16 years, 9 months & 26 days ago

26th May 2008 17:20
Most likely not for trade unless you offer like 3 Baby quells or something worth between 30 and 50 mill.
Carmie gave him to me. I love Carmie she is the best.
Any offers under 30m resault in a block.
About me...
16 years, 9 months & 26 days ago

26th May 2008 17:18
Okay first off about me I can be really really nice. You can ask a lot of my friends on here. I give stuff to my friends and help them out. Then again...I can be horribly mean. Ask some people on here. I will block you.
I am 13, turning 14 in Sep.
I play baseball and football. I am considering giving up football and joining travel baseball more.
I currently play on a 60 foot mound. 90 foot bases
My favorite baseball team is the NEW YORK YANKEES~!~!~!~!
I have never liked another baseball team other than the Yankees and Marlines. I only like the Marlines well because they are my home team.
I live in Florida.
I am a guy dur.
I am about 5'4 or 5'5
I weight about 120
I have blue eyes.
I am a Quater Italian, Quater Irish and Half Ecuadorian. I look like I am 100% white though. lol
I have brownish hair.
I am an Athiest.
I listen to a LOT of music.
I like all rock, Oldies and Newies, Indie, Metal, Screamo, Emo pretty much everything but Country and Rap.