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  1. Me, me and er... Me?
    14th Sep 2009 12:47
    15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  2. My best buds here on Mara (:
    14th Sep 2009 12:04
    15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  3. Questions stalkers may want to know the answers to
    2nd May 2009 09:57
    15 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  4. Quizzy things
    5th Jan 2009 08:52
    16 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  5. Lessons learnt in life (Updated regularly)
    26th Aug 2008 03:25
    16 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
Me, me and er... Me?
15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
14th Sep 2009 12:47

My full name is Ellie Rose Maries (:

Born and raised in England - I'm a proud Brit chic (:

My birthay is 30th September (I dare you to guess the year).

I have an older sister, an older brother and an - annoying - little sister.

I'm music, film, book and fashion obssessed. No, seriously, obssessed is an understatement.

I admit, I'm a Twilight fangirl, but please don't kill me in my sleep because of it laugh.gif

My fave bands are; Paramore, YouMeAtSix, Panic! At the Disco, The Cab, lostprophets, to name but a few (:

Fave films? Er... Anything with Johnny Depp in biggrin.gif If it's quirky or a bit lovey-dovey, I'll probably like it (:

What do I look like? Well, I'm not exactly pretty, but hey, that's just my opinion. Anyway, I have short hair (just past my ears) which is naturally very wavy. My hair is naturally dark brown/almost black, but it's dyed blue-black and dare I say, looks pretty cool (:
I have dark browny-green eyes and I'm 5'7' ish. I think.

Er... I love animals - my favourites are Orangutans - and I have a few pets; 2 dogs, 6 fish, a parrot, a tortoise and a turtle (:

I loooove Photography, Art, History, Science, Dance, Trampolining, Creative Writing and Drama. I'm currently studying Art, History, Dance and Seperate/Higher Science at GCSE level.

I don't like being stereotyped (although sometimes I may call myself a geek and others like to call me an 'emo'wink.gif, I believe I'm a little bit of everything rolled into one, finding a class I fit perfectly into would be extremely hard (:

Er... Well I can't really think of anything else to put at the moment, I guess I'll update when I'm less brain dead and not falling asleep with my head on my keyboard :L

I hope you had a good time perving on me (Or is it called curiosity?), Ciao!

My best buds here on Mara (:
15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
14th Sep 2009 12:04

Ace - Best RP buddy EVER! This guy seriously kicks ass biggrin.gif

Anna - Wow, how long's it been now? A couple of very, very good years, love you happy.gif

Sims - Great roleplayer, great friend happy.gif

Kaytee - Well, what can we say about Kate? Paramore in eighty-something days! laugh.gif No, seriously, she's one of the best friends I could ever wish for, BMFE yeah? She's always the one who makes me laugh, love you loads happy.gif

So yeah, those are some of the greatest people you could ever know, and I just want you all to know how much you mean to me - A hell of a lot! You guys make the bad times in my life livable. Thank you very, very much.

Questions stalkers may want to know the answers to
15 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
2nd May 2009 09:57

1. Do you own an iPod?
Yep - I don't leave the house without it.

2. What month is your birthday?

3. How tall are you?
5'7 ish (And growing)

4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?
Most people would say Christmas, but because I'm a scrooge... I'll say Wednesday. I have a good feeling about Wednesday laugh.gif

5. What's the last movie you saw?
Er... Defiance. I think.

6. Who is the last person you called?
My dad.

7. Who was the last person to call you?

8. Do you like alalala about alalalala?

9. Do you prefer call or text?
Calling is nice.

10. Do you have any pets?
Yep, I have a fair few to be honest.

11. What were you doing at 12am last night?

12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?

13. When is the last time you saw your mom?
About two hours ago when she left for work. I love you Mommy!

14. What color are your eyes?
Kinda' green in the centre and they go sorta' dark brown-ey towards the edges. Yeah, I'm a freak laugh.gif

15. What time did you wake up today?
Around 11 am.

16. What are you wearing right now?
Red skinnies, Paramore t-shirt, my dad's old grey hoodie happy.gif

17. What's your favorite Christmas song?
Fairytale of New York - The Pogues.

18. Where is your favorite place to be?
Is this a trick question?

19. Where is your least favorite place to be?
Er... School.

20. Where would you go if you could go?
New York - Shopping!

21. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
Rich and famous, living it up in LA laugh.gif

22. Do you tan or burn?
Neither, I just stay all pale.

23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Bed bugs, then Vampires. And now I think they're kinda cool, how odd.

24. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
I think it was one of my dogs.

25. How many TVs do you have in your house?

26. What do you miss most?
Being a kid and not caring about anything.

27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer?
I have both.

28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?

29. What color are your sheets?
At the moment? White.

30. How many pillows do you sleep with?

31. What is your favorite season?

32. What do you like about fall?
All the pretty colours.

33. What do you like about winter?
The German market, which comes to Birmingham in December and the xmas holidays.

34. What do you like about the summer?
The fact I can wear shorts and t-shirts and not freeze! And the glorious six weeks of no work and getting up early.

36. How many states have you lived in?
I don't live in the US, but I've lived in the same town for the whole of my life, so I guess that's one, right?

37. How many lovers have you had?

38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Bare feet/socks. I love shoes, but wearing them annoys me - Ask my classmates.

39. Are you a social person?
When I want to be.

40. What was the last thing you ate?

41. What is your favorite restaurant?
Er... Frankie and Benny's is pretty cool, so is Jimmy Spices and the Big Wok.

42. What is your favorite ice cream?
White vanilla/Cart d'or's Creme di masarcapone/Baked alaska/Fossil fuel/Phish food/Cookie dough - Yeah, I like ice cream laugh.gif

43. What is your favorite dessert?
Probably ice cream, with strawberries.

44. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Soup? Ew.

45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
Peanut butter and Jam on the same sanwich is just wrong (I'm English, can you tell?)

46. Do you like Chinese food?
Hell yeah biggrin.gif

47. Do you like coffee?

48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average?
'Bout 3.

49. What do you drink in the morning?

50. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
Ooh, very intimate question. Define sleep?

51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?

52. Do you know how to play poker?
Yeah. That brings back memories of a certain style of poker in which you bet your clothes laugh.gif

53. Do you like to cuddle?
Depends who it is.

54. Have you ever been to Canada?

56. Do you eat out or at home more often?
At home.

58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
Yep, she's a b*tch.

59. Do you want kids?

60. Do you speak any other languages?
Not fluently, but I speak a lot of French, a fair bit of Spanish and a teeny-weeny bit of Italian and a friend and I have random MSN conversations in Romanian (all hail google translator) laugh.gif

61. Have you ever gotten stitches?

62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?

63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
Hmm... both?

64. Do you prefer a window seat or aisle seats?

65. Do you know how to drive stick?
Ask me in two years.

66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
Clothes, music and books.

67. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?

68. What is your favorite TV show?
I don't really have one.

69. Can you roll your tongue?

70. Who is the funniest person you know?
Er... Reece, Kate, Sam and Charlie, amongst others.

71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Again, define sleep?

72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?
Misery Business - Paramore.

73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little?

74. What color are your bedroom walls?
Pink, soon to be silver, black and a grey colour.

75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth?

76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
Er... bees? Although I think both would hurt.

78. Do you flirt a lot?
No, I just prefer to be my usual, geeky, goofy self happy.gif

79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
I don't.

80. What is your favorite food?
It changes depending on my mood.

81. Can You Change the oil in your car?
Probably. But my mum and dad would kill me if I messed with either of their cars.

82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
No - I can't drive. Again, ask me in two years.

83. Have you ever run out of gas?
Same as above.

84. What is your usual bedtime?

86. Do you read the newspaper?
Nope, it's full of crap.

87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

88. Best comedian?
Er... I have absolutely no idea.

89. Do you watch soap operas?
No - They suck.

90. Do you dance in the car?

91. Do you have any siblings?
Two sisters and a brother.

92. Dating anyone?
No currently.

93. Are you reading any books right now?
Ya-ha, I can't remember the name, though laugh.gif

94. Do you like the internet even though you're wasting your time reading this?
Yes, it's full of stalkers and perverts who ask all these odd questions about you.

