things the Twilight characters should never say!
15 years, 7 months & 19 days ago

23rd Jul 2009 14:22
okaay so add some if you wish in the comments
1. Bella: u know what? now that Edward has left, I still have a chance with Mike
2. Renesmee-: why the hell did you give me such a s*h*i*t name mommy ?
3. Bella: HAHA, ROSALIE! I have a kid and YOU don't!! Na-Na-Na-Boo-Boo!!! HAHA!!
4. the voultri: let's join the cullen clan and become vegetarians!! yay!!
5. "Renesme bites Jake" Jake- OW!! B****!! get your F****** fangs off of me!
6. Edward: Bella I'm The only one who sparkles. If you wanna know it's true I'm g*a*y
7. Edward: you naming her what?
8. Rosalie: Sorry Emmett, I'm in love with Jasper
9. Renesmee: Jake I'm leaving you for mike newton
Jake: It's okay, I cheated on you with Jessica Stanley.
10. Renesmee: Jake I'm leaving you for mike newton
Jake: It's okay, I cheated on you with Jessica Stanley
11. Bella: I'm going clubbing with Victoria!
12. Bella: God!, i miss James *cries*
13. Jasper: Let's go down to La Push!
Alice: Okay, I heard the weather will be nice!
14. Edward: Bella, I'm leaving you for Angela.
15. Alice:I love you Edward*Jasper walks in*
Jasper:I knew it you stupid little future teller*Edward kicks both Alice's and Jasper's face*
Edward:Well I'm in love with Rosalie.*Bella walks in*
Bella: You're mean Because I'm in Love with Rosalie
Renesmee:Mommmy, daddy Jacob Died Cliff jumping!
16. Edward: what the bloody hell?!?! Charlise cheated on Esme for Leah!?!?
Bella: I knew it!
17. Edward to Bella: there was this really hot chick at the mall today
18. Dr. Carlisle: Marry me, Bella?
19. Alice: I love OLD GREGG, I may even turn him vampire with me
20. Emmet: Violence is NOT the answer.
21. Jacob to Bella: "Bella, I think we should see other people."
Bella: "We already are."
22. Esme to Stephenie Meyer: "Breaking Dawn sucked."
23. Charlie to Bella (on the phone): "Let's talk boys! Are you being safe?"
24. Alice: *in a vision* "Harry Potter dies? WTF NOOO!!!"
25. Bella to Edward: the truth is, I'm in love with Harry Potter!
26. Edward to Bella; Bella, i slept with your mom!
27. Edward to Bella
Edward : Bella, i slept with your mom
Bell : well i slept with Carlisle......and Esme ...... at the same time.
28. Edward (looking in a mirror) : Like OMG i seriously need to get a tan..
29. Rosalie : Do i look Orange ?
30. Esme : I HATE YOU ALL, I'm moving out!
31. Rosalie : *sobs* I'm fat!
32. Edward to Bella : Bella, the truth is Victoria isn't dead in fact i have been having an affair with her.