to newbies
16 years, 2 months & 1 day ago

12th Jan 2009 10:09
Hello and welcome to marapets.
It???s fun and easy to play, to get mp (money) play games and send your score, you can send your score three times a day for each game.
There are several things that you could win items or mp from here is a list of the URL for them all:
(This randomly changes the species or costume of your pet and can be used once a day)
(You could win rare keys, dukka coins or mp. This can be done once a day)
(If you???re lucky you could win a free cracker)
(Guess which grave the bolimo is in and win mp)
(Click a patch of mud and you could get a worm or mp this can be done once every 3 hours)
(Get free clothing from here once a day)