My One on One, or Forum Role Play Characters
16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago

8th Jan 2009 06:16
Name: Raynie Dobie (Ray-knee Doe-bee)
Gender: Female
Age/Birthday: 17/August 24
Height/Weight: 5'6"/121 lbs.
Eyes: Light blue with a white-rimmed pupil
Hair: Long, ebony, back-thigh length, with a neck length, layered bang over the left eye.
Origin: Ireland
Element: Wind
Hobbies: Riding her horse Lucky, reading, studying things, singing, playing instruments, art, sport
Personality: Raynie is extremely intelligent, well-put-together, balanced, and can do a million things at once. She???s loving and caring, and she is always in some sort of mess helping someone else. She's strong and charismatic, but she loves being nice. She is a very quiet, kept-to-herself, and independent person. She's quite the pushover, but if you do it for too long she tends to lash out and become violent. She'll warn you first.
Appearance: Raynie loves wearing mid-thigh length, black, cotton I think I Smelltail dresses, unless she's training, riding her horse, or doing some other activity which invokes clothing of certain style. She usually has her extremely long hair pulled into a tight ponytail that stands on top of her head. Her finger nails are long and sharp like claws and painted black all the time. Her feet are very petite, and her bust is quite large compared to her size. Her shoulders are small, and her face is oval and thin, she has high cheek bones, and little tan freckles that dot just under her eyes and on her small, short, almost perfect nose.
Extra: Raynie never had a family because her mother and father were killed when she was about seven. It made her a very independent, kept-to-herself person; it also made her the type of person that likes to make everyone else happy because she lived with her aunt, who despised her parents, that made her life miserable if she didn't obey.
Name: Rei Hartnett (Ray Heart-net)
Gender: Female
Age/Birthday: 19/June 27
Height/Weight: 5'5"/103 lbs.
Eyes: Light green with brown flecks
Hair: Light blonde, with white strips of natural highlights
Origin: Scotland
Element: Water
Hobbies: Sports and music
Personality: Rei isn't very loud, but she isn't quiet either. She's caring and loving, but will put up a fight. She's never used because she doesn't give people the chance to use her. She can be violent and mean when it's needed, and she cannot stand pushovers.
Appearance: Rei has mid-back length, layered, thick blondish-white hair, light green and brown flecked eyes, and is really thin and well-toned. She has a small bust, but is gorgeous. She has tight legs and muscles.
Extra: Rei loves running, writing poems and lyrics, and swimming. She spends most her time in the gym practicing or working out. She plays soccer, volley ball, runs track, is on the swim team, and basketball. She watches football every time she gets the chance, and she can lift over 175 pounds.
Name: Toren Vas'Verez (Tore-In Vas-Vair-Ez)
Gender: Female
Age/Birthday: 16/October 28
Height/Weight: 5'8"/129 lbs.
Eyes: Golden-Hazel
Hair: Bright Red
Origin: Australia
Element: Fire
Hobbies: Karate
Personality: Toren is really outspoken, kind of noisy when it's needed, and loves helping others. She is kind of annoying sometimes and needs to be around people who can tolerate her.
Appearance: Toren has mid-to-lower-back length, layered, thick bright red hair, Golden-Hazel kind of round and oval shaped eyes, and is really thin and well-toned. She has a medium bust, and is beautiful. She has tight well-toned muscles.
Extra: She loves being alone most the time because she's independent, and hates a really big group of people. She loves her space, and hates most women. She usually only hangs out with guys, and can't stand noisy people; quite ironic.
Name: Kai Ling (Kye Leeng)
Gender: Female
Age/Birthday: 18/March 30
Height/Weight: 5'4"/98 lbs.
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dyed Caramel Brown with Honey Brown streaks
Origin: China
Element: Earth
Hobbies: Kick Boxing
Personality: Kai is very loud, kind of obnoxious, and extremely BiPolar. She can go from happy to mad in a split second, and she's extremely violent. She also loves to be around girls.
Appearance: Kai has short length, cropped, thick Caramel Brown hair, dark brown eyes, and is really thin and well-toned. She also has a small bust, but is quite gorgeous. She has a kind of big build, but isn't at all manly.
Extra: Kai is extremely boyish--although she's pretty and looks girly--and hates to shop. She hates her family, and she moved out as soon as she turned eighteen. She lives all by herself, and she goes through guys like shoes; quickly--mostly because of her high expectations.