95. If you retire at 65, what will you do with yourself?
Er... write an autobiography?

96. What's your faith, if applicable?
I don't have one, so... Cullenism?

97. 3 wishes?
1. Unlimited wishes.
2. I want a Lambo.
3. And a pet Alpaca.

98. How many lies have you told today?
None. Okay, that was lie. So, how many is that now? Er... a couple? That was a lie aswell. Wow, this list of lies is growing quickly...

99. What career are you pursuing or planning on pursuing?
It changes... I'm feeling interior designer today...

100. Are you satisfied with the direction your life has taken?
Yeah, I think I am.

Quizzy things
16 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
5th Jan 2009 08:52

[ ] You own something from Aeropostale
[ ] You own something from Hollister
[ ] You own something from American Eagle
[x] You own something from Abercrombie (and fitch)
[ ] You have blond or brown hair
[ ] You've been called a prep-by someone who was the opposite of one
[x] You have converse
[x] You wear flats
[ ] You don't play sports
[x] You straighten your hair

[ ] You have guys/girls all over u
[ ] You know the song 'Lean like a cholo'
[ ] You listen to Down aka Kilo
[ ] You usually wear jerseys
[x] You've held a real gun
[ ] You own nikes
[ ] You play basketball or football
[ ] You never wear pink
[ ] You've been called a gangster
[ ] You listen to bay a rea music

[x] You've worn black nail polish
[ ] You like 'my chemical romance'
[x] You wear black eyeliner or black mascara (occasionaly)
[ ] You have no friends
[ ] You usually wear black
[x] You've been called emo
[1/2] You have ( had ) black hair
[ ] l8y u rarely talk....sometimes
[ ] You sit in corners

[ ]You have at least 5 medals
[ ] You have at least 2 trophies
[ ] You have at least 4 jerseys
[ ] You watch NBA playoffs
[x] You have at one time had something to do almost everyday
[x]You've played on a team
[ ] You've been called a jock
[x] You have been told your good at a sport
[ ] You've played in at least 7 tournaments
[ ] You've coached young kids in a sport

[ ] You have at least 4 trophies for academic achievements
[ ] You play(ed) in band or orchestra
[ ] You like to watch Jeopardy
[ ] You have watched the national spelling bee
[ ] Your favorite game/sport is chess
[x] You've been called a nerd
[x] You've been told you are very smart
[ ]You have ENJOYED one or two math tests
[ ]You've enjoyed one or two science tests
[ ] You've tutored a kid for fun


How Barbie Are You?

[x] you own curlers
[x] you own a straightener
[ ] you have foundation
[ ] you have 3 different colored eyeliners
[x] you have mascara
[ ] you have a eyebrow brush
[x] you have a nail file
[x] you have heat protection spray
[x] you have a hair dryer

[x]your room is purple or pink (and I hate it)
[ ] you call yourself Barbie haha
[ ]you have blonde hair
[ ]you have blue eyes
[x] you have brown eyes (sorta'wink.gif
[ ]you have brown hair
[x]you own more than 10 pairs of shoes
[ ] your bed is pink or purple

[ ] your friends call you dumb
[ ] people call you barbie
[x] you own a designer perfume
[x] you have designer clothes
[x] you've dyed your hair
[ ] you had/have highlites
[ ] your hair brush is designer

[ ] you have your own bathroom in your bedroom
[ ] you look in the mirror at least 5 times a day
[ ] you wear a lot of pink
[x] bet you have a lot of stuffed animals in your house
[ ] you have pink fluffy lights in your room
[ ] you have a pink teddy bear

[ ] you have pink photo frames
[ ] you have a pink nintendo DS/GB
[x] you have a mobile phone
[ ] you have had/ have a pink mobile phone
[x] you have a laptop/ computer
[ ] you have a tv in your room
[x] you have an ipod/mp3
[ ] you had to use a calculator to add up this quiz

