Fate 2024
1 year, 2 months & 6 days ago

6th Jan 2024 15:37
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Red Ike Plushie
Enchanted Red Ike Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Minipet Arinya Plushie
Enchanted Minipet Arinya Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Navy Ike Potion
Navy Ike Potion is now in your Items
Favolos was just about to eat Tootoo but is now full
Lemnkey is now in your Items
Tootoo is now in your Items
You have completed the Vortex Park Reservoir Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to Vortex Park Reservoir
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Mummy Ike Plushie
Enchanted Mummy Ike Plushie is now in your Items
Pliger is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Gold Arinya Potion
Gold Arinya Potion is now in your Items
Guide fed Favolos Giant Violet Crocus
£1 Account Upgrade Credit
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Maroon Rusty Plushie
Enchanted Maroon Rusty Plushie is now in your Items
You have completed the 2024 Easter Egg Hunt
Honeycomb Glowing Egg
Honeycomb Glowing Egg
£1 Account Upgrade Credit
These are now in your Items
You can now collect your Easter Eggs from your Easter Basket
The ants outnumbered you but you still grabbed a prize
Antony is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Starry Viotto Plushie
Enchanted Starry Viotto Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Maroon Astro Plushie
Enchanted Maroon Astro Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for buying Digital Ercuw Potion for 7 Dukka Coins
Digital Ercuw Potion is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Pink Huthiq Plushie
Enchanted Pink Huthiq Plushie is now in your Items
You have completed the Venomous Victory Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to the Venomous Victory feature
Love Arinya Potion
Green Crystal Glowing Egg
You have completed level 50 of the Slater Park Goals
£2 Account Upgrade Credits
Favolos was just about to eat Slicker but is now full
Slicker is now in your Items
Wow! You dug up a rare artifact
One Hundred Dukka Coin is now in your Items
You have completed the Puny Pyramid Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to Puny Pyramid
You have completed the Bootleg Pyramid Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to Bootleg Pyramid
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Orange Viotto Potion
Orange Viotto Potion is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Invisible Basil Plushie
Enchanted Invisible Basil Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for buying the Once-in-a-Decadal Account Upgrade Set
You selected the Enchanted Plushie Set and the main prize was Enchanted Party Decadal Plushie
The Once-in-a-Decadal Account Upgrade Set items are now in your Items-
You have completed the Alien Pyramid Treasure Map
You now have lifetime access to Alien Pyramid
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Bronze Arinya Plushie
Enchanted Bronze Arinya Plushie is now in your Items
Guide is now Lightning Vlad
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Checkered Eyru Potion
Checkered Eyru Potion is now in your Items
Happy Maraween! You won Cursed Costume
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Blue Crikey Plushie
Enchanted Blue Crikey Plushie is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Yellow Viotto Potion
Yellow Viotto Potion is now in your Items
Eww! You just stepped in Toy Ushunda Potion
Toy Ushunda Potion
Toy Ushunda Potion
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Navy Rusty Potion
Navy Rusty Potion is now in your Items
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Lilac Lorius Potion
Lilac Lorius Potion is now in your Items
Eww! You just stepped in Gnome Ushunda Potion
Gnome Ushunda Potion
Gnome Ushunda Potion
Thank you for finishing my Mission on time
Enchanted Glass Basil Plushie
Enchanted Glass Basil Plushie is now in your Items
Eww! You just stepped in Sparkle Ushunda Potion
Sparkle Ushunda Potion
Sparkle Ushunda Potion
These are now in your Items