Marapets Advice
16 years, 3 months & 16 days ago

25th Nov 2008 15:30
This is my view of marapets and things that really helped me when I was new here. First, if you haven't already, read the rules. They are the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY here. :] Second, it really helps if you just explore. Look around and go to the forums. Go to boards concerning marapets and just observe them. You don't even have to post anything. If you ever need help with something, go to the help forum. They're always really nice and you can ask about anything there concerning Marapets. You should also make a profile to tell people about youself. You can make a blog too.
The important things about this site. You're gonna need some mp. There are so many ways to make mp. One way is the games but you can go on quests, missions, and tons of other ways too. Something to know: Get glowing eggs. You can put them in your nest to open up new colors at the lush lake. You can use these colors for your font in forums, you shop, chat, mail, and to change the color of you clothing. The pets that one has are an important factor. The number one thing (I think) to work on is getting good pets. A good pet has: a good name. A good name is a capital letter in the front, the rest lower case, no numbers, etc. Example: Kryia. Once you have a well-named pet, start statting it up at the gym. That increases its value. You can buy costumes, although they're expensive. An LE is a limited edition pet and ppl go nuts for them. GO TO THE PET TRADES!! Trust me. TIP: I highly advise that you don't make newbie offers. People hate that. A newbie offer would be ex: asking to trade like a non-cossied non-LE such as an osafo or fasoro for a cossied chibs. You will eventually learn the values of pets based on name, stats, cossie, and type. Other important things: your doll. go to the shops and get clothing for your doll/character. You can change your hairstyle with a female haircut coupon. They sell for about 5-6k in the shops.
1. THE RULES: read them. know them.
2. Just be nice. :]
2. No newbie offers. People hate that.
3. NO BEGGING! It's against the rules and people hate it.
4. Explore. It will help you.
5. Go to the pet trades.
6. NEVER give up.
7. Go for your dream.
8. Go to the help forum if you need help.
9. HAVE FUN!!!
Notice that people have to work for what they want here. There are no handouts.
If you ever need anything, mm me and I'll help in any way I can. XD
There is much more to Marapets than just this, such as hidden avatars, galleries, restocking, tombolas, BP and RP, potions, the temples, trading, and so much more. This is just a basic guide to get you started. I hope this helps!