Toatl - 16/38


This is for your entire life
( ) Smoked a cigarette
( ) Drank so much you threw up
( ) Crashed a friend's car
( ) Stolen a car
( ) Been in love
( ) Been dumped
(x) Shoplifted (Does a few pick 'n mix count?)
( ) Been laid off/fired /dormant company
( ) Quit your job
(1/2) Been in a fist fight
(x) Snuck out of your parent's house
(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) Been arrested
( ) Gone on a blind date
( ) Been married
(x) Lied to a friend
(x) Skipped school
(x) Seen someone die (Does my dog count?)
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
( ) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
( ) Gone to Washington, DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Felt like dying
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons
(x) Sang karaoke
( ) Been divorced
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (That was hilarious!wink.gif
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Clause
( ) Been kissed under mistletoe
( ) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(x) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
(x) Gone roller-skating
(x) Ice-skating


-Any nicknames? Smelly, Smellz, Bells, Maries, etc.
-What is your favorite drink? Champagne with J2O (No, I'm not an alco) or Coca-cola happy.gif
Maybe someday.
-How much do you love your job? Still at school. Yay.
Redditch, Worcestersire, England
-Favorite vacation spot?
-Ever been to Africa?
-Ever steal any traffic signs? Nope, but I plan to someday.
-Ever been in a car?
-2 Door or 4 Doors?
-Salad dressing?
I don't like salad dressings.
-Favorite pie?
-Favorite number?
-Favorite movie?
I have too many.
-Favorite holiday?
Not sure.
-Favorite food?
Depends on my mood...
-Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
-Favorite brand of body soap?
Erm... That shower smoothies stuff.
-Favorite TV show?
Possibly. Moonlight - I guess, I don't really have one...
-Favorite smell?
-What do you do to relax?
Listen to music, go shopping, watch TV/films, read.
-How do you see yourself in 10 years?
Absolute loaded, multi-millionairess, driving around in my bright red Lamborghini Reventon laugh.gif I wish.
-What time is it now?

Lessons learnt in life (Updated regularly)
16 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
26th Aug 2008 03:25

Here are a few things I've learnt in my life - All of them include me and my friends! (I'll update soon):

1. Don't give teenage girls pillows - REAL pillow fights hurt like hell.

2. Don't let five tenage girls loose in a all-you-can-eat restaurant with an ice cream machine - Not clever.

3. Don't let four teenage girls loose in a cinema with POWERADE - Being hyper whilst having to sit still is NOT good.

4. Don't give five teenage girls a mobile with unlimited credit - Prank calls lead to TROUBLE, especially from you close friend's boyfriend.

5. Don't let teenage kids go on the Black revolver ride at Drayton Manor theme park more than three times - They WILL throw up.

6. Don't let 5 teenage girls listen to Abba in an enclosed space (Like a car) - You WILL go deaf.

7. If year 11s throw apples at you, don't throw them back - They will hit you and your friends. Year 11s have amazing aim.

8. Don't drink Red Bull if you do not want to go hyper and lie in the middle of the road.

9. Don't take a golf umberella to a crowded place - People do not like being poked in the head by the spokes of an umberella.

10. Do not throw squirty cream at people - They will usually duck and it will hit the person behind them.

11. People don't like it when you tie random items of their P.E kit to a fence.

12. People don't like it when you strap their bag to a netball hoop.

13. Year 11s take snowball fights very seriously.

14. Snow in your ears and eyes hurts. A lot.

15. People don't like it when you put snow down their shirts.

16. Don't wear finger-less gloves when in a snowball fight - It takes a VERY long time to get the feeling back in your fingers.

17. Don't throw Soy sauce at people, it stains their clothes. Permanantly.

18. If somebody throws a rather large, rather thick dictionary at your head, duck immediately.

19. Teachers usually give you a detention when you put paint over
each other's faces in a technology lesson.

20. People get VERY annoyed when you steal their shoes, put stones in them then put them on a roof.

21. People get VERY annoyed when you empty the contents of their school bag onto the school playing fields.

22. Don't drop water ballons out of windows on people, they get quite angry. And wet.

  1. Me, me and er... Me?
    14th Sep 2009 12:47
    15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  2. My best buds here on Mara (:
    14th Sep 2009 12:04
    15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  3. Questions stalkers may want to know the answers to
    2nd May 2009 09:57
    15 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  4. Quizzy things
    5th Jan 2009 08:52
    16 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  5. Lessons learnt in life (Updated regularly)
    26th Aug 2008 03:25
    16 years, 6 months & 15 days ago