you don't want her that much so yeah =P)

Feel free to offer anything else however, but be prepared since I might say no :]

I would also prefer it if you just made your offers here, I still have to get around to clearing my MMs xD

Have a fabulous day/night! =]

Scratch that XD I don't have Katherine anymore, but I'm going to keep this blog up<33

Because funkydude225 traded Colors the Seasonal Viotto for her<33

  1. NTS
    3rd Jul 2011 23:26
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  2. Conserve the Black Gonk
    26th Jun 2011 20:19
    13 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
  3. Temple of Transformation
    5th Jun 2011 22:42
    13 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  4. Rubbish Dump Mission
    5th Jun 2011 21:31
    13 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
  5. Wishlist & Stuffs
    7th May 2011 16:28
    13 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
  6. THANK YOU blog!
    5th May 2011 20:13
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  7. Birthday Blog
    5th May 2011 19:25
    13 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  8. Dream Pets and Goals
    4th May 2011 17:01
    13 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  9. My Pets
    16th Apr 2011 15:10
    13 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  10. About Katherine :]
    17th Jan 2010 22:48
    15 years, 1 month & 24 days ago