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  1. Pet Lending
    21st Jun 2008 07:18
    16 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  2. Photoboothmodel
    13th May 2008 01:11
    16 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
  3. Achievements ( Or Random Good Luck )
    9th May 2008 10:17
    16 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
Pet Lending
16 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
21st Jun 2008 07:18

Lending Ghost, Armoured, Halloween, Snow, Elf & Eleka Pets.

All Pets 8,000MP to Borrow. (Including Tip)

Just MM me with which Pet you'd like to Borrow, and offer on one of my Gumball Trades.

I appologise for lack of Information on Forum Thread. I have Ghost Post Glitch.

16 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
13th May 2008 01:11

I created a pet, specifically with the intention of changing Species and Colour to take photos for my album. I decided to sell copies as well as Portaling him, just for fun in between. Here is his history:

1. Created as a Blue Addow (Photo worth 1,990 MP)
2. Portaled to a Lightning Fasoro (No Photo available)
3. Changed back to Green Addow with Enchanted Plushie (This One Hurt)(Photo worth 2,710 MP)
4. Portaled to a Silver Bolimo (No Photo Available)
5. Portaled to Yellow Bolimo (Photo worth 1,410 MP)
6. Potioned to Orange Equilor (To satisfy Dukka Goals)(Photo worth 6,625 MP)
7. Portaled to Millionaire Equilor (No Photo Available)
8. Portaled to Red Equilor (Photo Worth 1638 MP)
9. Portaled to Red Fasoro (Photo not Available)
10. Portaled to Yellow Fasoro (Photo not Available)
11. Portaled to Elf Fasoro (Photo not Available)
12. Portaled back to Yellow Fasoro (Photo still not Available)
13. Portaled to Camouflage Murfin (Photo not Available)
14. Portaled to School Reese (Photo not Available)
15. Portaled to Orange Grint (Photo worth 7,598 MP)
15. Portaled to Pink Grint (Photo worth 2,995 MP)

Achievements ( Or Random Good Luck )
16 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
9th May 2008 10:17

Santa Claws Trading Card & 25,000 MP from FIRST Santa Claws Quest.

20,000 BP from Goldmine Scratchcard.

25,000 MP from Pirates Pearl Scratchcard.

100 Dukka Coin from Captains Loot Scratchcard.

100,000MP Jackpot from Pirates Pearl Scratchcard.

35,000 RP from Dukka Riches Scratchcard.

Santa Claws Trading Card & 25,000 MP from 45th Santa Claws Quest.

20,000 MP from Burried Treasure Scratchcard.

30,000 RP from Goldmine Scratchcard.

15,000 RP from Dukka Town Surprise Scratchcard.

250 Dukka Coin From Dukka Slot Machine.

Snowman Twin Trading Card & 25,000 MP on 90th Snowman Quest.

Snowman Twin Trading Card & 25,000 MP on 104th Snowman Quest. :-)
Same Day!!!!

Santa Claws Trading Card & 25,000 MP from 113th Santa Claws Quest.:-)

Santa Claws Trading Card & 25,000 MP from 157th Santa Claws Quest. :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)

Santa Claws Trading Card & 25,000 MP from 190th Santa Claws Quest. :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
Same Day!!!!

Snowman Twin Trading Card & 25,000 MP on 242nd Snowman Quest.

Enchanted Red Oglue Plushie from Plushie Machine... Only One In Mara at that time. :-)

  1. Pet Lending
    21st Jun 2008 07:18
    16 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  2. Photoboothmodel
    13th May 2008 01:11
    16 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
  3. Achievements ( Or Random Good Luck )
    9th May 2008 10:17
    16 years, 10 months & 8 days ago