Newbie Guide!
12 years, 2 months & 18 days ago

30th Dec 2012 10:38
Hey !
I thought I would help you out with some tips that I have learnt from my 5 years with marapets
1. When pricing items in your shop, always do one less than what is already on the shop search. For example, if you had an item that was on the shop search for 40MP, set is as 39MP in your shop. This way, you appear first on the Shop Search when someone is looking for your item. It also means that you get maximum profit possible.
2. Naming pets. When you create a pet, always use a name that sounds vaguely normal. For example. Rather than using 'jnerberbsd23124', use a name like 'Jeermani'. And always use a capital letter at the start. This is because many people who trade their pets, look for well named and sometimes the actual pet doesn't matter - only the name.
3. When you're new to marapets, your first thought is to make money. A good way to start is to play the flash games, which can be found on the tab 'Games' on the left hand side. Although you do not get much money for this, it is a start. Another way of making money is doing quests. The Snowman in Biala is a good one to start with ( because it is simple and the items the snowman asks for are not very expensive.
Please mail me if there is anything you need to know, I'm always happy to help