Name: Michael Angel (My-Kul Ane-Gul)
Gender: Male
Age/Birthday: 19/August 18
Height/Weight: 6'5"/221 lbs.
Eyes: Light Green with a black-rimmed pupil
Hair: Shoulder length, ebony hair with bangs over his face.
Origin: Ireland
Element: Wind
Hobbies: Riding his horse Medallion, reading, studying things, singing, playing instruments, art, sports
Personality: Michael is extremely intelligent, well put together, balanced, and can do a million things at once. He is loving and caring, and is always in some sort of mess helping someone else. He's strong and charismatic, but loves being nice. He is a very quiet, kept-to-himself, and an independent person. He's doesn't take anything from anyone, and he won't tolerate being used, people using the ones he loves, and he will lash out.
Appearance: Michael's oval shaped face is pale, soft, and chiseled. He has the smallest freckles which line under his eyes and on his forehead. His long hair is raven black, and it comes just above his shoulders. He has facial hair, and he's usually too lazy to shave it. His outfits are usually really dark, and he always finds somehow to imitate Brandon Lee on the Crow.
Extra: Michael never had a real family because his mother was killed by his father when he was about nine. It made him a very independent, kept-to-himself, and quiet person; it also made him the type of person that likes to make everyone else happy because he lived with his grandma--after his father had gone to jail--who despised him--that made his life miserable if he didn't say or do something perfect.
Name: Lucus DeVon (Lue-Kus De-Vawn)
Gender: Male
Age/Birthday: 21/April 27
Height/Weight: 6'7"/233 lbs.
Eyes: Light blue with black and white flecks
Hair: Light brown and upper-back length.
Origin: Scotland
Element: Water
Hobbies: Sports, animals, and music
Personality: Lucus isn't very loud, but he isn't quiet either. He's caring and loving, but will put up a fight. He's never used because he doesn't give people the chance to use him. He can be violent and mean when it's needed, and he cannot stand pushovers.
Appearance: Lucus has upper-back length, layered, thick light brown hair; light blue, black and white flecked eyes, and is really slender and well-toned. He has a large frame and is extremely-toned, but he's also gorgeous.
Extra: Lucus loves running, writing poems and lyrics, and swimming. He spends most his time in the gym practicing or working out. He plays soccer, base ball, runs track, is on the swim team, and basketball. He watches football every time he gets the chance, and he can lift over 375 pounds.
Name: Ashton Fellows (Ash-Tin Fell-Os)
Gender: Male
Age/Birthday: 17/November 28
Height/Weight: 6'2"/209 lbs.
Eyes: Honey Brown
Hair: Bright Red, straight, ear length
Origin: Australia
Element: Fire
Hobbies: Karate
Personality: Ashton is really outspoken, kind of noisy when it's needed, and loves helping others. He is kind of mean sometimes and needs to be around people who can tolerate him.
Appearance: Ashton has ear-length, layered, thick bright red hair, Honey-Brown kind of round and oval shaped eyes, and is really slender and well-toned. He has larges muscles, and he is beautiful.
Extra: Ashton loves being alone most the time because he's independent, and he hates a really big group of people. He loves his space, and he hates most men. He usually only hangs out with girls, and he can't stand noisy people; quite ironic.
Name: Tokoshi Yokanowa (Toe-Ka-Shee Yah-Kah-Now-A)
Gender: Male
Age/Birthday: 18/January 30
Height/Weight: 6'2"/198 lbs.
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black shoulder-length
Origin: China
Element: Earth
Hobbies: Kick Boxing, karate, and Tai kwon do.
Personality: Tokoshi is very quiet--almost mute--and extremely BiPolar. He can go from happy to mad in a split second, and he's extremely violent when mad. He also loves to be around girls.
Appearance: Tokoshi has short length, cropped, thick Black hair, dark brown eyes, and is really slender and well-toned. He also has a broader frame, but he is also quite gorgeous. He has a kind of big build, but he is really manly.
Extra: Tokoshi--on a good day--is extremely playful--although he's mean--and loves to mess with people. He hates his family, and he moved out as soon as he turned eighteen. He lives all by himself, and he goes through girls like his mood; quickly--mostly because of his high expectations.