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  1. About me (updated)
    10th Jul 2009 11:56
    15 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  2. Quiz Results. (:
    17th Jun 2009 18:26
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  3. Remember these Lexi..
    16th Jun 2009 15:49
    15 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  4. Pictures on Internet (please come sign!
    15th Jun 2009 13:47
    15 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  5. Cinnamon
    18th May 2009 15:01
    15 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
  6. Black-my Edward Cullen
    5th May 2009 18:14
    15 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
  7. Good Kisser
    30th Apr 2009 18:48
    15 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  8. Staff and a note for friends and staff at end
    6th Apr 2009 18:05
    15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  9. Meh Buddies
    15th Mar 2009 13:22
    15 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  10. 38 things us girls don't realize... :/
    25th Feb 2009 19:15
    16 years & 16 days ago
About me (updated)
15 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
10th Jul 2009 11:56

My name is alexis
don't you ever call me that
i prefer lexi
or lex
rare times i am called sexi lexi
or lexi pexi
i don't care what i'm called
as long as it's not alex
my stupid library teacher calls me that
she is reatarded
i am smarter then most people
i am in honors
yesh you can be jealous
i am the oldest of my three siblings
meh b-day is april 15
i am a tax day baby <3
i can be rude
don't get on my bad side
i am happily enagaged to skibbi
check my profile for a picture
we are having a baby
theelectroguy gets one of my babies
i talk, alot
i hate waking up early
night is the best time
i hate eating
during the summer i eat dinner
that is pretty much it
eating should be illegal
i am jealous of my sister
she can eat anything and not gain weight
i have three computers
my dad says i broke one
even though i didn't. xD
they are all dells
i like to swim
it is lotsa fun
i have a pool..
i love the twilight series
i don't know which i like more werewolves or vampires
i'll go with switzerland
i like to run
i am a good sprinter
even though im not the best
i did track
the season is over now
i did shot put and discus
i also ran a practice sprint
for never practicing a sprint
i got 5th outta 8th
i also sprained my ankle that day
very fun
my mom is younger then all my friend's moms
it is quite weird being so close to age with my mom
especially since she has a my space and i don't
i have a cell phone
no i won't text you unless i know you irl
i won't give you my e-mail
for i got in trouble before.
yesh i have an attitude
my best friends are morgan and bella
they are my sisters
i used to hate bella
i can speak some spanish
my daddy has taken spanish all through highschool
yesh i call my dad my 'daddy'
i am a daddy's girl
i lurf scary movies
i am currently watching unborn
my parents are still married
they have been together since they were fourteen
no they were not married at fourteen
they got married when they were about twentyish
i was a flowergirl in the wedding
no i don't care if you think that is weird
my whole family is weird
my sister and i are two years apart
my brother and i are ten years apart
i love my family very much
my grandma, great grandpa, aunt, and cousins all live next door to me
yesh we are very close
i practically live at my grandma's
my cousins are always over here
i have a very large family
i don't know half of my family
my great grandma died when i was seven
my rabbit died may 18
i have three dogs
they are very lovely
they get along well
one is 10 and her name is ally
my other dog is name rosco he is like 8
jazmin is my puppy she is likeeee 8 months or something
i really like music
i like pretty much every kind
yes my friends and i are strange
we make songs that make fun of kids at school
no i don't care if you think that's weird
I am in love with a vampire
No it is NOT Edward Cullen
I love Black
He is my Edward Cullen
Except he doesn't watch me sleep
That's just creepy
He is a perfectly normal vampire
No watching innocent humans sleep
Okay so he is only normal
because he isn't like Edward
He doesn't watch me sleep
that I know of.
Night has MPD
which I believe is sexiii
it makes me lurv him even more
so ja
be jealous you don't have an almost normal vampire who has MPD xD

that's it...
i think

Quiz Results. (:
15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
17th Jun 2009 18:26

What shoe am I: Bowling Shoe

What kind of Icecream am I?: Mint Chip

What fruit am I: A Banana

Am I technology obbsessed: You are very, very obsessed.(not good...)

What color should my room be: Green

What is my future carreer?: A CAREER THAT'S PEOPLE-ORIENTED

What is my summer going to be like: You'll do whatever you feel like!

What pattern am I: Checkered

What kind of shopper am I: Money Minder

What kind of celebrity I am: Household Name

What kind of friend am I: I don't quit

Remember these Lexi..
15 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
16th Jun 2009 15:49

Pictures on Internet (please come sign!
15 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
15th Jun 2009 13:47

Okay you guys. If you want to put up your pictures of yourself on the internet,fine with me. But you guys are getting all upset because people are saying what they think about you. You asked for their opinion by putting your picture up here. So it's your fault. Honestly, if you don't want to be put down because of your picture,then don't put it on here! It's as simple as that.

If you agree with this,please sign your name.

15 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
18th May 2009 15:01

This morning, my rabbit,Cinnamon,was put to sleep. She had some good years with us,she was eight years old. I had her since she was a few months old. It was very hard for us but I know she will be okay now.
I love her with all my heart and no one can ever replace her.
She loved eating cabbage and playing hide-and-go-seek under my bed. She acted like she understood the game. I would count and let her out of her cage. Then she would go run and hide behind things under my bed. She also loved cabbage,lettuce,carrots,and hay. Sometimes she ate her bedding too...
Even though she never let my hold her,except when I first got her,I still laid down next to her and would talk to her. She would listen just like any normal person would. She bit me a few times but it was worth it. I deserved it some of the times. She was the best bunny, even though she was my first. When my friend's aunt found out,she took me over and talked to me. This is what she said.'Do you know why pets don't live long?'she asked. I shook my head.'God gave us them so we have something to love. Even though they don't live a long time, we still love them. God wanted us to love our pets no matter what. And to keep them in our hearts forever.'
After my friend's aunt told me this,I was crying. She was right and I knew that. She taught me a lesson that day. She taught me that pets don't just die because it's their time. Pets die because God wants us to still love them. We didn't have very long time with them but we still loved them.

C utest rabbit in the world
I will never have a replacement for you
N o other rabbit can compare to you
N ot an ordinary rabbit
A lways in my heart
M any greay years spent together
O ne and only rabbit in my heart
N ever will forget you

  1. About me (updated)
    10th Jul 2009 11:56
    15 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  2. Quiz Results. (:
    17th Jun 2009 18:26
    15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  3. Remember these Lexi..
    16th Jun 2009 15:49
    15 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  4. Pictures on Internet (please come sign!
    15th Jun 2009 13:47
    15 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
  5. Cinnamon
    18th May 2009 15:01
    15 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
  6. Black-my Edward Cullen
    5th May 2009 18:14
    15 years, 10 months & 6 days ago
  7. Good Kisser
    30th Apr 2009 18:48
    15 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
  8. Staff and a note for friends and staff at end
    6th Apr 2009 18:05
    15 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  9. Meh Buddies
    15th Mar 2009 13:22
    15 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  10. 38 things us girls don't realize... :/
    25th Feb 2009 19:15
    16 years & 16 days ago